All you need to know about IBPS PO Exam

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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection conducts this exam every year. This IBPS PO test empowers the recruitment of Probationary Officers for all the part PSBs just as a couple of public insurance agencies. The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) gives enrollment and training services to a standard for public banks (PSB). There are a few bank tests that the Institute conducts, out of which IBPS PO is the most famous test. IBPS PO Exam is directed to choose trial officials for driving public banks in India like Bank of Baroda, Andhra Bank, Canara Bank, and so on Intrigued candidates can apply online on the IBPS official site. The best approach to start preparing is to tackle earlier year IBPS PO Question Papers and crack mock tests.

IBPS PO 2020-2021

  1. IBPS PO Exam 2021 is directed in three phases.
  2. It is known as IBPS PO CRP IX because IBPS is leading a PO test for the 10th year.
  3. Based on the total score which is produced by the marks candidate got in the prelims, mains test, and fulfillment of all phases of the interviewing, competitors are shortlisted for empty positions in the bank.
  4. IBPS PO Exam is led to recruiting talented candidates for the post of Probationary Officer.
  5. All public or government banks use the Common Written Exam (CWE).
  6. Candidates who qualify prelims test will be shortlisted to show up in the mains test. Applicants need to clear 3 phases (i.e Prelims, Mains, and Interview) for getting chosen for this post.

IBPS PO Application details

All the application process for this exam takes place online. Candidates who want to register themselves for the exam can do so with the help of the official website.

Also, keep in mind, that application forms of IBPS PO exams are not free of cost. There is a fee payment too which is required to complete the application process. The fees for the Unreserved category is 850/- and the fees for SC/ST/PWD is 175/-.

Only after fulfilling the criteria and fee payment, the admit card of candidates for the IBPS PO exam will be released.

exam of IBPS PO

IBPS PO Exam Dates

As per the official notices from the officers, it is expected that IBPS PO 2021-2022 exams will be conducted online. The preliminary online exam is expected to happen on the following dates- 09 August 2021, 10 August 2021, 16 August 2021, and 17 August 2021. The main exam is most likely to be on 27 November 2021.

IBPS PO Notifications

IBPS PO 2021 Notification is yet to be delivered. The IBPS PO 2021 application procedure will begin after the arrival of the warning.

The IBPS PO 2021 Notification will be accessible on the authority site of IBPS PO and can be downloaded by the applicants as a PDF record. The IBPS PO 2021 Notifications will contain all data about the test dates alongside the wide range of various exam dates, the open positions, the application interaction in detail, the booking arrangements for all classes, the approaches to compute the scores of the tests, different guidelines, and guidelines, and so forth

IBPS PO Preliminary Exam:

Also called the CWE PO/MT Prelims, it comprises an online target test comprising of three sections/parts. Each part referenced in the Prelims Exam Pattern is of  20 minutes, and the absolute length is 60 minutes. The IBPS PO Exam Pattern is given underneath:

There are 3 sections- English language, reasoning, and numerical mathematics. The English section holds 30 questions while the other two hold 35 questions each. In this exam, 1 question carries 1 mark. The time allotted for each section is 20 minutes each that is 1 hour in total.

The total marks for this paper are 100. There is a negative marking for each off-base answer. The penalty for each wrong answer is 1/fourth of the marks of that question. Because of the consequence of the prelims, competitors clearing the proclaimed cutoff are welcome to show up in the following stage, the Main test.

exam of IBPS PO

IBPS PO Main Exam Pattern:

The IBPS PO Mains test design comprises one target type and one distinct paper. The assessment is directed online for an all-out length of 3 hours and 30 minutes.

To have the option to proceed onward to the following phase of the test, competitors need to score over the Bank PO cutoff proclaimed by the Institute just as the sectional shorts. The marks are not suggested to effective candidates before the interviewing.

IBPS Interview

The individual banks direct the IBPS interview dependent on the results of the Mains test. Typically, the interviewing goes on for at least 15-20 minutes, and the board comprises of Bank authorities. Questions can be posed from Current issues, banking awareness, and about the candidates themselves. The IBPS PO interview is a total of 100 marks. Supporting certificates like educational testaments, personality archives, and endorsements of achievements are also checked during the Bank PO interview.

We hope that you got the information you were looking for. All the best for your future. Thank you!


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