What is the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test?
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupati welcomes applications for the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test (APICET) for admission to MBA/MCA Course and horizontal section admission to MCA Course.
A part of the courses offered by the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test (APICET) are-Master of Business Administration (MBA), Master of Computer Applications (MCA), and Lateral passage into the second year of Master of Computer Applications (MCA).
What are the Eligibility Criteria for the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test?
The applicants will fulfill the standards of the concerned colleges where they take confirmation. The applicants need to satisfy the following criteria’s to be eligible for the test-
They should have contemplated and spent a long-term Degree course in any course led by the Universities or its identical Degree Examination in 10 + 2 + 3 examples as perceived by U.G.C (University Grants Commission).
1. MBA-
They should have a Degree of 3 years from any perceived and recognized University or it’s equal. Candidate looking for confirmation in MBA flows through APICET ought to satisfy the accompanying standards:
The applicant should be an Indian National and should adjust to the nearby/non-neighborhood status prerequisite according to government rule-
- Candidates should have spent three-year four-year certification course in any course or subject with least 50% total (SC, ST, and OBC with 45% total) from a perceived college
- Candidates in their last year of 3-year Bachelor’s certificate and anticipating results are additionally qualified to apply for the APICET test.

2. MCA-
They should have a Degree of 3 years length with “Science” as one of the subjects at Intermediate or Degree level.
3. MCA-second year direct (parallel section) –
They should have BCA or Degree holders in IT/CS with Mathematics at 10+2 or Degree level.
A candidate who passed every one of the subjects of the three years of any Degree course at a time isn’t qualified for entrance into MBA or MCA Course. Candidates with total signs of half (45% in the event of saved classifications – SC, ST, and BC) are distant from everyone else are qualified to take confirmation through APICET.
What is the Admission Process for the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test?
The entire procedure to fill application form for Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test is examined below with their subtleties appended to them-

1. Fill in the Application form-
Applicants wanting to show up for APICET need to fill the application form on the web. Before filling the APICET application form, hopefuls are encouraged to check the qualification standards. The application form is accessible on the authority site.
The application fee is Rs 550. The fee can be paid through different modes; modes for payment are examined below:
- AP Online Centers/Mee Seva Centers
- e-Seva Centers in AP
- Payment with a Debit card or Credit card
2. Download APICET Admit Card-
Candidates who register effectively for the test get an APICET to admit card from September onwards. Test takers can visit the authority site and download the admit card. Candidates need to take out a print duplicate of the admit card and convey it to the test place.

3. The main test for APICET-
APICET test is directed for 2.5 hours in online mode. The applicants need to take the test at their separate test habitats. The main question paper includes 200 MCQs from Analytical Ability, Mathematical Ability, and Communication Ability.
4. Check APICET Result-
APICET results usually get pronounced in September on the authority site. The candidates can check something very similar by entering their enrollment and corridor hall ticket number. Candidates who wish to complete a re-assessment of their APICET score can apply for it within 15 days of result assertion.
5. Counseling-
APICET counseling is being led in October and November. This year, the counseling is occurring in an online mode wherein applicants need to enlist, login, and transfer archives by visiting the authority APICET official site.
What are the Preparation Tips for the Andhra Pradesh Integrated Common Entrance Test?
APICET is a speed-based test in which students need to tackle 200 questions in a short time. Every one of the questions will be in MCQ design. To order to solve the questions, target securing the top to bottom subject information over covering the themes remembered for the schedule. Set up an examination plan and purchase the best books for the AP ICET test. Check different tips below:
- Study well the themes remembered for the APICET prospectus.
- Don’t arbitrarily get subjects. Guarantee to finish one and afterward proceed onward to different subjects remembered for the APICET prospectus.
- Make short notes to reconsider them consistently.
- Self dissects planning level through training of APICET test papers.
- If there is an occurrence of questions in the themes, examine it with companions and teachers.