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BRICS Full Form: About, History & more

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BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is a coalition of five major emerging economies that have come together to foster cooperation and strengthen their collective influence on the world stage. The group was formally established in 2006 with the primary objective of promoting economic development, trade and investment among its member countries. The BRICS countries together account for a significant portion of the world’s population, area and GDP, and play an important role in shaping the international economic landscape. Over the years, the BRICS countries have held annual summits where leaders have addressed common challenges, strengthened financial ties, discussed ways to promote sustainable development, and formulated strategies. Despite various internal and external pressures, the BRICS countries continue to play a key role in shaping the global economic and political debate, and member states strive to harness their collective strengths for mutual growth and prosperity.  

What is BRICS?

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, representing a group of influential emerging economies that have received significant global attention in recent years. These five countries, spread across different continents, form a strategic alliance to promote cooperation and cooperation in various aspects of economy, politics and society. The combination of economic strength and population size of the BRICS countries has the potential to shape the future of the global economy and play a key role in overcoming global challenges. By uniting under the BRICS banner, these nations seek to unleash their combined strength, promote sustainable development and assert their influence on the international stage, thereby changing the dynamics of the world order. As it continues to grow and evolve, the BRICS remain a major force driving multipolar global diplomacy and seeking greater involvement in global decision-making processes.  

History of BRICS

The BRICS acronym stands for the amalgamation of five major emerging economies.Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. These countries are grouped together because their economies are developing rapidly and have a significant impact on regional and global affairs. The idea of ​​BRICS emerged in his early 2000s and since then the group has grown into an important platform for cooperation and dialogue between member states. 

Early discussionsThe concept of BRICS was first introduced in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs. He identified Brazil, Russia, India, and China as countries with the potential to become dominant players in the global economy due to their large populations, expanding economies, and significant natural resources.
Formal formationThe first BRIC Summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on June 16, 2009. Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, and China came together to discuss common economic issues and explore ways to enhance economic cooperation and strengthen ties between their nations.
Expansion to BRICSIn 2010, South Africa was invited to join the group, turning BRIC into BRICS. South Africa’s growing economy and potential contribution to the group’s development objectives led to its inclusion. The formal announcement was made during the third BRICS Summit in Sanya, China, in April 2011.
Annual SummitsSince 2009, BRICS member countries have held annual summits to discuss economic cooperation, development, regional challenges, and global governance. The summits provide an opportunity for leaders to exchange views and forge strategic partnerships.
Key areas of cooperationBRICS countries have cooperated in trade, finance, infrastructure development, technology, and cultural exchanges. They have advocated for reform in global governance institutions like the IMF and the World Bank to better reflect the changing global economic landscape.
New Development Bank (NDB)The New Development Bank (NDB) was established in 2014. Its purpose is to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS countries and other emerging economies.
Controversies and challengesBRICS countries have faced internal and external challenges, including political differences, economic slowdowns, and geopolitical tensions. Despite these challenges, they have continued to maintain dialogue and cooperation on various fronts.

How to Join BRICS

These countries unite to promote cooperation, economic growth and development. Accession to the BRICS countries is not an easy process as there are many criteria and procedures that each country must meet. Here is an overview of the steps a country can take to join BRICS:  

Economic PerformanceA country aspiring to join BRICS should have a significant and growing economy with potential for sustained growth. This could be assessed through key economic indicators like GDP, industrial output, trade volume, and other economic metrics.
Diplomatic RelationsThe country seeking to join should have established and maintained positive diplomatic relations with the existing BRICS member states.
Geopolitical ConsiderationsBRICS seeks to represent a diverse range of major emerging economies from different regions of the world. Therefore, a country’s geographical location and regional significance may also be taken into account.
Dialogue and EngagementThe country may engage in formal dialogue with BRICS member states to express its interest in joining the group and to understand the commitments and expectations associated with membership.
ObservershipBefore becoming a full member, the country may be invited as an observer or guest to participate in BRICS meetings and activities. This status allows the aspiring member to understand the workings of the group and explore potential areas of cooperation.
Accession ProcessAfter fulfilling the necessary criteria, the aspiring member formally applies for membership to the BRICS group. The existing members then consider the application and, if approved, extend an invitation to join.
Membership ConfirmationOnce the invitation is accepted, the aspiring country officially becomes a full member of BRICS, participating in all meetings, summits, and activities of the group.

Responsibilities as BRICS Members

BRICS is a coalition of five major emerging economies:Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Each Member State has specific responsibilities and obligations as part of the BRICS Group. While these responsibilities may vary by discipline and discipline, common aspects include:  

  • They aim to improve trade, investment and financial cooperation to promote economic growth and stability in the group.
  • Member States often coordinate their efforts in international forums such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to promote reforms that reflect the changing global economic landscape and give emerging economies a greater say in decision-making.
  • Political coordination: BRICS countries regularly engage in political negotiations and discussions on global issues such as international security, counter-terrorism, climate change and regional conflicts.
  • Development projects: BRICS members can cooperate in various development projects both in their own countries and in other regions.
  • Increasing tourism, educational exchange and cultural understanding between member states can help strengthen ties and promote better cooperation.
  • Innovation and technology sharing: BRICS members can explore opportunities to collaborate in research, development and innovation in various fields.
  • By sharing technological advances, they can jointly address challenges and accelerate economic growth.

Role of BRICS in Developing it's Members

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) plays an important role in promoting world peace through various mechanisms and actions. Here are some key aspects of NATO’s role in maintaining world peace. 

  • Economic Cooperation: The BRICS countries work together to strengthen their economies through trade, investment and financial cooperation.
  • They aim to strengthen intra-BRICS trade, reduce trade barriers and promote investment opportunities within member countries.
  • Exchange of technology and innovation: Member States share knowledge and experience in various fields, including technology and innovation, to promote development and economic progress.
  • Political Cooperation: BRICS members cooperate on a number of global issues and pursue their common interests in international forums such as the United Nations.
  • This cooperation strengthens their political ties and can lead to mutual support on issues important to individual members.
  • South-South Cooperation: BRICS is a significant example of South-South cooperation where developing countries share experiences, best practices and technologies to solve common problems.
  • This cooperation can help eliminate development gaps and lead to the common prosperity of the member states.


Members27 European countriesBrazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Population (approx.)446 million3.1 billion (total for all BRICS countries)
GDP (nominal, approx.)$15.6 trillion$18.5 trillion (total for all BRICS countries)
GDP per capita (approx.)$35,000Varies among member countries
Economic Growth RateModerateVaries among member countries
CurrencyEuro (€)Various national currencies within BRICS
Political SystemDemocraticMixed (Democracies and Authoritarian regimes)
Trade AgreementsEU Single Market, numerous trade deals with other countriesBRICS New Development Bank and bilateral trade agreements among member countries
Geographical AreaMostly located in EuropeSpread across multiple continents
Human Development IndexHighVaries among member countries
Infrastructure DevelopmentWell-developedVaries among member countries
Military StrengthModerateVaries among member countries
Major IndustriesDiverse (Manufacturing, Services, Technology, Agriculture, etc.)Varies among member countries

Rules and Regulations of BRICS

  • Annual Summit: BRICS organizes an annual summit where leaders of member states gather to discuss various issues, set priorities and plan for future cooperation.
  • Action Mechanisms: BRICS establishes various working groups and mechanisms to address specific areas of cooperation such as finance, trade, agriculture, culture and technology.
  • New Development Bank (NDB): In 2014, BRICS established the New Development Bank (formerly BRICS Development Bank) to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in member countries and other emerging economies.
  • Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA): The BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement was created to provide financial support to member states during times of economic crisis and currency fluctuations.
  • Cultural Exchange: BRICS encourages cultural exchange and people-to-people contacts to promote better understanding and cooperation among member countries.

FAQ's about BRICS

A: BRICS leaders meet each year at the BRICS Summit, where they discuss various issues and collaborate on issues of mutual concern and interest. In addition, numerous ministerial-level meetings are held throughout the year to discuss specific issues such as finance, trade and foreign policy. 

A: The first BRICS Summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia in 2009. The meeting brought together leaders from Brazil, Russia, India and China to discuss issues related to global financial stability, sustainable development and international cooperation.  

A: Collectively, the BRICS countries represent a significant portion of the world’s economy and population. Economic growth in these countries has outpaced that of many developed countries and is considered a major player in shaping the future of the global economy. Together, the BRICS countries have the potential to influence international trade, financial and political developments, acting as a counterbalance to the traditional economic powers.  

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BRICS Full Form: About, History & more

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BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, is a coalition of five major emerging economies that have come together to foster cooperation and strengthen their collective influence on the world stage. The group was formally established in 2006 with the primary objective of promoting economic development, trade and investment among its member countries. The BRICS countries together account for a significant portion of the world’s population, area and GDP, and play an important role in shaping the international economic landscape. Over the years, the BRICS countries have held annual summits where leaders have addressed common challenges, strengthened financial ties, discussed ways to promote sustainable development, and formulated strategies. Despite various internal and external pressures, the BRICS countries continue to play a key role in shaping the global economic and political debate, and member states strive to harness their collective strengths for mutual growth and prosperity.  

What is BRICS?

BRICS is an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa, representing a group of influential emerging economies that have received significant global attention in recent years. These five countries, spread across different continents, form a strategic alliance to promote cooperation and cooperation in various aspects of economy, politics and society. The combination of economic strength and population size of the BRICS countries has the potential to shape the future of the global economy and play a key role in overcoming global challenges. By uniting under the BRICS banner, these nations seek to unleash their combined strength, promote sustainable development and assert their influence on the international stage, thereby changing the dynamics of the world order. As it continues to grow and evolve, the BRICS remain a major force driving multipolar global diplomacy and seeking greater involvement in global decision-making processes.  

History of BRICS

The BRICS acronym stands for the amalgamation of five major emerging economies.Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. These countries are grouped together because their economies are developing rapidly and have a significant impact on regional and global affairs. The idea of ​​BRICS emerged in his early 2000s and since then the group has grown into an important platform for cooperation and dialogue between member states. 

Early discussionsThe concept of BRICS was first introduced in 2001 by economist Jim O’Neill of Goldman Sachs. He identified Brazil, Russia, India, and China as countries with the potential to become dominant players in the global economy due to their large populations, expanding economies, and significant natural resources.
Formal formationThe first BRIC Summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia, on June 16, 2009. Leaders of Brazil, Russia, India, and China came together to discuss common economic issues and explore ways to enhance economic cooperation and strengthen ties between their nations.
Expansion to BRICSIn 2010, South Africa was invited to join the group, turning BRIC into BRICS. South Africa’s growing economy and potential contribution to the group’s development objectives led to its inclusion. The formal announcement was made during the third BRICS Summit in Sanya, China, in April 2011.
Annual SummitsSince 2009, BRICS member countries have held annual summits to discuss economic cooperation, development, regional challenges, and global governance. The summits provide an opportunity for leaders to exchange views and forge strategic partnerships.
Key areas of cooperationBRICS countries have cooperated in trade, finance, infrastructure development, technology, and cultural exchanges. They have advocated for reform in global governance institutions like the IMF and the World Bank to better reflect the changing global economic landscape.
New Development Bank (NDB)The New Development Bank (NDB) was established in 2014. Its purpose is to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in BRICS countries and other emerging economies.
Controversies and challengesBRICS countries have faced internal and external challenges, including political differences, economic slowdowns, and geopolitical tensions. Despite these challenges, they have continued to maintain dialogue and cooperation on various fronts.

How to Join BRICS

These countries unite to promote cooperation, economic growth and development. Accession to the BRICS countries is not an easy process as there are many criteria and procedures that each country must meet. Here is an overview of the steps a country can take to join BRICS:  

Economic PerformanceA country aspiring to join BRICS should have a significant and growing economy with potential for sustained growth. This could be assessed through key economic indicators like GDP, industrial output, trade volume, and other economic metrics.
Diplomatic RelationsThe country seeking to join should have established and maintained positive diplomatic relations with the existing BRICS member states.
Geopolitical ConsiderationsBRICS seeks to represent a diverse range of major emerging economies from different regions of the world. Therefore, a country’s geographical location and regional significance may also be taken into account.
Dialogue and EngagementThe country may engage in formal dialogue with BRICS member states to express its interest in joining the group and to understand the commitments and expectations associated with membership.
ObservershipBefore becoming a full member, the country may be invited as an observer or guest to participate in BRICS meetings and activities. This status allows the aspiring member to understand the workings of the group and explore potential areas of cooperation.
Accession ProcessAfter fulfilling the necessary criteria, the aspiring member formally applies for membership to the BRICS group. The existing members then consider the application and, if approved, extend an invitation to join.
Membership ConfirmationOnce the invitation is accepted, the aspiring country officially becomes a full member of BRICS, participating in all meetings, summits, and activities of the group.

Responsibilities as BRICS Members

BRICS is a coalition of five major emerging economies:Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa. Each Member State has specific responsibilities and obligations as part of the BRICS Group. While these responsibilities may vary by discipline and discipline, common aspects include:  

  • They aim to improve trade, investment and financial cooperation to promote economic growth and stability in the group.
  • Member States often coordinate their efforts in international forums such as the United Nations, the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank to promote reforms that reflect the changing global economic landscape and give emerging economies a greater say in decision-making.
  • Political coordination: BRICS countries regularly engage in political negotiations and discussions on global issues such as international security, counter-terrorism, climate change and regional conflicts.
  • Development projects: BRICS members can cooperate in various development projects both in their own countries and in other regions.
  • Increasing tourism, educational exchange and cultural understanding between member states can help strengthen ties and promote better cooperation.
  • Innovation and technology sharing: BRICS members can explore opportunities to collaborate in research, development and innovation in various fields.
  • By sharing technological advances, they can jointly address challenges and accelerate economic growth.

Role of BRICS in Developing it's Members

NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) plays an important role in promoting world peace through various mechanisms and actions. Here are some key aspects of NATO’s role in maintaining world peace. 

  • Economic Cooperation: The BRICS countries work together to strengthen their economies through trade, investment and financial cooperation.
  • They aim to strengthen intra-BRICS trade, reduce trade barriers and promote investment opportunities within member countries.
  • Exchange of technology and innovation: Member States share knowledge and experience in various fields, including technology and innovation, to promote development and economic progress.
  • Political Cooperation: BRICS members cooperate on a number of global issues and pursue their common interests in international forums such as the United Nations.
  • This cooperation strengthens their political ties and can lead to mutual support on issues important to individual members.
  • South-South Cooperation: BRICS is a significant example of South-South cooperation where developing countries share experiences, best practices and technologies to solve common problems.
  • This cooperation can help eliminate development gaps and lead to the common prosperity of the member states.


Members27 European countriesBrazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa
Population (approx.)446 million3.1 billion (total for all BRICS countries)
GDP (nominal, approx.)$15.6 trillion$18.5 trillion (total for all BRICS countries)
GDP per capita (approx.)$35,000Varies among member countries
Economic Growth RateModerateVaries among member countries
CurrencyEuro (€)Various national currencies within BRICS
Political SystemDemocraticMixed (Democracies and Authoritarian regimes)
Trade AgreementsEU Single Market, numerous trade deals with other countriesBRICS New Development Bank and bilateral trade agreements among member countries
Geographical AreaMostly located in EuropeSpread across multiple continents
Human Development IndexHighVaries among member countries
Infrastructure DevelopmentWell-developedVaries among member countries
Military StrengthModerateVaries among member countries
Major IndustriesDiverse (Manufacturing, Services, Technology, Agriculture, etc.)Varies among member countries

Rules and Regulations of BRICS

  • Annual Summit: BRICS organizes an annual summit where leaders of member states gather to discuss various issues, set priorities and plan for future cooperation.
  • Action Mechanisms: BRICS establishes various working groups and mechanisms to address specific areas of cooperation such as finance, trade, agriculture, culture and technology.
  • New Development Bank (NDB): In 2014, BRICS established the New Development Bank (formerly BRICS Development Bank) to finance infrastructure and sustainable development projects in member countries and other emerging economies.
  • Contingent Reserve Arrangement (CRA): The BRICS Contingent Reserve Arrangement was created to provide financial support to member states during times of economic crisis and currency fluctuations.
  • Cultural Exchange: BRICS encourages cultural exchange and people-to-people contacts to promote better understanding and cooperation among member countries.

FAQ's about BRICS

A: BRICS leaders meet each year at the BRICS Summit, where they discuss various issues and collaborate on issues of mutual concern and interest. In addition, numerous ministerial-level meetings are held throughout the year to discuss specific issues such as finance, trade and foreign policy. 

A: The first BRICS Summit was held in Yekaterinburg, Russia in 2009. The meeting brought together leaders from Brazil, Russia, India and China to discuss issues related to global financial stability, sustainable development and international cooperation.  

A: Collectively, the BRICS countries represent a significant portion of the world’s economy and population. Economic growth in these countries has outpaced that of many developed countries and is considered a major player in shaping the future of the global economy. Together, the BRICS countries have the potential to influence international trade, financial and political developments, acting as a counterbalance to the traditional economic powers.  

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