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MAH CET stands for Maharashtra Common Entrance Test. It is a state-level entrance examination conducted by the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra for admission to various undergraduate and postgraduate courses in the state of Maharashtra, India. MAH CET is primarily conducted for admission to MBA/MMS (Master of Business Administration/Master of Management Studies) programs in various colleges and universities affiliated with the Maharashtra State Universities.

The exam assesses the candidates’ aptitude in areas such as logical reasoning, quantitative aptitude, verbal ability, and abstract reasoning. The scores obtained in MAH CET are used by participating institutes for shortlisting and selecting candidates for their management programs.

Introduction to MAH CET Counselling

The MAH CET Counselling is the process through which candidates who have qualified in the MAH CET exam can secure admission to MBA/MMS programs in various colleges and universities in Maharashtra. It is an important step in the admission procedure, where candidates are allotted seats based on their ranks and preferences.

During the counselling process, candidates need to register online, fill in their choices of colleges and courses, and participate in the seat allotment rounds. The counselling process is conducted by the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra, and involves several stages, including document verification, seat allocation, and reporting to the allotted college.

Candidates are required to provide relevant documents such as MAH CET scorecard, educational certificates, category certificates (if applicable), and other necessary documents for verification. The counselling process ensures a fair and transparent allocation of seats to deserving candidates based on their merit and preferences.

It is important for candidates to stay updated with the counselling schedule, registration dates, and other important notifications released by the conducting authority. By participating in the MAH CET counselling process, candidates have the opportunity to secure admission to their preferred MBA/MMS programs in Maharashtra and kickstart their career in the field of management.

MAH CET Counselling Process

  • Online Registration: Candidates need to register themselves online on the official website of the State Common Entrance Test Cell, Maharashtra.
  • Document Verification: Candidates are required to verify their documents, including MAH CET scorecard, educational certificates, category certificates (if applicable), and other necessary documents. This is done at designated document verification centers.
  • Choice Filling: Candidates need to fill in their choices of colleges and courses based on their preferences. They can select multiple options in the order of their preference.
  • Seat Allotment: The conducting authority conducts multiple rounds of seat allotment based on the candidate’s rank and preferences. Candidates are allotted seats in colleges based on the availability and their merit.
  • Seat Acceptance: After the seat allotment, candidates need to accept the allotted seat by paying the requisite admission fee within the specified time.
  • Reporting to Allotted College: Candidates who have accepted the allotted seat need to report to the respective college within the given timeframe. They need to complete the admission formalities and submit the required documents.
  • Withdrawal and Upgradation: Candidates who are not satisfied with the allotted seat can choose to withdraw from the counselling process or participate in subsequent rounds for upgradation to a better seat.
  • Subsequent Rounds: Additional rounds of counselling may be conducted for vacant seats or for candidates who wish to participate for better seat allocation.
  • Final Admission: Once the counselling process is completed, candidates who have successfully secured an admission offer need to complete the final admission formalities, pay the remaining fees, and start their MBA/MMS program.

MAH CET Counselling Schedule

Phase Event Date
1 Online Registration June 2023
2 Document Verification June – July 2023
3 Choice Filling July 2023
4 Seat Allotment – Round 1 July 2023
5 Seat Acceptance – Round 1 July 2023
6 Reporting to Allotted College – Round 1 July – August 2023
7 Seat Allotment – Round 2 August 2023
8 Seat Acceptance – Round 2 August 2023
9 Reporting to Allotted College – Round 2 August – September 2023
10 Additional Rounds (if any) September 2023
11 Final Admission Process September 2023

Documents Required for MAH CET Counselling

Documents Required
MAH CET Admit Card
MAH CET Scorecard
Class 10th Marksheet and Passing Certificate
Class 12th Marksheet and Passing Certificate
Graduation Marksheet and Degree Certificate
Category Certificate (if applicable)
Domicile Certificate
Caste Certificate (if applicable)
Income Certificate (if applicable)
Transfer Certificate
Migration Certificate
Passport-sized Photographs
Any other relevant certificates or documents as specified by the authorities

MAH CET Seat Allotment Process

  • Online Registration: Candidates need to register online for the MAH CET Counselling process.
  • Document Verification: After registration, candidates have to visit the designated document verification center for the verification of their documents.
  • Choice Filling: Candidates need to fill their preferred choices of colleges and courses based on their eligibility and preference.
  • Seat Allotment – Round 1: The authorities will allocate seats to candidates based on their merit, category, and availability of seats in the preferred choices.
  • Seat Acceptance – Round 1: Candidates who are allotted seats in the first round need to accept the seat by paying the required seat acceptance fee.
  • Reporting to Allotted College – Round 1: Candidates who have accepted the seat need to report to the allotted college within the specified time frame for further admission process and document verification.
  • Seat Allotment – Round 2: After the completion of the first round, the seat allotment process will be conducted for the remaining vacant seats.
  • Seat Acceptance – Round 2: Candidates who are allotted seats in the second round need to accept the seat by paying the seat acceptance fee.
  • Reporting to Allotted College – Round 2: Candidates who have accepted the seat in the second round need to report to the allotted college within the specified time frame.
  • Additional Rounds (if any): If there are still vacant seats after the second round, additional rounds may be conducted for seat allotment.
  • Final Admission Process: After the seat allotment process is completed, candidates need to complete the final admission process, which includes document verification and payment of the admission fee.

MAH CET Counselling FAQs

A: MAH CET Counselling is the process through which candidates who have qualified the MAH CET Exam can secure admission to various participating colleges and courses in Maharashtra.

A: MAH CET Counselling is conducted in online mode. Candidates need to register, fill their choices, undergo document verification, and participate in the seat allotment process as per the schedule.

A: The documents required for MAH CET Counselling may include the MAH CET scorecard, MAH CET admit card, class 10th and 12th mark sheets, graduation mark sheets, caste certificate (if applicable), domicile certificate (if applicable), etc.

A: If you are allotted a seat, you have to accept the seat by paying the seat acceptance fee and complete the admission process at the allotted college within the specified time.

A: If you do not get a seat in the counselling rounds, you may consider participating in further rounds or explore other admission options.

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