How to Master eCommerce Product Management

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There’s no denying the dominance of online shopping in the modern consumer economy. For most folks, the transition from brick-and-mortar point-of-sale to click and prompt-based shopping has been incremental enough almost to go unnoticed. However, the growing significance of eCommerce sales has not been lost on product managers, no matter how subtle the shift has been.

With that said, many product managers are out there silently struggling to keep up with the changes. The pressure to lead from a position of strength too often results in a reluctance to admit when we have blind spots in our expertise. For those in this situation (you know who you are), the following can serve as a crucial cheat sheet going forward:

Understand The Online Shopping Experience

Product managers who fail to get inside the head of the consumer typically don’t last very long. It’s as true in eCommerce as it is in brick-and-mortar settings. From the product testing phase to eCommerce fulfillment, product managers need an intimate understanding of every aspect of the online customer experience. These factors also include the company website, any apps the customer uses to access the product, and any channel through which revenue gets generated via product purchase.

Understand The Online Shopping Experience: How to Master eCommerce Product Management

Improve The Digital Infrastructure

For every piece of consumer tech to consider, there are several non-consumer digital assets that PMs need to be mindful of when operating within the confines of eCommerce. Payment systems, business intelligence, logistics, and cybersecurity are just some of the digital infrastructure elements that product managers have to consider going forward. It’s not much different from non-customer factors in traditional retail settings, such as managing rental space, scheduling print services, and so forth. The only difference is it’s happening online.

Improve The Digital Infrastructure: How to Master eCommerce Product Management

Don’t Forget The Basics

While there are irrefutable differences between brick-and-mortar retail and eCommerce, many of the responsibilities of a product manager are the same in either setting. Has the product been developed to meet and even surpass customer expectations? Is there a strategy in mind with the product line going forward? Will there be room for improvement or modification going forward? How much does your end-product stand out from the competition? The key is to take these timeless principles and run them through digital platforms rather than store shelves and rack space.

Don’t Forget The Basics: How to Master eCommerce Product Management

Don’t Forget The Basics II

Other essential qualities of a great product manager transfer smoothly to the digital retail world. These include organizational skills, communication skills, and a natural sense of great timing. In addition to the factors listed above, these traits define the essence of successful product management in an eCommerce setting.

Don’t Forget The Basics II

If there’s one key difference between traditional retail and eCommerce – one that every PM reading this should remember above all else – is the capacity for change. Whether it’s pricing, site layout, or the products themselves, things have the potential to be different from one day to the next. Keep up with that change, and product managers will do well in eCommerce settings.

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