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Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test or TANCET is a typical placement test led by Anna University, Chennai for admission to MTech/MArch/MPlan/ME, MBA and MCA programs given by different colleges in Tamil Nadu partnered to the University. More than 200 colleges in Tamil Nadu acknowledge TANCET scores. Roughly 18,000 MBA seats are given through the TANCET MBA selection test. Around 40,000 MBA candidates show up for the test each year. It is one of the top and generally pursued state-level MBA placement tests. While a dominant part of the MBA selection tests is directed in an online-based mode, TANCET is as yet an offline-based test. The test comprises 100 different choice-based questions (MCQs) to be answered within two hours. 

anna university tancet 2021 result has to be out on April 1. While the first schedule of result announcement was April 16, it was preponed by about 14 days. The test was conducted on March 20 and March 21, 2021. here is an article on ALL ABOUT TANCET AND TANCET 2021.

TANCET Eligibility Criteria

Qualification standards for giving in TANCET are given below:

  • There is no age limit in TANCET
  • Candidates in the last year of their graduation are qualified to apply for TANCET
  • Those students who have finished 10+2+AMIE or 10+3 years diploma (granted by the State Board of Technical Education) + AMIE are also qualified for TANCET.
  • Students for MBA and MCA courses must finish his/her graduation from a recognized institution or college in any discipline.
  • For any remaining courses, students should have finished their BTech/BE from a recognized institution or college in the pertinent field.
  • Candidate must have at least 50% marks (open category) and 45%(reserved category) in the Bachelor’s exam.

TANCET Syllabus

  • Quantitative Aptitude– Simple and Compound Interest, Profit and Loss, Time Speed and Distance, Time and Work, Mixtures and Allegations, Quadratic Equations, Linear Equations, Logarithms, Series, and Progressions
  • Data Interpretation– Questions will be founded on Number Systems, Arithmetic Topics, Algebra, Data Interpretation (Pie Chart, Line Graph, Bar Graph, and Tables)
  • Reading Comprehension- Questions dependent on RC, Synonyms antonyms, single-word replacement, Vocabulary
  • General English– Fill in the spaces, Grammar, Sentence Corrections, Idioms, Cloze Test, sentence course of action, spotting mistakes
  • Business Situations Analysis- Syllogisms and Puzzles, Blood Relations, Decision Making, Binary Logic, Linear and Circular Arrangements, Coding-Decoding, Sequence, and Series

TANCET Admission Process 2021

Application process

The application process for anna university tancet 2021  was online. The application process had started on January 19, 2021. The application form, which is regular for every one of the courses, must be filled in four straightforward advanced – enlistment, filling different subtleties in the form, transferring photo and mark, and charge installment. The candidates can pay their fee through Credit/Debit Card and Netbanking. 

Admit card

The anna university tancet 2021 Admit Card was delivered on March 5 on the authority site. Applicants, who finished the application process by paying the application fees will be qualified to download TANCET admit card from the authority site by signing in with the necessary accreditations. 


All enlisted candidates were needed to show up in the entrance test. The TANCET question paper conveys MCQ-based Questions that candidates needed to tackle within 2 hours. 

Announcement of TANCET Result

anna university tancet 2021 results are declared on the web. anna university tancet 2021 results have been proclaimed on April 1 on the authority site of Anna University. To check the result, candidates need to sign in with their enrolled email ID and password. The mark sheet shows the sectional and general checks/percentiles. Qualified competitors need to take part in advising for admission to MTech/MArch/MPlan/ME/MBA and MCA courses. The TANCET 2021 mark sheet is accessible for download from April 8 till April 22.

Counseling and Admission

anna university tancet 2021 Counseling is directed for offering admissions to applicants in different projects. To show up for TANCET advising, qualified candidates need to initially enlist by paying the imperative charges. Seats are distributed to applicants according to their establishment inclinations, rank in the legitimacy rundown, cutoff, and branches. Candidates who are dispensed seats need to pay the imperative expenses to get their confirmation. 


Attempt TANCET Mock Tests

The anna university tancet 2021 schedule is the thing that is now already covered in your college classes. Along these lines, you need not make a big deal about the syllabus and extra coaching. Have a decent report plan for your exam. Start attempting mock tests every week consistently and afterward step by step increment the number of attempts. 

Maximise TANCET Score

The key to boosting your score is to modify every single idea. Furthermore, referring samples and previous years’ papers. Give mock tests and improve your score step by step. On the off chance that you ignore important concepts, previous years’ papers certainly will cause you to lose marks, so keep yourself away from these mistakes. 

Questions to Attempt in TANCET

There are 100 Questions in the TANCET examination. One mark is given for a right response while 1/3rd mark is deducted for each wrong answer. Thus, remember that there is a negative marking for each mistaken answer. 

So if you are going to appear for the TANCET exam in the future then keep these 3 tips in mind. All the best for your future.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q:What is TANCET?

TANCET stands for Tamil Nadu Common Entrance Test. It is a state-level entrance exam for admission to MBA, MCA, M.Tech, and other postgraduate programs in Tamil Nadu. 2. Who conducts TANCET?

TANCET is conducted by the Anna University, Chennai.

Q:What are the eligibility criteria for TANCET?

The requirements for TANCET eligibility change based on the programme you’re applying for. But often, you’ll need a bachelor’s degree with at least a 50% average.

Q:What are the subjects in TANCET?

Depending on the programme you are applying for, TANCET’s courses change. However, the typical topics include:
  • General Ability
  • Logical Analysis
  • numerical aptitude
  • language of English

Q:What is the difficulty level of TANCET?

The TANCET has a moderate degree of difficulty. However, the exam is difficult, so if you want to do well, you must study hard.

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