How Fleet Managers Can Attract New Talent

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Many fleet managers need their staff to be productive and efficient, meaning attracting talent is essential. Whether you need truck drivers or more fleet managers, it sometimes difficult to attract this talent because there are often shortages. That means you’ll need to consider the best ways to both attract and retain talent, and the best way to do that is to make yours a welcoming workplace.

When to Expand the Team

As your company grows, so will the need for top talent. For instance, if you are making more deliveries, you will need to bring on more drivers to meet the demand. When deciding how large to make your team, you will need to understand the number of hours each trucker can drive for. You can go over a fleet manager’s guide to determine the daily driving limit. From there, you can then calculate how many drivers you will need to bring on to meet business needs. Once you understand how many new people you need to hire, you can determine the best way to do so.

Offering Great Compensation

The pay is important, but that is not all an employee wants out of a company. They also want a great package of benefits. After ensuring that the pay meets what competitors are offering, try focusing on what benefits you are offering. That includes great dental, vision, and health insurance, as well as paid time off and retirement plans.

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And to make your offerings even more competitive, consider offering other advantages, such as flexible schedules or even the ability to advance. You should create and communicate a plan for how employees can advance or receive bonuses. That will help with retention, and it will result in better employee satisfaction. You could offer rewards after working at the company for a certain amount of time.

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Recruit People Entering the Job Market

If you want to add new employees to the company, create an internship program. Then you can get temporary workers from colleges or tech schools and train them for specific roles. It also gives you a chance to get to know them before deciding whether to hire them. If they have great internship experience, you’ll often be their first choice when they are ready for a full-time job.

You can also build relationships with high schools and colleges in the area. Often, younger people are more likely to stay with a company for a long time, especially if you make it an attractive work environment. Try partnering with colleges or high schools and attending career fairs to connect with young talent. If possible, consider sponsoring specific programs at that school, or have someone from your organization come in and talk to the class. Connecting with high schools is an excellent way to recruit as early as possible, especially for students that are ready to start working right out of school. Or you could encourage them to get the necessary training to become better educated in the industry, allowing them to get relevant jobs.

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