5 Careers That Require A Lot Of Travel

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When you ask most people to tell you their hobbies or aspirations, they will undoubtedly mention travel. For those people, getting paid to travel would be the ideal career. The good news is that many jobs require a lot of travel.

If you have the proper skill set or qualifications, you can spend your life experiencing the planet and all it has to offer. A career that requires travel will help you explore the world at little cost to yourself, meet new people worldwide, and often enjoy great career benefits. 

The following are careers that require a lot of travel: 

Tour Guide 

The most apparent career that would involve a lot of travel is being a tour guide. Popular tourist destinations always need knowledgeable guides to show them around new places and make these destinations as fascinating as possible. 

You will need to study up on the city or country and be well versed in the language. For example, to be a tour guide in Germany, it would be best to study German with native teachers. Therefore, multilingual people have a great chance of becoming tour guides. 

There are no certifications required to be a tour guide, so all you have to do is contact travel agencies and find out which ones need tour guides. 

Business Consultants

Companies worldwide hire consultants from various fields to help them solve different problems with their businesses. If a company has multiple physical locations, you may have to travel and visit them to find out how you can help them improve or remedy various issues. 

You will have to formulate strategies to help businesses improve, which takes time and allows you to explore a city. You should find the best field to give you the best chance of getting a business consulting job for those who love to travel because consultants often have very specialized knowledge. 

Travel Blogger or Vlogger

There are very few better careers for people who love to travel than being a travel blogger or vlogger. You travel to various parts of the planet, document your travels by writing or filming them, upload your content and make money. 

It may be more complicated than that, as it is a very competitive field, but it is definitely a career to consider for travel lovers. Your job may include creating content for established publications like newspapers or magazines, but you can also start your own website and market it to gain a loyal following. It doesn’t require any qualifications other than a love of traveling, which makes it so fantastic. 

Flight Attendant

Ever since the advent of the aviation industry, those who love to travel have sought to become flight attendants. It is a career that assures you of global travel, meeting all types of people, and living in different cities across the planet. 

The downside of being a flight attendant is that the hours are crazy, and you need to meet a particular beauty standard. You need to receive certification from an air hostess academy and have good communication skills too. On the plus side, it is one of the best tourism and hospitality industry jobs. 

Cruise Ship Crew

As flight attendants take to the skies, cruise ship crew members take to the seas, but each gets to travel and see a great deal of the world. Being a cruise ship member is one of the best jobs for making a living for people who like to travel. 

Cruise ships are enormous and require many professionals, including engineers, captains, massage therapists, chefs, cleaners, fitness instructors, etc. You do need qualifications and experience in the hospitality industry as well as good communication skills. 

Many careers require a lot of travel that travel lovers would like. Being a flight attendant, cruise ship crew member, business consultant, tour guide, and travel blogger or vlogger are only a fraction of the careers. Consider your skills and qualifications, then determine which jobs require a lot of travel and are suitable for you.

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