How to Maintain Mental Fortitude when Looking for a Job

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People face challenges in their lives daily, be that family issues, friendships, romantic relationships, or problems within their workplaces. Whilst you may have multiple stress factors in your life, it’s important that you remain effective and focused both within your profession and when you are seeking a new one.

In general, job searching can be very difficult, however, maintaining a position at a company can be just as challenging. After graduating from college or university, the job market may seem very distant, but that’s not true. Nevertheless, regardless of being new to job searching or not, not many enjoy it, and most people face a fairly large emotional stress.

So how can you stay positive when you may be somewhat clueless about what you are doing and among the rejection letters that you are receiving daily?

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You must be passionate about what you are planning to pursue. If you are interested in a certain area, then through the advice of others and/or the help of some research, you can probably find a variety of paths related to that. Whilst you may panic at first, after having a detailed look at the paths your university course or training has to offer, you will gain more understanding of your options. 

Ask: “What’s best for me?”

Whilst money is an important factor. Generally, enjoyment overrules it. You probably have already heard phrases similar to “you won’t succeed if you don’t enjoy it.” This truly depends on you. 

Some people are capable of having an occupation unrelated to their dreams. However, others don’t. Both are fine, but you should first figure out which category you fit into. Nevertheless, don’t forget that you may be selecting a job for a certain amount of years, and it will require your engaged involvement.


Another saying that many follow is “money doesn’t bring happiness.” This is a very subjective assertion, and you may or may not fit into the category that this is aimed at. 

Despite money being disregarded by some, ‘sadly’ it’s a significant contributor to one’s life. Whilst you may be set on your goals, you must not forget about your momentary situation. Ultimately, the quality of your life is the most important thing (according to many), and you should not compromise on that. 

Often people are ashamed of working retail jobs. However, they don’t notice that they are just as important as other professions. If your quality of life is decreasing and is heavily dependent on your paycheck, then it may be time to reconsider your career or to take up a temporary/part-time job. 

Don’t Forget your Goals

Trying to find a balance between good financial income and passion can be difficult. Whilst it is important that can financially support your family or yourself, you should prioritize your wishes.

By keeping in mind your long-term goals, be that finding employment or achieving a certain position at a company, you will be able to stay more motivated in your profession. 

To achieve a greater form of satisfaction, you can also write a list of things that you want to achieve and potential rewards that you can obtain along the way. Whilst money isn’t everything, some things that your list may contain can include holidays to destinations that you always dreamt of or expensive gifts to your significant other.

Review your Past Achievements

After several rejections, you may find yourself questioning the point of your applications. You remember that the work that you are putting into your job searching will have its result. 

If you lose faith or confidence, then you may recharge by reviewing your past achievements. If you are experiencing a ‘low’ then perhaps having a look at your university degree or family photographs can remind you of the goal and future ahead of you.

Create Steps

Often we don’t notice that we ask too much from ourselves. Even though we may have big dreams and ambitions, those usually take some time to achieve and could get very overwhelming.

To feel like you are on the correct path and towards success, you could set yourself smaller goals or tasks to achieve. For example, if you want to get into the publishing industry then perhaps taking up smaller freelance roles and articles could be a way to both learn and stay on track before preparing to write your long-awaited bestseller.

External Support

Even though it may sound simple, it’s quite crucial who you surround yourself with when you are job searching. Often when people select a humanitarian or artistic career, their family members are worried about their financial prospects. As frustrating as it may sound, at times their worries can be justified. Nevertheless, this does not mean that you should give up on your dreams or passions!

Perhaps finding a job through Lensa or by researching online groups and clubs that revolve around similar interests could be both a way for you to gain confidence and clarity regarding your potential profession. 

Maintaining mental fortitude when looking for a job can be very challenging. You may be facing rejection letters regularly which could even result in you questioning your decisions. Nevertheless, you should always aim to work towards your goals and surround yourself with a supportive group of people. It may be frustrating that you don’t succeed initially, but you must remember that you learn every step of the way.

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