Petrochemical Engineering Courses – Raising Employment Opportunities

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Petrochemical Engineering Courses have recently been established in India by different institutes. Petrochemicals are petroleum or natural gas substances and petrochemically derived compounds such as Propane. Petrochemical Engineering is a specialized field within chemical engineering engaged in multiple petrochemical operations. its includes the production processes, testing, and determination of the properties and performance of refining, petroleum, and petrochemical products as well as other tools. It looks like oil technology, but it’s distinct from petrochemical engineering.

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In recovery, production, and refining, Petroleum Engineering engages. It is technically considered the ‘upstream sector’ due to its expertise in the aforementioned. It also implies that it is the “primary field of operation” to simplify it even further. Petrochemical engineering is often technically called the ‘downstream sector’ because it focuses on the ‘Secondary Field of Operation,’ as the commodity (fuel) that has been obtained is post-processed that is distribution and refining.
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To break up complicated crude oil organic compounds into products, Petrochemical engineers apply scientific or mathematical concepts. These are also used to manufacture lubricating oils, synthetic fibers, materials, composites, and rubber. A few other petroleum products are benzene, butane, ethylene, polypropylene methanol, etc. They all are used to produce medicines, soaps, high engine oils, oil jelly, mineral oil, lubricants, etc. They are all produced in one item or another.

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Characteristics Petrochemical Engineer Must Develop

Some important traits of Petrochemical Engineer include:

  • An individual should feel like he is a member of the team and be careful with details.
  • A willingness to increase the profitability of the plant ultimately results in self-benefit.
  • Those who are inquisitive about this area and tend to work more at the factory instead of sitting and working in the office.


Course Aim In Petrochemical Engineering

Objectives of Petrochemical Engineering Course are as follows:

  • Motivating candidates to advance remarkably in the growth of infrastructure, technology, and services.
  • To continue studies in the field of oil refining and conversion.
  • In order to increase the employees’ work prospects.
  • To teach petrochemical engineering and technology information to the students.

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Course Content In Petrochemical Engineering

Content of Course are as follows:

  • Chemical Engineering Thermodynamics
  • Process Engineering & Plant Design
  • Crude Oil & Petroleum Products
  • Refinery Engineering Calculations

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Eligibility For Petrochemical Engineering Course

Eligibility of Petrochemical Engineering Course are as follows:

  • The standard credential is a 10+2 examination with a degree in petrochemical engineering in mathematics, physics, and chemistry
  • You have to study B.E or M.E. in geology, petroleum, or chemical engineering in order to become a petrochemical engineer.
  • Varied diploma programs can also be taken
  • Entry is dependent on the entrance exam
  • Students who are interested in petroleum engineering may register for a bachelor’s degree via various entrance exams. For each college/institution, the admission procedure will often differ. Alternatively, the applicants are permitted to take a JEE Main Exam organized in various top institutions such as IITNIT for admissions to the B.Tech program.
  • The entrance examination must be taken for the graduate students at different national, state, and university levels. Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) is required in order to be admitted to the IIT and NIT.


Salary In Petrochemical Engineering

Pay packages can differ from company to company depending upon the designation, but overall Petrochemical Engineer’s salary ranges from 4 to 5 lakh annually.

Area Of Employment In Petrochemical Engineering

Employment sector in Petrochemical Engineering are stated below:

  • Service Companies
  • Oil Exploration
  • Consultancy
  • Oil Production
  • Chemical Plants
  • Equipment Suppliers
  • Oil Field Services
  • Petroleum Refining Plants
  • Petrochemical Plants
  • Oil Companies
  • Mineral Based Industries
  • Service Companies
  • Pharmaceuticals

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Job Roles For Petrochemical Engineer

Job types in Petrochemical Engineering are noted below:

  • Advisors
  • Automation Engineer
  • Superintendent
  • Planning Engineers
  • Technician
  • Planners
  • Trainers
  • Petrochemical Inspectors
  • Operations Engineer
  • Process Engineer
  • Safety Engineer
  • Control Engineer
  • Instrumentation Engineer

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Specialization In Petrochemical Engineering

Specialization in Petrochemical Engineering Course are as follows:

  1. Control and Instrumentation
  2. Environment Safety
  3. Petrochemical Refining
  4. Reservoir specialist
  5. Safety engineer
  6. Drilling specialist
  7. Energy Economist
  8. Well log analyst
  9. Production specialist
  10. Completion specialist


Job Viewpoint Of Petrochemical Engineering

Petrochemical occupations are revolutionary as petroleum and its derivatives are used in innumerable manners in vehicles, cars, airplanes, and machinery. The Indian oil industry is by no means a simple venture, it is one of the largest in India. The petrochemical industry still needs professional staff in this sector because of the ever-growing request. In development and technology, oil refining, petroleum-based products, such as fuel for aviation engines, mineral oil, labels, lubricants, and plastics and composites, petrochemical engineers may seek employment.

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Top Colleges For Petrochemical Engineering Course

Just a few Establishments in India offer a bachelor’s degree in petrochemical engineering. The list below includes the top colleges that are considered the best:

  • Dehradun Institute of Technology, Dehradun,
  • Rajiv Gandhi College of Engineering, Chennai, Tamil Nadu
  • IIT, Guwahati, Assam
  • Aditya Engineering College, Andhra Pradesh
  • Bhagwant University, Ajmer, Rajasthan
  • University of Petroleum and Energy Studies, Dehradun, Uttrakhand
  • Pandit Deendayal Petroleum University, Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Frequently Asked Questions

Safety is of utmost importance in Petrochemical Engineering. Engineers must adhere to safety protocols, implement risk assessment measures, conduct safety audits, ensure proper handling and storage of chemicals, and have knowledge of emergency response procedures to mitigate hazards.

Petrochemical Engineers play a vital role in developing sustainable processes and technologies.

Yes, research plays a crucial role in Petrochemical Engineering. Engineers are involved in conducting research to improve existing processes, develop new technologies, explore alternative feedstocks, enhance product quality, and address environmental concerns associated with the petrochemical industry.

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