Is a BCA degree good for you? 7 ways to know!

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The relationship between computers and humans is complicated. Understanding what kind of relationship you share with yours becomes extremely important when we talk about a course like a BCA degree. Is it a friendship that fares well for the difficulties you face? Or is it limited to clicks and cookies? Is it one of competition where you do not rely on each other? Or is it an intimate one where you know each other’s deep secrets? Do you talk in codes or is that kind of relationship where you don’t even know what to type in your Google Search? Confused Much? Worry not! This series of questions wouldn’t matter to you by the end of this article because you will know if you want to pursue a Bachelor of Computer Applications or not by following the tips for a career in BCA degree.

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We know that choosing a career is a magnanimous task. But you shouldn’t be disappointed about the one you completed and we want you to be sure about that. Courses like BCA are meant to impart specific kinds of skills. The course is of great requirement in the IT sector. It is a gateway to jobs at MNCs and huge international companies. But is it your cup of tea? Or rather, do you like the tea which is poured into your cup? You see, it is not about your capability to grasp the skill but about your interest in learning and acquiring it. You can ask the question – “Will I be happy doing this all my life?” or you can think- “Is it going to matter if I am interested in it or not?”. Well, whoever you are and however your thoughts race, you should know that this is not rocket science. If you are happy doing what you do, there is no harm in it.

Know The Course And All It Has To Offer

If you are in for a blind tasting session, then don’t expect you will like the taste of what you find in your mouth. It can dark chocolate or wasabi or ginger. You won’t know till you remove your veil and see. 

The Long And Short Of It Is To Know What BCA Is? 

BCA is an undergraduate course that is generally three years long for though who want to learn Computer languages like C, C++, Java, HTML, etc. Not only this, but you would also study database management systems, operating systems, computer architecture, web technology, and software engineering. This is the ultimate course to get into the IT industry. You will find tons of lucrative opportunities in big companies like Wipro, Infosys, IBM, Oracle, and so on. You can even join government sectors like Indian Air Force, Indian Army, or Navy for the IT department. A fresher in the department gets a salary between Rs. 25000 to Rs. 40000. Also, IT giants provide a six-figure salary for freshers.

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Is BCA Congruent With Your Goal?

So what do you want to be? Where do you ultimately see yourself? Does BCA help you in achieving that through tips for a career in a BCA degree?

BCA degree has a lot of options in store for you, but are these the options you want to take? You can pursue an MBA or an MCA or become a Web Developer and even become a System Administrator or Desktop Technician or Help desk Assistant. You could be a teacher or a web designer. There are so many jobs in the IT sector. You can go into the field of Security by following tips for a career in a BCA.

Does It FIT For You?

Here we need to move a little behind the passion. You need to assess your personality, preferences, and principles at this stage. Now, what are these?

Personality is what you know to be your set of characteristics personal to you. Preferences would be how you like to work. What is your work pace, for instance, or what type of work or work environment suits you. Principles are just your codes in life that you fall back on. So, if choosing a career in a BCA degree is not just driven by your passion but who you are through tips for that, how you are, and what you believe in, it is the course for you.

If you do not understand this, or if it looks like too much work, then go take an internship or do a course or volunteer for a job related to a BCA degree. Talk to people who have done the course and understand what is expected out of you.

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How Is Your Relationship With Your Computer?

Coming back to square one, a career in BCA is not about merrymaking with your computer. It requires brains and hard work and a knack for understanding a language understood by machines. If you slept through your HTML or C++ classes in school and had no interest in it whatsoever, this is not for you. Codes are not just languages but mediums to create things and if you have interest in this specific kind of creation; if you have broken down your CPU to see where the hard disk is; if you have read about RAM and ROM and the most basic concepts well and have been constant guides to the living generation; and if you can spend your day on the computer to design websites or create a program or application, then you are made for this

Is IT For You?

Machines are unpredictable. If you are leaving your workplace and the system goes bananas, then you will have to stay and fix it. That’s IT for you. It requires long hours of working and hard work. Management is an important part of a BCA degree. Deadlines are everything. This is what the industry demands. When working with a computer, you need to work like one too. You need to have a holistic approach in this field. This is the biggest employment space for BCA graduates and if you don’t want to get into a corporate job, it is fine. But work with technology requires a lot of commitment and sitting hours. If desks are not your favorite places, just consider the option again.

There are also endless opportunities to travel and explore and be a part of innovations that can alter the world. Are you okay with the cost and compromise this industry brings Don’t forget where you are heading, otherwise, you might find yourself in a manhole! Know where you are going with this degree, and if it is IT, brace yourself, my friend.

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Are You Ready To Learn Constantly?

Though innovation is true for every field, technology changes more rapidly than any other and computer applications are all about that. If you like to constantly learn new things and incorporate them into your work and do not have a problem with change, go ahead with the course. You should possess the patience to work diligently and acquire new skills when required. You have to be up-to-date with your work and what it requires. Things turn obsolete real quick here.


Computers are all about making life easy. If this is your motto, and this is your idea of the betterment of society, then this is the course for you. Every job in this work is a service to the world. Everybody (specifically millennials and Gen Z’s) wants to change the world. But you need to do it through your skill and education. If this one fits your description of a better world, then you should give it a chance.

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FAQ's about Is BCA a Good Degree?

Q1: Is it necessary to pursue higher education after BCA?

A: It is not mandatory to pursue higher education after BCA, but it can enhance your career prospects and open up more advanced roles in the field of computer applications. Many students choose to pursue a master’s degree, such as MCA (Master of Computer Applications) or other specialized programs like MBA (IT), M.Tech (Computer Science), or MS (Computer Science) to gain deeper knowledge and specialization.

Q2: Can I become a software developer after completing BCA?

A: Yes, you can pursue a career as a software developer after completing BCA. BCA provides you with a solid foundation in programming and software development concepts, which can help you secure entry-level positions as a software developer. However, it is essential to continue learning and gaining practical experience to enhance your programming skills and stay up to date with the latest technologies.

Q3: How can I gain practical experience and build my portfolio after BCA?
  1. Take up internships or part-time jobs in relevant fields during your BCA or after graduation.
  2. Contribute to open-source projects or collaborate on coding projects with other developers.
  3. Build your own software applications or websites to showcase your skills
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