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Certification Course on - Reducing Exam Stress




Skill Level

1+ hours







CareerGuide’s ‘  Certification Course on – Reducing Exam Stress is a  self-paced online professional certification course with lifetime access. This will help provide you with curriculum with the help of different Case Studies, Scenarios, FAQs & Quizzes. The program has everything to make you an effective professional

How this course helps you

This course includes

Learning Path

Introduction – Certification Course On – Reducing Exam Stress

Activities for Certification Course on – Reducing Exam Stress

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- About the Instructor


I help individuals to become their best version.

Ruja Sutaria is Mcom, CA, CFP by profession and an Educator, a Certified Career Analyst & Life-skill trainer by choice.
She has over 15 years of experience in the field of education and finance. She have been a visiting faculty at various institutes teaching Accountancy, Finance, and Taxation at UG and PG levels. She have also conducted several financial awareness/literacy workshops and given coaching to CFP/CA students.
But her passion to train kids has put her in a different segment. Currently, She offer counselling to kids and adults through psychometric assessment & conduct financial literacy/awareness & Life-skill workshops for teenagers/adults.
Years of Experience
0 +
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