Best Books for GATE: Chemical Engineering

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gate chemical engineering books is the mother branch of all the Engineering Branches. If there was no Chemical Engineering, surely the most important pillar on which the rest of the engineering branch is standing tall. Chemical engineering is also a major part of human life and is involved in each aspect of the living being right from the toothpaste we use to brush our teeth to the cotton-made bed onto which we sleep.Here is an article on Best Books for GATE: Chemical Engineering.

Best Books For GATE: Chemical Engineering

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Chemical Engineering if bifurcated will get separated into almost 20 branches of engineering which include branches like Food, Petrochemical, Nuclear, Metallurgical, Safety, and various other branches of engineering gate chemical engineering books. If now considering all the aspects if we have to define a Chemical Engineer will be given as, “the engineer who deals with the design and operation of Industry Plants that are most relative to the Human Life”. The branch of Chemical Engineering is very informative and is filled with enthusiasm but the exams from which we get entry into this branch are a little tough but achievable gate chemical engineering books.

When it comes to pursuing M.Tech in Chemical Engineering the most compulsory exam which we have to go through is the GATE (Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering) Examination. Qualifying for this exam ensures that we can have admission to the Best Engineering Colleges in the Country. This 100 marks exam is considered one of the toughest exams in the whole country gate chemical engineering books.

The most dangerous part about this exam is that it comes with negative marking. The GATE Examination can be cracked with proper guidance, sheer efforts, hard work, and confidence gate chemical engineering books. One more thing that will ensure your better grades in the examination is good reference books. So here is the list of the top 5 reference book used for GATE Chemical Engineering.


Book Name: – Mass Transfer Operations.

gate chemical engineering

Author Name: – Robert E Treybal.

Publication: – Mc. Graw Hill International Edition.

Preferred Edition: – Third.

Price: – 660/-

When it comes to the most important subject in gate chemical engineering books then it is surely Mass Transfer Operations . This subject is the one that differences a chemical engineer from the rest. This book is specially made for GATE Examination as per the Chemical Engineering syllabus. It covers a vast variety of subjects in mass transfer operation and has a lot of information in the form of Text, Graph, and Images. Truly it is a one-stop shop for MTO reference book gate chemical engineering books.

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Book Name: – Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics.

gate chemical engineering

Author Names: – J.M.Smith, H.C.Van Ness, and M.M.Abott.

Publication: – Tata Mc. Graw Hill.

Preferred Edition: – Sixth.

Price: – 715/-

This subject is the most common subject among the major engineering branches. But this book has the apt knowledge when it comes to Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics and gate chemical engineering books. The GATE syllabus is given by considering this particular book. This book contains important GATE topics like VLE, Fugacity, Ideal gas relation, and various other topics. Having this book with you is a good buy.


Book Name: – Chemical Reaction Engineering.

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Author Name: – O. Levenspiel.

Publication: – Wiley India.

Preferred Edition: – Third.

Price: – 590/-

Chemical Reaction Engineering is the most dominating subject in the syllabus. This subject is awarded the most number of marks in the GATE Examination. The author has made special efforts to explain each subject most simply and also has made the contents like Parallel Reaction, Catalysis very easy. Overall saying it is a must-buy book gate chemical engineering books.

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Book Name: – Unit Operations of Chemical Engineering.

gate chemical engineering

An M.Tech Chemical Engineering aspirant must have this book on his shelf. This book covers 4 important subjects like Heat and Mass Transfer, Fluid Mechanics, and Mechanical Operations gate chemical engineering books. This book has the most basic knowledge of this subject in a very interesting manner. The book is a little expensive but it is a must-buy if you want to clear the basics of these branches.


Book Name: – Dryden’s Outlines of Chemical Technology for the 21st Century.

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Author Names: – M. Gopala Rao and Marshall Sittig.

Publication: – East-West Press.

Preferred Edition: – Third.

Price: – 395/-

Chemical Technology is one of the most important subjects from the GATE and the overall gate chemical engineering books point of view. This book covers all the syllabus in a very descriptive, informative, and interesting manner. Watch out for the Process Flow Sheet which is the best in class. If you want all the basic knowledge this book is a must buy gate chemical engineering books.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q:What are some common career paths for chemical engineers?

Chemical engineers can pursue various career paths, including roles in process design and optimization, research and development, production and operations management, environmental engineering, quality control, and technical sales.

Q:Example of a project where chemical engineering principles were applied?

One example is the design of a wastewater treatment plant. Chemical engineers play a crucial role in designing and optimizing processes to remove pollutants and treat wastewater effectively.

Q:How do chemical engineers approach the design of chemical reactors?

Chemical engineers approach the design of chemical reactors by considering factors such as reaction kinetics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, mass transfer, and reactor engineering principles.

Q:How do chemical engineers contribute to the energy sector?

Chemical engineers play a significant role in the energy sector by developing and improving processes for energy production, such as petroleum refining, natural gas processing, and biofuel production

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