Captain Anny Divya- An Inspiration

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Captain Anny Divya is an Indian commercial pilot and a trailblazer in her field. At the age of 17, she joined the Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi, a flying school in Uttar Pradesh, India. In 2006, at the age of 19, she became the youngest woman pilot to get a commercial license. After completing her training, she joined Air India as a co-pilot. Apart from being a pilot, Captain Divya is also a motivational speaker and has given several talks on her experiences and challenges in the aviation industry. She is an inspiration to many young women who aspire to become pilots. You will read about “Captain Anny Divya – An Inspiration” in this blog.


Captain Anny Divya

Anny Divya was born in 1987. She is an Indian pilot and is known for becoming the world’s youngest woman commander to fly Boeing 777. anny divya is completed her BSc in Aviation. At the tender age of 17 years, she was admitted to Indira Gandhi Rashtriya Uran Akademi (IGRUA) after completing her schooling. She started her career with Air India at the age of 19 years after completing her training. Then, she traveled to Spain, where finishing her training period, she learned to fly Boeing 737. anny divya is known for flying Boeing 777 as the first woman commander. It started when anny divya was sent to London to continue her further training, where she learned to fly Boeing 777. 

Ted Talk

Her ted talk is popularly known as ‘Dare to Dream’. This perfectly suits her achievements as she could not have accomplished those things in her life had she not dared to dream. Some of the points highlighted by Capt. Anny Divya at her Ted talk is:

  • Dare to dream the unknown– anny divya said that she did not dream of what was coming in her life, but she dreamt of the unknown destiny. She says that she flew to this unknown space which expanded her wings. anny divya said that she had few failures and falls but that only helped her to fly even higher. At that time, girls were not allowed to pursue unknown careers but still Capt. Anny Divya dared to dream the unknown despite her limited resources and various other constraints. One day when her teacher asked, whether she wants to become what she dreams or whether she wants to be placed like a pollen grain and see where it grows. anny divya replied that she wants to become what she dreams and when asked by her teacher to make a list of 10 things that she wants to do, the top on that list was becoming a pilot. 
  • Fear of being judged– Capt. Anny Divya suggests that what stops us from achieving our true potential is the fear of being judged. So, instead of letting that fear get into her mind, she decided to overcome it. anny divya did not let others’ comments, sarcasm, and laughs impact her negatively but, positively went ahead to pursue her passion of becoming a pilot. This tip was given by Capt. Anny Divya can help us achieve the unachievable. 
  • Stepping out of the comfort zone– It is rightly said, that true success comes when a person steps out of his or her comfort zone. Being a timid and quiet girl, when Anny Divya went into the academy at the age of 17 years, she faced many struggles and could not make friends. anny divya revealed that she was trying to fit in. Despite these obstacles and challenges, when her mother asked her to come back home, she decided that she was ready to face these challenges and obstacles. She was not willing to give up on her career of becoming a pilot. She went ahead with confidence and did not give up. 

anny divya said that we all face challenges in life. She underwent some challenges just for being a woman. When people made comments and rumors regarding a girl doing well in a male-dominated field, those comments made a negative impact on her at such a tender age. anny divya used to confine herself in a room and not interact with anyone instead she would fly a plane and come back to her room. After 2 years of isolationism, she realized that it is the job of people to comment. They will make such comments as per their level of maturity and understanding but, she learned. So, she came out of her room and made friends, and enjoyed her training period.


Capt. Anny Divya said that good days were good and bad days were tough. She suggested that such down graphs made her stronger and confident about her strength. Her success story is not a walk on the cake instead it was full of challenges and hurdles. We should learn from this story that everyone’s success story comprises of failures but what makes a story a successful one is the attitude to do right and work passionately even in the times of these challenges because these hurdles define who we are. Being courageous even in such times of adversity is what defines success for any person. 

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