How to turn an internship into a full-time job?

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Here are the 8 tips to turn an internship into a full-time job: 

Make Sure That you Fit in

Before starting the internship it is important to research the company and its mission and its values. Once you get the details it will help you to better understand how you can support your company to achieve its goals. You can also read about the company reviews about its culture or environment. This knowledge will help you to feel more comfortable because you get the basic ideas of the personalities or work styles. Then you can see you are fit in or you need to make some adjustments.

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Understand and Obey the Rules

During the first week of the internship, you get to know about the rules, procedures, and other codes of conduct the company expects you to follow. You will get in the information in a written format, so take time and carefully read it. You must have a complete understanding of these expectations before starting work to ensure you don’t do any mistakes. If you have any questions regarding anything then ask the supervisor before doing it. By following the rules you show your respect for the workplace.

internship, mentor

Make Strong Relationships with Supervisors

While performing any task make sure you are trying to exceed their expectations so they can count you as an essential member of their team. You have to build strong communication by checking in regularly such as by providing updates on your project or any victories that have been achieved. It’s very important to strengthening this relationship as your supervisor can help you to get a job in the future in the company or elsewhere. Try to make a more personal connection rather than strictly discussing work. 

Demonstrate a Strong Work Ethic

Give your 100% because your performance as an intern will prove to them that you would be an important permanent member of their team. Show your company that you are interested and pleased to perform your responsibilities because companies admire interns who display a commitment to their job. Here are a few ways to showcase your work ethic

  • Be punctual
  • Provide consistency and quality work
  • Organize your tasks and work so you can focus on your responsibilities and manages your time.

Work ethics, interns, internship.

Make a Strong Network with Your Colleagues

Make sure you are building a strong professional and personal relationship with your colleagues because employers want to see strong teamwork abilities. Ask for help if you need it and also offer help if some need collaborates with your teammates to achieve goals. If you establish a good relationship then your team will notice that you are an enjoyable person to work with. Your colleagues can also pass positive feedback to your supervisor. It will also help you grow your professional network.  Everyone will be impressed and you will also get more opportunities in the company. 

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Show Excitement

As an intern, maybe your first work is small or repetitive tasks. Approach these responsibilities with excitement, complete them on time and provide quality work to your supervisor. If they observe you are easily able to manage the tasks then they will give you more tasks. These tasks will help you to grow your professional skills and indicate to them that you can take up responsibility and have the potential to complete it.


Give Solutions to Their Problems

You can develop and showcase your abilities by giving solutions to their problems. If you find any issue then raise it to your supervisor and also provide a solution to resolve it when they ask your advice. Once you resolve an issue for the company you gain a unique as an employee. 

Express to Them That You are Interested in a Full-Time Job

Early into your internship, you can ask your HR about the possibilities of getting full-time employment. Throughout the internship mention to your supervisor that you want to work for the company and explain them with reason. When they see your good quality work during the internship and see that you are interested in a full-time job then probably you will get the chance.

By: Sananda Kumari

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