AIR Force Exam: Syllabus Pattern, Fees, Eligibility

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The Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is conducted by the Indian Air Force (IAF) twice a year, in February and August, to select candidates for various branches of the IAF. The exam is open to unmarried male and female candidates who meet the prescribed eligibility criteria.


AIR Force Exam caeerguide

Candidates who qualify in the written exam are called for an interview at one of the AFSBs located at Dehradun, Varanasi, Gandhinagar, and Mysuru. The AFSB interview assesses the candidate’s personality, leadership qualities, and suitability for a career in the IAF.

Eligibility Criteria


  • Indian citizen


  • Flying Branch: 20 to 24 years
  • Ground Duty (Technical) Branch: 20 to 26 years
  • Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch: 20 to 27 years

Educational Qualification

  • Flying Branch: Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level or BE/B Tech (Four Year Course).
  • Ground Duty (Technical) Branch: Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University with Physics and Mathematics at 10+2 level or BE/B Tech (Four Year Course).
  • Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch: Graduate (Three Year Course) in any discipline from a recognised University.

Physical Standards

  • Height: Minimum 157.5 cm for men and 152 cm for women.
  • Weight: Proportionate to height and age.
  • Vision: 6/6 in each eye correctible to 6/6 with glasses.
  • Colour vision: CP-III.
  • Blood pressure: 140/90 mmHg.
  • Dental fitness: Minimum 14 natural and serviceable teeth.

Medical Standards

  • Candidates must be free from any physical or mental disability that would render them unfit for service in the IAF.

Marital Status

  • Unmarried


  • Flying Branch: Men and Women
  • Ground Duty (Technical) Branch: Men and Women
  • Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch: Men and Women

Exam Pattern

BranchPaper 1Paper 2Duration
Flying BranchGeneral Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test (100 marks)N/A2 hours
Ground Duty (Technical) BranchGeneral Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test (100 marks)Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) (150 marks)2 hours 45 minutes
Ground Duty (Non-Technical) BranchGeneral Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test (100 marks)N/A2 hours

Application Process

The application process for the Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT) is as follows:

  1. Visit the official website of the Indian Air Force (IAF) at
  2. Click on the ‘AFCAT’ tab.
  3. Click on the ‘Apply Online’ link.
  4. Read the instructions carefully and click on the ‘Continue’ button.
  5. Register yourself by entering the required details.
  6. Fill in the application form carefully.
  7. Upload the required documents.
  8. Pay the application fee.
  9. Submit the application form.

Documents required for AFCAT application

  • Photograph
  • Signature
  • Educational certificates
  • Caste certificate (if applicable)
  • Disability certificate (if applicable)
  • Ex-servicemen certificate (if applicable)


Detailed Syllabus

General Awareness

  • Current events: National and international affairs, sports, awards and honors, science and technology, etc.
  • History: Indian history, modern history, world history
  • Geography: Physical geography, Indian geography, world geography
  • Polity: Indian constitution, government and politics, world organizations
  • Economics: Indian economy, world economy, basic economic concepts
  • Science: Physics, chemistry, biology, general science

Verbal Ability in English

  • Comprehension: Reading comprehension, passage analysis, etc.
  • Vocabulary: Synonyms, antonyms, word usage, idioms and phrases, etc.
  • Grammar: Parts of speech, tenses, sentence structure, etc.
  • Usage: Articles, prepositions, conjunctions, etc.

Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test (RMAT)

  • Verbal reasoning: Analogies, similarities and differences, blood relations, coding-decoding, etc.
  • Spatial reasoning: Paper folding, figure classification, block assembly, etc.
  • Non-verbal reasoning: Venn diagrams, series completion, symbol substitution, etc.
  • Military aptitude: Service orientation, problem-solving, decision-making, leadership, etc.

Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT)

  • Mechanical engineering: Mechanics, thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid mechanics, machine design, etc.
  • Electrical engineering: Basic electrical engineering, circuit theory, electrical machines, power systems, control systems, etc.
  • Electronics and communication engineering: Electronic devices, circuits, communication systems, analog and digital electronics, etc.
  • Computer science: Data structures, algorithms, operating systems, computer networks, database management systems, etc.

Important Dates

AFCAT 1 2024 NotificationLast week of November 2023
AFCAT 1 2024 Application Form ReleaseDecember 1, 2023
AFCAT 1 2024 Exam DateFebruary 2024
AFCAT 2 2024 NotificationMay 2024
AFCAT 2 2024 Application Form ReleaseJune 1, 2024
AFCAT 2 2024 Exam DateAugust 2024

Tips for Exam Preparation

  • Understand the exam syllabus and pattern. Thoroughly go through the exam syllabus and understand the topics that are covered in each section. This will help you focus your preparation on the areas that are most important.
  • Collect study material. Gather study material such as books, notes, previous year’s question papers, and mock tests. This will give you a wide range of resources to study from.
  • Create a study plan. Create a study plan that is realistic and achievable. Schedule time for each section of the exam and stick to your schedule as much as possible.
  • Practice with previous year’s question papers. Practicing with previous year’s question papers will help you get a feel for the type of questions that are asked in the exam. It will also help you identify your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Take mock tests. Taking mock tests will help you assess your preparation level and identify areas where you need to improve. It will also help you get used to the exam format and time constraints.
  • Focus on your weak areas. Spend extra time studying the topics that you find difficult. You can also get help from a tutor or friend who is strong in those areas.
  • Stay motivated. Preparing for an exam can be challenging, but it is important to stay motivated. Set goals for yourself and reward yourself when you achieve them.
  • Get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep is important for both your physical and mental health. Make sure you are getting at least 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Eat healthy foods. Eating healthy foods will give you the energy you need to study. Avoid sugary foods and drinks, which can make you feel sluggish.
  • Take breaks. Taking breaks while you study will help you stay focused and avoid burnout. Get up and move around every 30-45 minutes to refresh your mind and body.
  • Believe in yourself. A positive attitude can go a long way. Believe in yourself and your ability to succeed.


BranchExam Fee (INR)
Flying Branch250
Ground Duty (Technical) Branch250
Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch250
NCC Special Entry0


The eligibility criteria for the AFCAT exam varies depending on the branch you are applying for. For Flying Branch and Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch, the minimum educational qualification is a Bachelor’s degree from a recognized university. For Ground Duty (Technical) Branch, the minimum educational qualification is a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering or Technology from a recognized university.

The age limit for the AFCAT exam is 20-23 years for Flying Branch and Ground Duty (Non-Technical) Branch, and 18-28 years for Ground Duty (Technical) Branch.

The AFCAT exam consists of two papers:

  • Paper 1: General Awareness, Verbal Ability in English, and Reasoning and Military Aptitude Test (100 marks)
  • Paper 2: Engineering Knowledge Test (EKT) (150 marks)
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