Graduation Party Do’s and Don’ts

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The world is full of unspoken expectations and unwritten rules. One of the best ways to fast-track yourself to success is by spotting these seemingly invisible guidelines. However, by the time you begin your career, you should already have some sense of how to operate under the confines of customs, gestures, and etiquette.

Fortunately, most of these lessons are learned in school, especially during a four-year-long stint at university. What’s more, the learning experience doesn’t end with your final exams. There’s still one last stretch of ground to cover before embarking on a lifetime of deciphering the code of cultural norms: graduation.

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With this in mind, let’s briefly go over some basic do’s and don’ts of planning a graduation party:

Implement safety measures

In a world still getting rocked by the COVID-19 pandemic, the first order of business should be making the necessary preparations for ensuring the health and safety of all guests. Consider using outdoor event space as a way to safely celebrate your graduation and all the hard work they did to reach that milestone. Other ways to protect the health and safety of guests include temperature screening tents, physical distancing, and opting for individually packaged foods and beverages.


Don’t wait until the last minute

It’s always a good idea to mail out event invitations as soon as possible. While a month before the party is considered acceptable, six weeks to three months is ideal. The last thing you want to do is wait until the last minute to let everyone know there’s a graduation party in the works. That’s a great way to ensure only a handful of people actually show up.

Stick to a budget

Celebratory event spending can quickly get out of control. Rather than charge now and assess the bill later, develop a strict budget and stick to it going forward. Doing so keeps costs down and keeps the party from exceeding the socially accepted level of celebration for such an occasion. While graduating from college is something to be recognized, it’s not a wedding or a retirement. There’s no need to spend a fortune by planning an extravagant event.

college graduation, graduation party budget

Don’t expect gifts

Another unwritten rule about graduation parties is never tell guests to come bearing gifts. In fact, this is a rule you should follow for any celebration. Simply tell them their presence is itself a present. While they can still bring gifts (see below), they aren’t obligated to do so, meaning there’s less pressure to meet expectations and more incentive to relax and have fun.

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Accept gifts if given

If guests decide to bring gifts, the graduate may want to refuse due to what was mentioned in the previous section. However, there’s nothing wrong with graciously accepting graduation gifts. There’s a good chance many guests will decide to bring presents despite getting told it wasn’t necessary, so be prepared.


Don’t forget to send thank you cards

Whether they gave you gifts or not, every guest ought to receive a thank you card in the mail. It’s common courtesy, especially for those who took the trouble to travel a long distance to be there.

Return the favor

Hall of Fame catcher Yogi Berra once said, “Always go to other people’s funerals, otherwise they won’t come to yours.” Silly yogisms aside, the man had a good point. Whether it’s a bar mitzvah, wedding, or another graduation party, make an effort to attend if the person came to yours. Furthermore, if that individual provided a gift, do the same.

By the time they launch their career, everyone should have a basic understanding of customs, etiquette, protocol, and other cornerstones of social interaction. It begins way back in kindergarten then comes to a head in college. However, given the way things change and evolve, it continues for the rest of your life.

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