Managing Student Life During The Covid-19 Pandemic

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Since the beginning of the Covid-19 Pandemic, the lives of students have taken a sharp turn. New challenges have across their lives and new ways have also been discovered to make these challenges look easy. However, with all the twists and turns, student’s life is still facing a lot of challenges and not every one of us has completely cope up with it. Here is the list of tips for students to manage their lives amidst the Covid-19 Pandemic.

Limit Consumption of Daily News

In case you’re feeling down in light of negative news, make it a propensity to decrease your daily news consumption to once per day or even less than that. Try to focus on things that can effectively have a positive impact. For instance, start another venture or project you wanted to accomplish for quite a while. You can also try out doing something new like learning a new language, a new recipe, and so on.

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Admit Less Productivity

With things getting grimmer around us, you are bound to feel low at several points in time. Do not try to stress yourself thinking that you are not doing anything productive or you are wasting your time. There are times when you just need to relax, you don’t necessarily need to do meaningful as mental health also matters. Sit back, do whatever excites you, relax and then bounce back stronger so that you can focus better.

Productive corona

Maintain a Routine

As things around us are completely uncertain, we are tending to get deviated by many instances. Due to this, it is suggested for people, especially for students to follow a routine that includes their day-to-day work. The routine should not just include things that are necessary or things which you need to compulsorily do. You need to equally balance your leisure time to follow a healthy lifestyle. Include time for yourself, your academics, your co-curricular activities, or anything that gives you joy and satisfaction.


Avoid Unwanted Distractions

Distractions are the deadly potholes on the path of success. Distractions have many forms and almost every distraction will divert you towards the wrong way. For students, the main form of distraction includes technology. As classes or rather a life is working online, eliminating technology is impossible. However, students need to be focused enough to use the technology rightly. There are many scams which take place online like; scams including money or finances, scam including fake love (quite prominent on social media or dating sites), and so on. To stay out of all these, students are advised to be mentally sound while handling the technology.

Stay Connected to Your Academics

As the pandemic has hit hard, many students are found to cut down their relationship with academics. Do not do this as this could cost you a lot in near future. We all understand that online classes will not be able to match the liveliness to that of physical classes but compromising with academics is completely unjust. Try accessing different material if you do not understand certain concepts in online classes or you can also try watching out recorded sessions later at your own pace to have a better understanding of different concepts.


Stay Connected to Your Friends and Family

We need the support of our loved ones in these tough situations and thereby staying connected to them is the only way to stay strong and effectively get out of this grim situation. Whilst focusing on your academic or personal life, do stay connected with your family too. Speak to them quite often, cherish old memories, have something together, etc. These activities will not only lighten your mood but will also keep your parents mentally well. You can also try out a few online multiplayer games with your friends or have sessions of video chat with them.

Struggling To Manage Work From Home ?

Enrol in Some Online Courses

The world may have stopped physically but the hustle is on. With the lockdown in place, job opportunities have narrowed down and therefore, one needs to be extremely skilled to occupy a job position. With every passing day, the world is getting more competitive and hence to prove your worth, you should be skilled enough. Your usual syllabus will not be sufficient when it comes to real-time working situations and therefore the recruiter will search for something out of the box. Lockdown could be the best time to get enrolled in any of the online courses of your choice and accomplish it.

Online Courses tutor

Try Getting an Internship

Several organisations are offering virtual internships for different roles. One should try to get an internship to understand the market scenario and what a company expects from their employees. Few internships are paid as well, which gives you the chance of earning your pocket money out while gaining experience for the future.

By: Subham Har

Also Read: Covid-19: Some Important Tips

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