Doctor’s day: All about doctors

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This pandemic has taught us how important doctors are. They save our lives, without thinking about day and night. India celebrates doctors day every year on 1 July. Now anyone can ask the question, why do we celebrate doctors day on 1 July 1st? Doctors are available for us 24×7,  why do we celebrate doctors day on just one day? Wait… Wait. We will clear you all queries. We have the answer to all your questions. So let’s go.. What are we waiting for?

Who is Doctor

A doctor is someone who is qualified in medicine and treats people who are ill. A doctor is someone who serve us 24×7.

What is MBBS

Whenever we talk about doctors we just render a work MBBS. What is MBBS. MBBS stands for Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery. The naming suggests that they are two separate degrees; however, in practice, they are usually treated as one and awarded together. Professionals holding MBBS degrees are referred to by the courtesy title of “Doctor” and use the prefix “Dr”.

Being a doctor is tough

The job of doctor is not easy. Studying to be a doctor required a lot of Hard Work. After completion of studying, doctors help others no matter if they want to or not. They have too. We can take an example of pandemic, so many doctors pass away and so many suffer from a lot but still be patient and stand in hospitals to serve the public. Apart from this if you have passion to become a doctor you can. Because the way is tough but your hard work can beat up.

Right Skill = Bright Future

Why we celebrate doctor day on 1 July

National Doctors’ Day was established by the Government of India back in 1991 in honor of the birth and death anniversary of the physician and the second Chief Minister of West Bengal, Dr Bidhan Chandra Roy. Since then, July 1 in India is marked as National Doctor’s Day to show gratitude to all doctors.

Any other country also celebrates doctor day

Yes, because doctors are helping us. No matter in which country or village we are living. The United States celebrates on March 30. Cuba celebrates on December 3 and Iran celebrates on August 23.

Types of doctors

Podiatrist, General Practitioner, Pediatrician, Endocrinologist, Neurologist, Rheumatologist, Allergist/Immunologist, Psychiatrist, Nephrologist, Pulmonologist, Oncologist, Ophthalmologist, Dermatologist, Radiologist, Cardiologist and so more.


Being a doctor is a one the respected and strongest job in the world.
The salary of doctors is totally up to where they are working and what qualification they have. Started from 30 thousand to 1.5 lakh and more. The experienced doctor earn much money.
Right Skill = Bright Future

Highest degree in the world

The doctorate degree is the highest degree you can earn in most fields. Also called a “terminal degree,” this signals that you’ve achieved the highest level of academic mastery in your chosen field.

Respected Job

Doctors hold a different essence and respect. This is one of the most respected jobs in the world. Anyone who is Doctor can serve, many hospitals and clinics are there. From the government sector to private there are so many jobs.
Every year India celebrates doctor day on 1 july. Wishing a very happy doctor day to all the students who want to become doctors. 

National Doctor's Day 2021

 For 2021, this day is to be observed to recognize the efforts of all doctors and healthcare workers who are risking their lives in these difficult times, be it in main and secondary care settings or in committed COVID care in facilities.

Prime Minister Narendra Modi tweeted, “On Doctors Day, my best wishes to all doctors. India’s progress in the world of medicine is commendable and has contributed to making our planet healthier.” PM Modi in his Mann Ki Baat address on Sunday remembered Dr BC Roy and said, “We must pay tribute to our doctors who ensured that India does not succumb to the challenges posed by COVID-19.”

Do you believe or think that we can fight against covid-19 without doctors? You all know the answer. Doctor help us, be available for us 24×7 only for country. We salute them. 

By: Geetu Katyal

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