Tips for creating the best onboarding program with an LMS

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Onboarding programs are one of the most important deciding factors about how a newly joining employee feels about the company and how loyal they end up being to the organization. A successful onboarding process ensures a good rapport with the employees and helps you get their faith in your company. 

Be it the onsite employees or the distant employees working for you virtually, if their first day at the company is not as good as they expect, their impression of the company might end up as pretty bad. Such unpleasant first impressions can affect the employees’ long-term decisions regarding working with you. All and all,  onboarding programs blended with effective job training can help you reduce employee turnover and can save you a ton of money. 

To create effective onboarding programs easily and more efficiently, using a Learning Management System or LMS is a very good option. LMSs like HSI have been quite popular tools for all kinds of training and development programs lately as the eLearning industry has started booming. These LMSs are being used very frequently by the HR departments of companies to design very successful onboarding programs with sessions and material for employee training and microlearning, etc. 

So if you too are looking to incorporate learning management systems in your organization’s onboarding process, here are some tips. 

Start off the right way

The first day at work for a newly hired employee can be pretty confusing and anxiety-causing along with being equally exciting. It is usually a struggle to do even the smallest things like interacting with colleagues or getting a cup of water or coffee on the first day. And this is when it is the responsibility of the organization to make sure that every one of the new employees feels welcomed and comfortable. And if the organization is successful at doing so, it can go a long way as the employees feel valued and cared for. 

Just like a joining kit that has the essential office supplies, you can in fact create a virtual information kit with the help of an LMS for the employees. This kit can have material like virtual tours of the office, job roles, essential information about the company, and even training courses that can be kept in the archive to be referred to by the employees whenever they are confused. 

Track progress with an LMS

Learning management systems provide you with an eLearning platform; unlike the traditional instructor-led training. After the initial introduction to the company and its core values, it is important to train the employees about work ethics, compliance, and company policies, etc in an effective way so that the new hires are ready to join the workforce in no time. 

Unlike the traditional instructor-led training programs, a learning platform like the LMS offers the advantage to track the progress of each new employee. The training courses provided through the LMSs also enable the employees to study the material at their own pace and refer to it whenever they need rebrushing

Handle skill gaps with microlearning

Almost all newly hired employees have at least a few skill gaps that aren’t big and general enough to be covered in training sessions but significant enough to limit the employee potential. Thus, to fulfill these gaps, the best way is to create bite sized training material that can be accessed by each individual employee at any point of time so that they can finish each module by themselves, at their own pace. And learning management systems can be used to enable such training methodologies; popularly known as microlearning. Using an LMS, you can create micro-modules that can be referred to by your employees at any time they need. 

Give certification

Certifications are a memo for professional learning and thus a proof of growth. As you start with the onboarding process, start training them and assess their skill gaps for additional training, it also important that they understand their growth themselves as well and feel appreciated for it. LMSs give you the necessary tools to gamify training programs and generate certificates for the employees that can be awarded to them. 


It doesn’t matter if you have an online or offline business, but digitizing your whole onboarding process with the help of a learning management system can not only make the transition easier, smoother, and faster but can also save your organization a lot of money.

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