Content writing – career and scope

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Great content is the need of the hour, creating valuable content benefits both, the producer as well as the consumer.

An astonishing 98% of all marketing teams say written content is the most widely used content type in the industry (research result of the state of content marketing, 2019).

Content writing is a skill-based career and there is a growing demand for skilled web content writers on the internet as much that it has become the backbone of an industry.

What is content writing?

Content marketing refers to professional writing that includes planning, writing and editing web content typically for digital marketing purposes.

 The main goal of content marketing is usually targeted towards a specific audience that is most receptive to their well-crafted messages.

Content writing includes writing blogs posts and articles, scripts for videos and podcasts as well as content for specific platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, Instagram and Facebook.

content writing

What does a content writer do?

To put it simply, content writers are professionals who write online content.

Some writers are skilled in a wide range of writing styles and topics and tones, while others specialise in writing for a niche topic.

Content writers are everywhere – they are employed by private companies, or government bodies, and by themselves as freelancers.

Scope of content writing

Some most common types of content writers are –

Blog writers

Blog writers are masters of creating conversational and engaging content.

They know how to lure their audience and keep them engaged. Like journalists, blog writers do lots and lots of research to produce high quality, engaging content that the hiring organisation wants.

Writers understand the importance of SEO, SERPs, and digital marketing, and include all these factors in their work.


Copywriters are like wizards of words, experienced in crafting a copy of content that chants its readers and gets hold of their minds.

They are well versed in countless topics and strategies designed to engage a specific audience.

The kind of content a copywriter produces may include site articles, product descriptions, infographics, sales collateral and blog posts.

They do know how to sell, it’s their superpower.

5.1.4 writing


Literally, they are ghosts in the world of writing, not having any specific style or tone of their own, they are highly experienced and skilled in writing for different tones and voices to match existing contents of the project offered by companies, business owners, and authors. Those who don’t have time or have limited time and resources appoint a ghostwriter to write on their behalf.

They also write ebooks, articles, white papers and other forms of content.

Brand journalists

Like brand ambassadors are the face of an organisation, brand journalists are the heart of an organisation.

They are storytellers and make sure that the values, ethics and works are shown in a way that increases the audience with the brand.

They are the people who create a bond between a company and the audience.

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Technical writers

Technical writers are those writers who have expert level knowledge of scientific concepts. Dead scale involves turning highly technical topics into easily understood writing pieces.

The style of writing is extremely detailed and methodical while creating articles, guides, manuals, books and FAQs.

Social media writers

Social media writers are like social butterflies on the internet, who must stay up-to-date on the latest trends, happenings and changes to social media.

Their work involves creating engaging content for a variety of social media platforms.

They know how to create content that attracts attention, goes viral, produces buzz and sales.

content writing

Script writers

Scriptwriters are multimedia writers who excelled at storytelling.

They write content for videos and podcasts, sometimes they have some experience in screenwriting and write scripts for feature films, television, youtube and other platforms.

E-mail Writers

An Email writer creates content for marketing emails.

E-male writers know the art of persuasion very well, encouraging subscribers to take action on the email content.

They use clear, actionable and personalized language to watch the target audience with an ultimate goal of selling.

Forms of content writing

We read till now what is content writing, who are content writers and what are the most popular jobs for content writers?

Now we will see the most popular forms of content writing –

  • Blogging
  • E-books writing
  • Newsletters
  • White paper writing
  • Creative writing
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing
  • Web content
  • Journalistic and public relations writing

Content writing is a field where you can be your own boss, it is very different from traditional jobs, you can be in your slippers, sipping your morning coffee on your couch and still be working. It gives you freedom and flexibility with diverse work requirements and creativity.

If you have a knack for writing or even if you don’t but want to explore the field, go on, it is a skill that you will get better at eventually with some study and practice.

– Manisha Yadav

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