Career opportunities in machine learning

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Machine learning is a technique of computer programming in which a computer program is designed in such a way that that program can learn new things from itself and make a decision on its own when needed. This technique of the computer field is called machine learning.

Since the name directly implies that it is the learning process of a machine. In this, any application or software is developed in such a way that it can learn new things without any intervention in its program and when the time comes, it can predict the information related to that data or give output.

Definition – Machine learning in the definition is an application that provides the ability to automatically learn and improve on its own without explicitly programming the system.

How does machine learning work?

A model is made by giving data to Machine Learning (ML) Algorithm and when any input comes in this algorithm, it provides output according to the model created.

To understand this, you can take the example of YouTube, because if you search for things related to a topic or watch a video, then accordingly videos will appear on your YouTube homepage.  In a way, YouTube shows you the video on your homepage according to your preference. Now no employee of YouTube will do this because it has crores of users and for this, how many employees will be required. Machine learning is used to perform such a task, which customizes your homepage and suggests videos to you according to your own searches and activities.

machine learning

How to learn machine learning?

If you are a computer student or want to make a career in the field of computers then the question must have come to your mind that how machine learning can be learned and what are the career prospects in it.  Before learning this, you need to have basic computer knowledge, which you can learn by doing short computer courses. Apart from taking a computer course, you can also do an online course by yourself or you can take the help of YouTube and Google. After this, you will have to learn Programming Language because with this you will make Program or Software.

You can start Programming Language with C language because it is easier than other languages and is also very helpful in making programs. And then after knowing the basics of these programming languages, you should take an online or offline course. In this, Google also provides a free course, in which you can learn online machine learning for free. After this, you can also do a Paid Course so that you can know about it deeply.

Job position

machine learning

Top Collages

  • Stanford University, California
  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge
  • National Research University – Higher School of Economics
  • IIT Bombay, Mumbai, Maharashtra
  • IIT Roorkee, Uttarakhand
  • Gautam University Visakhapatnam, Hyderabad
  • NIELIT, Calicut
  • K. Gujral Punjab Technical University, Jalandhar, Punjab.
  • Panipat Institute of Engineering & Technology
  • Silver Oak University, Ahmedabad
  • University of Hyderabad
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Scope of machine learning

It is estimated that there will be an era of machine learning and artificial intelligence in the world of computers and the internet. Almost every type of device will have its applications so that the user gets better service. In the field of computer science, a lot of attention is being paid because the demand for this technology is increasing gradually.

Big tech companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft are working on this at a very large level, in which the name of Google’s Automatic Car comes first.  Apart from this, Tesla and Apple are also running their projects on this type of vehicle. There is much less expert than its demand in this field and the applications of machine learning are also increasing continuously.

machine learning

Salary insight

The average annual salary of a machine learning engineer is ₹671,548. Machine learning engineers with less than 1-year experience earns around ₹500,000 per annum which is clearly one of the highest entry-level salaries in India.

Application of machine learning

Big companies like Google and Apple are using it extensively so that they can easily understand their very large userbase. You must be aware that these companies have crores of users and it is difficult to provide service to every user according to their choice because it requires a huge staff.

 By using Machine Learning Algorithm, easily solving the biggest Big Data, important information related to them can be extracted. Google’s search engine also uses the ‘ML Algorithm’ because Google has millions of website indexes and it is difficult to manually check which website is important to the user and which is not.

Google’s machine learning is quite advanced, which can find the right website by crawling thousands of websites in less than a second. Apart from this, e-commerce companies also use machine learning so that they can show and sell products according to the preferences of their customers.


– Aakansha Jumle 

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