CHSL Exam Date: Syllabus, Pattern, Eligibility, Fee

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The SSC CHSL exam is conducted by the SSC to recruit candidates for various posts in the Government of India, such as Lower Divisional Clerk (LDC), Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA), Postal CHSL Exam Date Assistant/Sorting Assistant (PA/SA), and Data Entry Operator (DEO).


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The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has announced the exam date for the Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) Tier 2 exam 2023. The exam will be held on November 2, 2023, across multiple shifts. The SSC CHSL Tier 1 exam was already conducted from August 2 to 17, 2023.The SSC CHSL exam is a competitive exam, but it is definitely possible to crack it with proper preparation and hard work. Follow the tips above and start preparing today to achieve your dream job.

Eligibility Criteria

The Staff Determination Commission (SSC) has not however declared the exam dates for the Combined Higher Auxiliary Level (CHSL) Exam 2023. Be that as it may, based on the past year’s plan, the exam is anticipated to be held within the months of Walk or April 2023.

CHSL Exam Qualification Criteria 2023

To be qualified for the SSC CHSL Exam 2023, candidates must meet the taking after criteria:

Nationality: Candidates must be Indian citizens.
Age Restrain: The least age restrain for the exam is 18 a long time and the most extreme age constrain is 27 a long time as on August 1, 2023. There’s an age unwinding of up to 3 a long time for candidates having a place to Planned Castes (SC), Planned Tribes (ST), and Other In reverse Classes (OBC). There’s an age unwinding of up to 5 a long time for candidates having a place to the People with Inabilities (PWD) category.
Instructive Capability: Candidates must have passed the Senior Auxiliary or Middle of the road Exam or an proportionate examination from a recognized board or university. For the post of Information Passage Administrator (DEO) within the Office of Comptroller and Evaluator Common of India (C&AG), candidates must have passed the 12th Standard in Science stream with Arithmetic as a subject from a recognized Board or proportionate.
Extra Qualification Criteria

In expansion to the over qualification criteria, candidates must moreover meet the taking after criteria for particular posts:

Lower Division Receptionist (LDC)/ Junior Secretariat Right hand (JSA): Nil
Postal Assistant/Sorting Partner (PA/SA): Nil
Information Section Administrator (DEO): 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Arithmetic as a subject from a recognized Board or comparable.
DEO (C&AG): 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Science as a subject from a recognized Board or proportionate.

Exam Pattern

Exam Date
Exam Pattern
RRB Group DNot yet announcedComputer Based Test (CBT)
CBT Duration90 minutes (120 minutes for eligible PwBD candidates accompanied by the scribe)
Total Questions100
Marking Scheme1 mark for each correct answerNegative marking
SectionsGeneral ScienceMathematics

Application Process

The SSC CHSL 2023 application process was completed on June 8, 2023. The exam date for the SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 1 exam is scheduled from August 2023 onwards. The exact exam date and schedule will be announced later by the Commission through the admit card.

Steps to apply for SSC CHSL 2023 exam:

  1. Visit the official website of the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) at
  2. Click on the “Apply Online” link.
  3. Select the “Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL) 10+2 Examination 2023” option.
  4. Create a new account or log in to your existing account.
  5. Fill in the application form carefully and upload the required documents.
  6. Pay the application fee online.
  7. Submit the application form.

Eligibility criteria for SSC CHSL 2023 exam:

  • Candidates must have passed 10+2 or equivalent examination from a recognized board/university.
  • Candidates must be between the age of 18 and 27 years as on August 1, 2023.
  • There is no upper age limit for candidates belonging to the reserved categories.

SSC CHSL 2023 exam pattern:

The SSC CHSL 2023 exam will be conducted in two tiers:

  • Tier 1: This will be a computer-based objective test with four sections: General Intelligence, General Awareness, Quantitative Aptitude, and English Language.
  • Tier 2: This will be a descriptive test with two sections: Essay Writing and Letter Writing.

Candidates who qualify in Tier 1 will be eligible to appear for Tier 2. The final selection will be based on the combined performance of Tier 1 and Tier 2.

Tips for preparing for SSC CHSL 2023 exam:

  • Start preparing early and make a study plan.
  • Cover the entire syllabus thoroughly.
  • Practice solving mock tests and previous year papers.
  • Focus on your weak areas and improve them.
  • Be confident and give your best on the day of the exam.


The SSC CHSL Exam Date 2023 is as follows:

  • Tier 1: November 2, 2023
  • Tier 2: February 2, 2024

SSC CHSL Syllabus 2023

Tier 1

  • General Intelligence and Reasoning
  • Quantitative Aptitude
  • English Language
  • General Awareness

Tier 2

  • Module-I: Mathematical Abilities
  • Module-II: Reasoning and General Intelligence
  • Module-I: English Language and Comprehension
  • Module-II: General Awareness
  • Module-I: Computer Knowledge Test
  • Module-II: Skill Test/ Typing Test

Detailed Syllabus

General Intelligence and Reasoning

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Analytical Reasoning

Quantitative Aptitude

  • Number System
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Trigonometry
  • Statistics

English Language

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Comprehension
  • Composition

General Awareness

Tier 2

Module-I: Mathematical Abilities

  • Arithmetic
  • Algebra
  • Geometry
  • Mensuration
  • Trigonometry

Module-II: Reasoning and General Intelligence

  • Verbal Reasoning
  • Non-Verbal Reasoning
  • Quantitative Reasoning
  • Analytical Reasoning

Module-I: English Language and Comprehension

  • Vocabulary
  • Grammar
  • Comprehension
  • Composition

Module-II: General Awareness

  • Current Affairs
  • Indian History and Culture
  • Geography
  • Science and Technology
  • Economics and Polity

Module-I: Computer Knowledge Test

  • Computer Fundamentals
  • Operating Systems
  • MS Office
  • Internet

Module-II: Skill Test/ Typing Test

  • Typing Test
  • Data Entry Test

Tips for Preparation

  • Start your preparation early and make a study plan CHSL Exam Date .
  • Follow the latest syllabus and exam pattern.
  • Use good quality study material.
  • Practice regularly and solve mock tests.
  • Stay calm and focused on the day of the exam CHSL Exam Date .

Important Dates

Exam Date
HSSC CET Group D21.10.2023 and 22.10.2023
RRB Group DTo be announced

Tips for  Exam Preparation

The Staff Determination Commission (SSC) has not however declared the exam date for the Combined Higher Auxiliary Level (CHSL) 2023 exam CHSL Exam Date , but it is anticipated to be held in November or December 2023. Here are a few tips for planning for the CHSL exam:

Get it the syllabus and exam design: The primary step is to get it the syllabus and exam design for the CHSL exam. The exam is separated into three levels:

Level 1: Objective sort, numerous choice questions on Common Insights, Common Mindfulness, Quantitative Fitness, and English Dialect.
Level 2: Objective sort, different choice questions on Expressive English and Quantitative Fitness.
Level 3: Ability test for particular posts, such as Writing Test, Information Section Speed Test, etc.
Make a ponder arrange: Once you get it the syllabus and exam design, make a think about arrange that works for you. Be beyond any doubt to plan time for each segment of the exam and to survey your advance routinely.

Utilize quality consider materials: There are numerous diverse consider materials accessible for the CHSL exam, counting books, online courses, CHSL Exam Date and hone tests. Select materials that are comprehensive and up-to-date.

Illuminate past year’s address papers and mock tests: One of the most excellent ways to get ready for the CHSL exam is to solve past year’s address papers and taunt tests. This will assist you get a feel for the sorts of questions that are inquired and the trouble level of the exam.

Center on time administration: Time administration is basic for success within the CHSL exam. Be beyond any doubt to hone fathoming questions beneath planned conditions. You’ll be able too utilize deride tests to progress your time administration abilities.

Remain calm and certain: On the day of the exam, attempt to remain calm and certain. Arrive at the exam center early and bring all of your required materials. Examined the informational carefully and reply the questions to the finest of your capacity.

Here are a few extra tips for planning for the CHSL exam:

Center on your qualities and shortcomings: Recognize your qualities and shortcomings in each segment of the exam. Center on moving forward your weaker ranges.
Take breaks: It is imperative to require breaks whereas considering. Get up and move around each 20-30 minutes.
Eat solid nourishments and get sufficient rest: Eating solid nourishments and getting sufficient rest will assist you remain centered and energized whereas examining.
Dodge diversions: Whereas examining, CHSL Exam Date attempt to dodge diversions such as your phone, TV, and social media.
Remain positive : Accept in yourself and your capacity to succeed.


Exam Date
Exam Fees (INR)
General (UR)Yet to be announced500
OBCYet to be announced500
SC/STYet to be announced250
PwBDYet to be announced250
Ex-ServicemenYet to be announced500
FemaleYet to be announced500
Minority CommunitiesYet to be announced500
Economically Backward ClassYet to be announced500


The SSC CHSL 2023 Tier 2 exam has been held on 2nd November 2023. The SSC CHSL exam is conducted in two stages: Tier 1 and Tier 2. Tier 1 is a computer-based test (CBT) and Tier 2 is a descriptive paper.

Candidates who qualify in Tier 1 will be eligible to appear for Tier 2. The final selection will be based on the combined score of Tier 1 and Tier 2.The SSC CHSL 2023 exam has been CHSL Exam Date completed and the results are expected to be released soon. Candidates who have appeared for the exam can start preparing CHSL Exam Date for the next stage of the selection process.


A: The minimum qualifying marks in CHSL Tier 2 is 33% for each section.

A: The CHSL Tier 2 result is expected to be released in December 2023.

A: You can get more information about the CHSL exam on the official website of SSC. You can also find useful information on various CHSL exam preparation websites and forums.

A: The CHSL Tier 2 admit card will be released on the official website of SSC in the last week of October 2023.

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