SSB Exam: Eligibility, Syllabus, Fees, Pattern, Date

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The Services Selection Board (SSB) is an organization that assesses the suitability of candidates for commissioning into the Indian Armed Forces. The SSB exam is a five-day examination that consists of a series of tests and assessments designed to evaluate the candidate’s personality, leadership potential, and overall suitability for a career in the military.


Ssb 1

 The SSB exam is not just a test of your academic knowledge. It is also a test of your personality, leadership potential, and overall suitability for a career in the military. Therefore, it is important to develop these qualities in yourself. You can do this by participating in extracurricular activities, developing hobbies, and taking on leadership roles in your community.

Eligibility Criteria

To be qualified for the SSB exam, candidates must fulfill the taking after criteria:

Age: Candidates must be between 20 and 25 a long time of age on the 1st day of January of the year of enrollment. There’s an age unwinding of up to 5 a long time for SC/ST candidates and up to 3 a long time for OBC candidates.
Instructive Capabilities: Candidates must have a graduate degree from any recognized college.
Nationality: Candidates must be an Indian citizen.
Physical Wellness: Candidates must meet the endorsed physical wellness benchmarks.
In expansion to the over criteria, there are a few extra necessities for certain posts. For case, candidates applying for posts within the specialized field may have to be have a specific diploma or degree.

It is imperative to note that the SSB exam may be a competitive exam, and assembly the qualification criteria does not ensure choice. Candidates must too perform well within the composed exam, physical tests, and mental tests to be chosen for the SSB.

Exam Pattern

Number of Questions
Marks per Question
Negative Marking
Part A1531/3
Part B1031/3
Part C251None
Total501001/3 (for Part A and B only)

Application Process

SSB Exam Application Prepare

  • Visit the official site of the Staff Determination Commission (SSC) and make an account.
  • Once you have got made an account, log in and tap on the “Apply Presently” button.
  • Select the SSB exam that you simply need to apply for and press on the “Another” button.
  • Fill in all the desired points of interest and transfer the essential archives.
  • Survey your application and press on the “Yield” button.


SSB Exam Syllabus

The SSB exam syllabus varies depending on the post that you are applying for. However, the general syllabus for most SSB exams includes the following subjects:

The specific syllabus for each subject can be found on the official website of the SSC.

Tips for Preparing for the SSB Exam

  • Start preparing for the exam early.
  • Make a study plan and stick to it.
  • Use good quality study materials.
  • Solve practice questions and mock tests.
  • Revise regularly.

Here are some additional tips for preparing for the SSB exam:

  • For General Knowledge, focus on current affairs, Indian history, geography, and polity.
  • For Mathematics, practice basic arithmetic operations, fractions, decimals, percentages, and ratios.
  • For Reasoning, practice logical reasoning questions, such as puzzles, series, and analogies.
  • For English, practice grammar, vocabulary, and comprehension.

In addition to preparing for the written exam, it is also important to prepare for the SSB interview. The SSB interview is a personality assessment test that is designed to assess your suitability for the post that you are applying for.

Important Dates

SSB Recruitment Apply Online Starts20th May 2023
Last Date to Apply Online18th June 2023
SSB Admit Card 202320th September 2023
SSB Exam Date 202329th September 2023 onwards

Tips for  Exam Preparation

Here are some additional tips for applying for JEST:

  • Start the application process early to avoid last-minute rush.
  • Keep all the required documents ready before starting the application form.
  • Carefully fill out the application form and cross-check all the details before submitting it.
  • Pay the application fee promptly to avoid any delays.
  • Download and print the admit card well in advance of the exam date.


Fee (Rs.)
Sub Inspector (SI)UR/ EWS/ OBC200
Assistant Sub Inspector (ASI)UR/ EWS/ OBC100
Assistant Sub Inspector (Stenographer)UR/ EWS/ OBC100


The SSB Exam, or Services Selection Board Exam, is a five-day assessment process conducted by the Indian Armed Forces to select officers. It is a rigorous process that tests candidates on a variety of parameters, including intelligence, personality, and leadership skills.

To be eligible to take the SSB Exam, you must be an Indian citizen, unmarried, and meet the following educational and physical requirements:

  • Educational requirements:
    • For the Indian Army and Indian Navy: Graduate from a recognized university with a minimum of 50% marks.
    • For the Indian Air Force: Graduate from a recognized university with a minimum of 60% marks.
  • Physical requirements:
    • Minimum height of 165 cm for men and 157 cm for women.
    • Normal vision in each eye without corrective lenses.
    • Good physical and mental health.

The best way to prepare for the SSB Exam is to understand the different stages of the assessment process and practice the various tasks that you will be required to perform. You can also read books and articles about the SSB Exam and talk to people who have already been through the process.

Some common SSB Exam interview questions include:

  • Tell me about yourself.
  • Why do you want to join the armed forces?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • What are your hobbies and interests?
  • What is your opinion on current events?
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