Tips for Effective Online Education

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Due to the COVID- 19 Pandemic the world has come to standstill and everything is being digitalized like online classes were. Everywhere there is a situation of emergency right now. The Lives of hundreds of people are at stake right now. The proper medication and vaccination have been found out but due to the carelessness of some people of the country, we have now set afoot for the second wave of the Pandemic. The country’s Economy which was stabilized earlier has started to dwindle again now due to the second wave. Here are all about the tips for effective online education.

 The Industries which faced heavy loss were started again due to the first wave of the pandemic, started with a boom and is now again restricted to the number of workers, and is now again facing a downfall. The educational institutes which were started worked for merely a month or two and then again were closed due to this situation arising again. The people who were affected the most were the College Students, School Students, Research Fellowship Students, Bachelor Students, and Teachers who were too affected due to this situation.

The School students went to school after the relaxation period due to the pandemic for just a month after facing the challenging situation of online education. They were again forced to stay home and continue their studies online. This affected their Educational Intent, Mentality, and Completion of their syllabus. The Bachelor and the College students were greatly affected during this situation and they too were forced to continue with the online education. They were also affected greatly with problems like Incomplete Syllabus, Improper Teaching, Less time given to Solve Doubts, and various other problems. The final year students were also greatly affected because the exams were delayed, lockdown and online education created a very bad impact on their degrees and they got the least guidance while preparing for the GATE Examination.

Tips For Effective Online Education

Taking Risks (46)

 So now it is very evident that the situation online is very tough and is faced with a lot of challenges. But besides these, online education can prove to be as fruitful if you have the correct set of arms and ammunition in your arsenal. So here are 10 Tips for an Effective Online Education:-

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection which is the most basic requirement while attending lectures. The best way to get it if not available is to change your network or shift to a peaceful place with a good range in your locality.
  • Make sure that you revise everything that is taught in the class on the same day as it so happens that you may forget the things taught earlier and it can cause a fuss.
  • Make sure that you sit in a lonely place where there is no disturbance in your home or the place wherever you sit because online education needs a lot of concentration as compared to offline education.
  • Make sure you refer to both the textbook and material given by the teacher online as after the classes you can co-relate very easily and this will make you a fast learner in Online Education.
  • Make a habit of creating notes or footnotes while the lecture is going once you know an important point in a lecture. This will help you to revise easily afterwards and also you can raise doubts if you feel necessary as your basic concepts will be clear by now.
  • Make sure your computer is well updated with the latest software and is compatible with the latest tools for designing which can enable you to do parallel design work when the teacher is explaining to you on the computer itself.
  • Make sure that you have the soft or the hard copy of the reference books you have been prescribed for the particular Theory Subject or the Practical as after the lecture you can directly refer to the book and understand the concept without any extra hard work.
  • Make a habit of asking a doubt then and there when attending the online lectures as it may so happen that the faculty teaching you may forget about what he was teaching earlier which can lead you to confusion and Ambiguity.
  • Get yourself a membership of a good online learning platform as it will help you to understand better when you learn from the Online Education, the online platform, your references, and of course your self-understanding.
  • If you are a fast learner in the online mode and you have some amount of time left after the classes and the self-studies then try doing some online courses like Cloud Computing, Product Design Engineering, Presentation Skills, CHEMCAD, or such other courses which increase your knowledge and build your CV effectively.

Hope these tips will help you with a better online education. Wishing you Good Luck!!

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