Pursuing a Career in Law: 5 Things to Consider

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The professional law world is a lucrative arena with a highly competitive feel to it. There are thousands of attorneys around the USA, all of which have specific qualifications and expertise. If you are looking to pursue a career in this area, you will need motivation, determination, and some insight into where you want to end up. Here are five things to consider before you get started.

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Understand the Requirements

To become a registered attorney in the USA, there are a few boxes that need to be ticked. The first condition is that any practicing lawyer holds a verified degree from an establishment recognized by the American Bar Association. You will also need to pass the next step known as the bar exam, and preferably find an internship and gain work experience before you step into the real arena on your own two feet. Expect to be in school for at least seven years in order to gain your initial law qualification and top it up with a JD or similar.

The Area of Law You Wish to Practice

Sometimes, people go into a law qualification with a vague idea of where they would like to specialize. Other times, it is apparent from the very start which legal area calls to you the most. Whichever side you land on, it is an important decision to consider as you proceed through the motions. It will determine where you work when you are out of the other side and could lead to the search for a law firm that can cover many different areas of practice as opposed to a niche team. This will all become clear as you move through the qualification process where you learn about various areas of the law and discover what makes you feel passionate and motivated.

Being an Attorney Can Be Lucrative

As you move through your career, there are opportunities to bring home a respectable salary. Top attorneys that have a stable reputation and experience can earn millions of dollars if they work smart. Of course, you won’t be seeing that kind of money at the beginning, but starting salaries for law graduates are still decent, nonetheless. It is recorded as one of the highest paying professions in the country, with great average remuneration packages and benefits too.

There Will Be Long Hours to Navigate

If you are one for downtime, you may want to step back and think carefully about whether this is a career for you. It is highly competitive, with a high expectation attached that you work above and beyond the regular working week. This means you will be tired and have very little time to socialize or go on vacation. However, the more established you become, the more this shifts in your favor.

You Are Providing Valuable Support

Attorneys are the voice for people who don’t know how to navigate the law. Clients need help in all areas of practice, regardless of whether that is seeing through a divorce or being represented in a criminal case. Your job will take you to many places, all of which will hopefully make a difference in the life of the people who need it most. This is often enough to offset the high levels of stress and longer hours that people in other professions just don’t see in the same way. You can become established as a part of a firm or set up on your own when you become more experienced, and your clients will grow with you. 

There are lots of considerations when you decide to take on the mantle of becoming a professional attorney. Alongside the education side of the process, you will also need to gain experience and discover your passion in order to specialize or make the change you want to create.

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