What is Digital Marketing?

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The art of getting customers for a business via online and digital mediums, has so many topics under it such as social media, search engines, email marketing, content marketing, mobile marketing, and the list goes on and on and so on.

Digital marketing is much more complex than traditional marketing like newspaper, tv radio, and magazine ads and that is why digital marketing experts are in high demand.

Why is Digital Marketing the Next Big Thing?

What is the hype around the digital marketing thing, people use to consume content via newspaper tv radio, and magazines but now people consume content via Facebook. They catch up with their friends and family they discover news on facebook.

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Instead of watching TV, they use youtube and instead of newspapers, they read blogs. Thus the change in consumer behavior is the reason why digital marketing is on rising we have to advertise where people hang out and companies need digital marketing experts to help them manage their ad campaigns.

And if you are running a digital marketing agency they will easily pay 10 percent of the total campaign spend in the agency fees or on the salary. India is the second-largest internet user base according to Wikipedia. It is only next to China with 426 million internet users and thus it is more than the USA.

Also, other reports say that internet users in India will grow by at least 5 crores. Digital marketing spins are huge in many developed economies, for example, in the USA digital marketing spend alone accounted for 37 per cent of the total ad spending and when you look at china nearly 40 per cent of all advertising is spent on digital marketing.

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What’s our Opportunity in Digital Marketing?

We know that that this is a growing field but how can we make use of this trend and what can we benefit from this it can help you over personal branding and getting jobs and entrepreneurship. We can help other companies or a consulate or as an employee when we have the expertise and we can use this knowledge to build our own business and of course, marketing is the most important component in any business

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Jobs and Opportunities?

In India, there are plenty of jobs in the digital marketing files because it is a new field and a lot of companies need expertise digital marketing there are not enough people in the market and jobs is one of the highest-paid jobs in the work field. If you go and search managers related to digital making you a see 500 to 1000 jobs in India for this position


Who Much do these Jobs Pay?

For freshers, the salary starts from Rs 3.6 lakhs/year sometimes Rs 4.5/5 Lakhs/year. For 5-10 years of experience, the salary ranges from 12-20 lakh. For more than 10+years it ranges from Rs 20 to Rs 50 lakh per year. Some rare cases even 8- lakh to 1 crore per year.

Not interested in a job!

Use the knowledge to build your business, start a side business and bring a consistent stream of income like video and niche blogging. You can do consultant and charge clients on the platform to help them with strategies.

Who can Learn Digital Marketing?

Anyone can learn it the subject of study doesn’t matter at all you don’t need a tech background or coding and programming. You can learn after class 12th the Std or during college or as an experienced professional. You only need a computer and internet connection to learn it

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How to Learn Digital Marketing?

The best way to learn is to self-learn with a guide. Books may not help you learn it because it is a fast-changing field. Digital marketing courses can help but they can cost Rs 50,000-70,000 for a normal course. You can learn from online youtube videos and free courses.

You can start with personal branding and a niche blog for your personal interest!

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Create online profiles drive traffic experiment and this blog will become a platform to learn digital marketing and experimenting with it. It may also bring income to you or thus alone could become something big off .you will only when you get started with it

What to Expect in a free Digital Course?

One will get an idea of what it actually is, moving to learn about different modules available as it is a vast ocean and there are so many verticals inside it.

By- Richa

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