UPSC EPFO Exam Date : Syllabus, Exam Parten

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The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts a variety of competitive examinations for the recruitment of various posts within the Indian government. One such examination is the UPSC EPFO (Employees’ Provident Fund Organization) examination, which is conducted to select candidates for the post of Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer. 


Iim Indore Cutoff 3

This examination assesses candidates’ knowledge in various subjects, including general studies, general English, and general mental ability, to ensure they possess the skills necessary for the role. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the UPSC EPFO syllabus.

Eligibility Criteria

The UPSC EPFO (Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer) exam eligibility criteria are detailed and cover various aspects such as age, education, nationality, work experience, physical standards, medical standards, and more. Here’s a detailed breakdown:

1. Age Limit:

  • Minimum Age: 21 years
  • Maximum Age:
    • 30 years for Enforcement Officer/Accounts Officer (EO/AO)
    • 35 years for Assistant Provident Fund Commissioner (APFC)

Age Relaxation:

  • SC/ST: Up to 5 years
  • OBC: Up to 3 years
  • PwD: Up to 10 years
  • Ex-Servicemen and Commissioned Officers: Up to 5 years
  • Central Government Civilian Employees: Up to 5 years (10 years for SC/ST and 8 years for OBC)
  • Employees of EPFO: Up to 5 years
  • J&K Domiciled: Up to 5 years
  • Physically Handicapped (PH) Person: Up to 10 years
  • PH SC/ST Candidates: Up to 15 years
  • PH OBC Candidates: Up to 13 years

2. Educational Qualification:

  • Bachelor’s Degree from a recognized university.
  • Two years of experience in Administration/Accounting/Legal Matters in a government or private organization.
  • Five-year integrated law degree or Master’s degree in Business Administration.

3. Nationality:

  • A candidate must be one of the following:
    • Citizen of India
    • Subject of Nepal or Bhutan
    • Tibetan refugee who arrived before January 1, 1962, with the intention of permanent residency
    • Person of Indian origin who migrated from Pakistan, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, East African countries, etc.

4. Work Experience:

  • Two years of experience in Administration/Accounting/Legal Matters in a government or private organization.

5. Number of Attempts:

  • The official notification does not mention a specific limit on the number of attempts.

6. Physical Standards:

  • Candidates should be in good physical condition and may undergo medical examinations as per government requirements.

7. Medical Standards:

  • Various medical tests including blood and urine tests, blood pressure, diabetes screening, hearing ability, chest X-ray, and tests for lungs, heart, and bone density.

8. Disability Criteria:

  • Persons with a 40% disability or more are eligible for age relaxation and scribe services.

9. Documents Required for Verification:

  • Matriculation/10th standard or equivalent mark sheet
  • Degree/diploma certificates and mark sheets
  • Caste certificate
  • Experience certificates
  • Documents for age relaxation and disability criteria

10. Ex-Servicemen Criteria:

  • Maximum age limit relaxed by five years.
  • Certificate required, signed by relevant authorities.

11. Using a Scribe:

  • Candidates with blindness, locomotor disability, cerebral palsy, and specific disabilities may use a scribe.
  • Qualifications of the scribe should not exceed the minimum qualification criteria.

12. Disqualification or Debarment:

  • Candidates should not provide incorrect information or tamper with documents.
  • Disqualification for using unfair means during the test.

Exam Pattern

UPSC EPFO Exam Pattern for Written Exam is provided here in detail:
Topic No. of Questions (Approx) Time Duration
General English 18-20 120 minutes
Social Security in India 3 -5
Industrial Relations & Labour Laws 3 -5
Indian Polity & Economy 5 -7
Indian Freedom Struggle 13- 15
General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude 13 -15
General Science & Knowledge of Computer Applications 8-10
General Accounting Principles 8- 10
Total 120

Application Process

UPSC EPFO 2023 Application Form Steps:

Step 1: Visit the Official Website

  • Go to the Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) official website at

Step 2: Access UPSC EPFO Notification

  • Look for the UPSC EPFO Notification link for the Employees Provident Fund Organisation (EPFO) Recruitment 2023 (for 577 Posts) and click on it.

Step 3: UPSC EPFO One Time Registration (OTR)

  • The One Time Registration (OTR) portal will appear.
  • Fill in personal details such as Name, Father’s Name, Mother’s Name, Mobile Number, Email Id, and Aadhar Card Number.

Step 4: Pay Exam Fee

  • After filling in details, pay the exam fee.

Step 5: Submit

  • Click on the Submit button to complete the UPSC EPFO Online Registration Form 2023 process.


  • Before applying, carefully read all the information provided in the UPSC EPFO Notification 2023 PDF.

Requirements for UPSC EPFO Application Form 2023:

Before starting the online application process, candidates should have the following documents ready in soft copy format:

  1. Matriculation Certificate/Marksheet
  2. Age Proof/Birth Certificate
  3. Education Certificate
  4. Caste Certificate
  5. Challan/Credit Certificate/E Challan
  6. Photograph
  7. Signature


General Studies Syllabus : 2023

Indian Polity and Governance

Candidates should have a strong understanding of the Indian political system, including the Constitution of India, the structure of government, and key constitutional provisions.

Indian Economy

The Indian economy section covers basic economic concepts, policies, and current economic issues in India.

General Accounting Principles

Understanding general accounting principles and practices is crucial for the role of an Accounts Officer.

Industrial Relations and Labour Laws

Candidates should be well-versed in industrial relations and labor laws applicable in India.

General Science

This section tests candidates’ knowledge of general science, including physics, chemistry, and biology.

General Mental Ability

Candidates should demonstrate proficiency in general mental ability, including logical reasoning and problem-solving.

Current Events and Developmental Issues

Staying updated with current events in India and around the world is essential. This includes national and international news, sports, awards, and recent developments in various fields.


General English Syllabus 2023

Vocabulary and Grammar

Candidates should have a strong vocabulary, including synonyms, antonyms, and word meanings. Understanding grammar rules is also essential.

Comprehension and Precis Writing

This section assesses candidates’ reading and comprehension skills, as well as their ability to write clear and concise precis.

Active and Passive Voice

Candidates should understand the concepts of active and passive voice and their application in sentence construction.

Direct and Indirect Speech

This section covers direct and indirect speech, including converting statements, questions, and commands.

Translation from Hindi to English

Candidates are expected to translate passages from Hindi to English, demonstrating their proficiency in both languages.

Important Dates

UPSC EPFO Notification 2023 Important Dates
UPSC EPFO Notification 2023 Release Date21st February 2023
UPSC EPFO Recruitment Opening date of Registration25th February 2023
UPSC EPFO Recruitment Closing date of Registration17th March 2023
UPSC EPFO Admit card 20233/4th June 2023
UPSC EPFO Exam date 20232nd July 2023
UPSC EPFO Result 2023To Be Notified

Tips for  Exam Preparation

Below are some EPFO preparation tips for candidates:

  • Take each topic and complete it thoroughly
  • Study standard books recommended for each subject
  • Candidates should read newspapers for English sections, Current Affairs, and to gain more knowledge for the interview round.
  • Candidates should focus on practising a lot for the General Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude section in particular because the likelihood of answering questions from this section correctly is high.
  • Download EPFO previous question papers and solve them on a regular basis to evaluate your performance
  • Candidates can also buy EPFO mock test papers to enhance their level of preparation.



Gen/ OBC/ EWSRs. 25/-
SC/ ST/ PwD/ FemaleRs. 0/-
Mode of PaymentOnline


The  UPSC EPFO 2023 Application Form process appears to be well-organized and user-friendly. The steps are straightforward, starting with visiting the official UPSC website, accessing the EPFO notification, and completing the One Time Registration (OTR) process. Candidates need to provide personal details, pay the exam fee, and submit the form to successfully register for the UPSC EPFO exam. Before initiating the application process, candidates should carefully read the information provided in the UPSC EPFO Notification 2023 PDF. Additionally, they are required to have certain documents ready in soft copy format, including educational certificates, age proof, caste certificate, and more.


UPSC EPFO Application form 2023 can be filled by candidates by following the steps given below-
1. Click the link for the Online Application Form.
2. As the new tab opens, click the option, “Apply Now”.
3. On the next page, Check for the declaration at the bottom of the page, “Yes, I Agree”.
4. Fill in the Personal Details.
5. Finally, Agree to the declaration and Submit Part I of the UPSC EPFO Officer Online Application Form.
6. Go to Part II of the form and make Payment details (except for fee exempted candidates), selection of examination center, upload of Photograph, Signature, Photo Identity Card Document and Declaration.
7. Verify all the credentials and then click Submit.

The eligibility criteria include educational qualifications, age limits, and physical standards. Candidates must meet these criteria to be eligible to appear for the examination.

The selection procedure consists of a written examination and an interview. Candidates who pass the written examination are shortlisted for the interview, which is the final step in the selection process.

The General Studies syllabus includes Indian Polity and Governance, Indian Economy, General Accounting Principles, Industrial Relations and Labour Laws, General Science, General Mental Ability, and Current Events and Developmental Issues.

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