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Earn Money With CareerGuide

  • In the past, certified career counselors at CareerGuide have earned. Learn how you can do the same. !!
  • One of the key ways to earn money with CareerGuide.com is by becoming a certified career counselor.

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Earn With CareerGuide

  • In past, certified career counsellors of CareerGuide have earned. Learn how can you do so !!
Earn With Careerguide

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earn with CareerGuide

In past, certified career counsellors of CareerGuide have earned anything between Rs. 50,000 – Rs. 10,00,000 annually. Learn how can you do so !!

Ways to earn money with CareerGuide

An informed workforce is shaped by making informed career decisions. This can happen through career counsellors who are Local Heroes and can Guide individuals with help of better tools & technology

One-One Counselling

You can earn money between Rs. 150-Rs. 1000 per counselling on chat, phone & video. Each counselling session is rated.

Project & Assignment

We give paid short term & long term projects with clients & schools which can range from Rs. 3,000 - Rs. 30,000

Live Videos

You can earn money between Rs. 250 - Rs. 1000 per video live session. we give you enough live to keep you busy.

Admission Referral

We give referrals for student's admission to best-fit universities. This can range between Rs. 10,000-Rs. 50,000/referral

Testimonials of certified counsellor

Bhavyata from Qatar speaks about association with CareerGuide and all positivity she gets from association
Sakshi Mittal a popular Study Abroad Consultant from Delhi recovers 10x of her investment with CareerGuide.com

Other Modes of Earning with Careerguide

Community Biz Networking

The community of certified career counsellor of CareerGuide supports, collaborates, and give business to each other. This results in shared revenue, projects , Earn Money & profits.

Being Psychometric Partner

We give assessments to certified counsellors at Rs 500 which they can sell at a price up to Rs. 2000. A certified counsellor can take home Rs. 1500/assessment.
Contacts US

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More About Earn Money With CareerGuide

Are you ready to go on a courageous, self-discovering, and empowering journey with Careerguide.com?

CareerGuide.com is a platform that offers comprehensive career counseling services to individuals who are looking to make informed decisions about their careers. Platform provides a wide range of services that include online career assessments, one-on-one career counseling sessions with certified career counsellors, and a vast library of resources and information on various career paths and industries.

One of the key ways to earn money with CareerGuide.com is by becoming a certified career counselor. Platform offers certification programs that are designed to equip individuals with the skills and knowledge required to provide effective career counseling services. As a certified career counselor, you can offer one-on-one career counseling sessions to clients and Earn Money a fee for your services.

Another way to earn money with CareerGuide.com is by becoming an affiliate partner. As an affiliate partner, you can promote the platform’s services to your network and Earn Money a commission for every sale that is generated through your unique affiliate link. This is a great opportunity for individuals who have a large social media following, a blog, or a website that receives a significant amount of traffic.

You can also earn money  with CareerGuide.com by becoming an educational content creator. The Area welcomes contributions from experts in various fields and industries who can provide valuable insights and information on different career paths and industries. You can Earn Money a fee for your contributions, and your content can be featured on the platform, providing you with exposure and recognition.

Why CareerGuide?

The goal of CareerGuide is to assist students in discovering their interests and direct them toward rewarding career choices. The organization uses cutting-edge approaches to create the students’ career plans. Unfortunately, people in India are consumed by their occupations rather than choosing them. Through its creative approach, CareerGuide hopes to transform this reality. CareerGuide is one of the leading career counseling platforms. CareerGuide has been offering holistic career solutions to the students and professionals in need and guidance to the concerned parents to take informed decisions for their wards.

Our team has broad industry knowledge as well as key advisers in various domains. Our clients range from engineers to artists and enterprise sales Professionals to advocates.

  • Being an integral part of the operations and recruitment process for various multinationals we have observed the rising need for proper career mapping.
  • When you hire us, you are hiring a team of professionals who are trained and skilled to deliver, the best suitable solution for you or your child’s career.

From the initial assessment, in the process of planning implementation, we guide you in everything on that basis we career guide apply the most effective solution which is best suited for you, and our counselors make recommendations that fit your requirement.

A CareerGuide informs you about your strength and shortcomings help in knowing yourself well through psychometric And counseling sessions and also assist you in making decisions in your life. So, go ahead with the career guide. When you are choosing us you are choosing a group of experienced counselors and advisors who will help you in every possible way.

We received many awards like BWEducation under 40, International Women’s Day Recipient -Tinder, ASU GSV Elite 200, and many more. In addition to other diploma courses, psychometric tests, technological assistance, revenue support, and community support, we offer business support for a year with certifications for lifetime validation. Enroll with us today to boost the expansion of your career counselling business!

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