7 Tips for Improving Your Google Search Results

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Google search can be as specific as you want it to be, but you have to know the tricks. Of course, you’ll get results no matter what you type into the search engine, but with the right words, you’ll see more quality results. The following are seven tips to help you accomplish this.


Use quotations if you’re looking for an exact phrase. If you enter these words without the quotation, then Google search might offer results with any of the words, not necessarily the quote you’re looking for. That’s going to make it harder to find what you’re looking for. You might have to go through pages of results until you find what you want, but the quotes will refine your results.

2. Including a Location

Another important thing to remember is to add a location to your search. Location-based terms like ‘Crest Hill dentist‘ will lead to more relevant search results. Many people don’t do this and end up with pages of dental practices around the country. Adding a location refines your results and saves you time, and everyone wants this.

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3. Exact Prices

Looking online for something that fits your budget can take all day. You may browse many websites and not find affordable options. The good thing is you can just use the “..” trick. All you have to do is type in what you’re looking for and then use this trick to specify your price range. Separate the lowest amount on one side of the dots and the highest amount on the other side. For example, “silk blouse $40..$100” will only show you items that fit that price range.

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4. Define

If you type in “define:” before a keyword, you’ll get results defining the word you want. If you don’t do this, you’ll be inundated with pages that contain the word. These pages can be helpful if you need to see the word used in a sentence.

Google search

5. Eliminating Results

Sometimes, you want to type in a word or phrase that usually connects to a specific business. You want to eliminate the usual google search results for now, and you can do that by using the “-” trick. For example, if you want to search for pizza but aren’t interested in restaurants, you’ll want to type in “pizza -restaurants” into your search engine. This should offer results that have nothing to do with restaurants.

6. Specific Website

Every so often, you need results from a specific website and nothing else. Google search can help you out with this. All you have to do is specify your needs. You can use the “:” trick. First, you’re going to type in what you’re looking for, followed by the colon. Then, type in the exact website you want Google to use. With this, you eliminate all other results you don’t need, which makes researching much more manageable.

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7. Two Things at Once

If you want results that include two different things, Google can help with that, too. You can use the “or” trick. Just type in the first thing you’re looking for. Then, type in “or” and the other term. The results will include both things you’re looking for.

Just when you thought Google search couldn’t get more useful, it can surprise you. It might take you a second to remember all of these tricks, but you’ll get the hang of them with enough time.

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