How to Apply and Get a Good Internship as a Student

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Internships are programs that are of one month, six months, or one year which give students work experience, exploration, and different perks. Here are some tips to find a good internship and more.

Methods to get Internship Response Faster

There are so many students applying for an internship. How you can assure your place to get a particular internship. Readout about some methods which can help you to get an internship:

1. Cold emailing or messaging a person or authority you don’t know is cold emailing. It is an old process that is not appreciated by a lot of aspirants. But it is a successful approach to grab a good internship. When you are applying to an internship, write a good subject line, and address the solution for a problem if you can. Also, mention your capabilities and intention for that internship.

You→ Good Resume →Job

2. Engage meaningfully with the area of that internship you want to apply or are interested in applying to. Share your work samples along with your resume because it will show your work to a hiring manager, and stand you out from other candidates.

3. If it is really a good internship, keep following and updated with their work and website for at least 2 months.

applying for an internship, Gmail, internships

How to Turn an Internship into a Paid Job

There are some good companies where after being an intern you really want to become an employee there. When you really want to become an employee and want to continue that internship. The first thing you can do is to give your projects your best efforts. Good work automatically is going to help you to ask your hiring manager to give you more chances. Second, if the company is hiring full-time employees then keep updated and it will increase your chance to get that job.

Internship in High School

As a student choosing a career is also a hard part. Internships can help you to explore particular areas and fields before making them your career. Nowadays schools also provide internships but if your school is not providing you can try to apply on online platforms. Companies generally not hire high school students for internships but if you can be a good fit they can give you a chance to work on projects which are not public yet. 

how to find good internships

Benefits of an Internship

What you learn during your internship period will help you in a lot of ways. Some internships will grow you as a person and grow your personality. And others will give you a stipend and certificate. Students can find and explore career paths by doing internships in that field. Nowadays lifetime access to material and downloadable material is also available which you can read and revise later. Internships also give you a certificate which is also beneficial. A stipend will help you to update your gadgets too. 

Having Good LinkedIn Is As Important As Good Resume

Students can learn different courses and can do internships related to that field. Here are some areas in which you can apply if you are not sure where to start.


Why Internships are Increasing with Time

Internships help in boosting your career in a lot of ways. You need the experience to get a job and for experience, you need a job but with an internship, you can get a chance to apply your skills and learn even when you are doing your studies. Also, internships will increase and grow your network. Nowadays internships are like pre-job preparation it will give you a stipend as well as an understanding of work culture.

Difference Between a Paid and an Unpaid Internship

Students get confused between paid and unpaid internships. If it is a good internship and it is not paying then according to the time you are giving to that work you can decide if you should do that or not. And if you are in your learning period and an internship is paying but you need to give more time. Then choose an easy one so that you can handle academic as well as your internship learning. Both options are good if your main aim is to learn and grow.

paid internships


  • Use your time wisely. There are paid and unpaid internships students can do. But not every internship needs to be done, and not every area needed to learn. 
  • Good internships are hard to get. Do not get de-motivated. Two to three months is the minimum time you need to give to get a single internship.
  • Don’t rush. Use an opportunity to learn, don’t stress if it is not going to give you a job.
  • Fill the internship form provided by the internship provider. 
  • Platforms like Linkedin, Angellist, and Upgrade are good online options available to apply for your first internship. 

By: Priya Panwar 

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