How to get an internship in a media house

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The internship is part of our Curriculum to become the best. Those students who are pursuing Graduation can’t understand the work until they don’t do it. An internship gives you a chance to work with an organization. That’s how an internship gives you knowledge and experience together.

Now, I am Sharing points that will help you to get an internship in a media House.

Communication skills

Journalism is all about communication skills. Remind that no one responds positively to you until you don’t impress them. So be impressive. If you are mailing in any media house just write a beautiful mail with a copy of your resume and work sample. Tell them what the purpose of your internship is in crisp content. So, always remember they are giving you opportunities so you have behaved like a Deserving person. 


Ask your teacher or Seniors

Internships are very beneficial but the question arises how can we get an internship? The answer is simple. You can ask your teachers they have so many links, they can help you with it. Until and unless you don’t create a mess with them. If your teachers are not helping you. You can ask your Seniors or your past Seniors who are working or studying. They have more connections in comparison to you. Always remember no one helps you if you don’t have good terms with them. So always be kind to all those who are around you.

Ask to your friends of Different colleges

If you are asking different people it means you don’t have a connection that can help you. But you can have friends from Different colleges. Maybe they have a connection with media houses. Or they can ask to there senior. Just ask your all friends who are pursuing journalism maybe someone can help you.

Through social media

The world in which we leaving is the world of the internet. Social media help you to reach there. Almost every media house has an account on social media whenever they open a post of the internship. Apart from this, we can message those who are working currently with different media houses. Some people are so kind if you message them they will help you. 


Through newspaper

Newspapers help us in all situations. Newspapers like Amar Ujala and so many others have a different place in their newspaper for jobs per internship. You can simply collect the mail id and them. 

Call or Mail them

Google is always there to help you. Is something is needed is your efforts and passion. Just search for a different mail id and Contact number of Different media houses. And connect with them. If they are saying no, request them to tell you the next time. So many people will not pick your phone and don’t respond to your mail but someone is always there to help you. All you need to do is keep trying. 


Go to a media house

You can google the address of different media houses and directly go there with your resume. Guard will question you but the Journalism field is all about new things. Just tell them you are there for an internship. Request them to allow you just for a minute to get into the HR department

Doing an Internship gives you Different knowledge that you can not find in books. So I have to tell you all the details related to an internship in a media house if you wish to be there just go for it. 



Do internship accordingly

I will suggest to you that the media you want to go to. Focus on that and join an internship in that. For example, if you want to make a career in electronic media, then you do an internship in a news channel.


Similarly, if you want to become a Journalist in News Paper i.e. Print Media, then do an internship in a Newspaper. In this way, do an internship in the field of media in which you want to go.

Some people are such that they are known to be in electronic media but do internship in print. This is not right for you. In whichever field you do an internship, then the chances of getting a job are also in that field. Because you have good knowledge of print media and not electronic media.


Therefore, join the internship during the course wisely. Do internships only in a good media house. During the internship, you should focus on learning as much as possible. Do internships with utmost sincerity and dedication. So that if your boss likes your work in the same media house, then you can get a job there.

Internship gives you a good practical knowledge of journalism. That’s how journalists work and how news channels or newspapers work. You get to know them very well. Internships enable you to work in the field.

By: Geetu Katyal
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