Why a student should read the newspaper

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We were often taught newspapers in school and asked to read. At that time we found it all very boring. Apart from reading the story in the Sunday newspaper, children find everything else useless but reading the newspaper is very important for us. It takes a lot of time to inculcate the habit of reading newspapers, so it is important that a student starts reading this from school itself. Let us talk about why it is important to read newspapers. here is an article on Why a student should read the newspaper.

It is necessary to read newspapers as they have many benefits which are as follows:

Increase our knowledge

By reading the newspaper daily, we get knowledge of the events happening in the country and abroad. In which area riots are increasing and in which area cleanliness is increasing, it is also explained very well to us in the newspaper. What happened in the meeting of the government, how the government’s plan is working, we also get to see it on the editorial page of this. All the news related to sports, politics, development and entertainment are presented in the newspaper with statistics and facts which increase our knowledge.

expansion of understanding

Reading the newspaper daily gives us an understanding of different subjects. Not only do we understand, but in which news or scheme, what is better or what is lacking, it starts to understand itself. 

building vocabulary

No matter from which field you are, your words have the ability to make it or break it. This create your word dictionary which helps you speak or write without any kind of a hustle. You can notice by yourself that any person who reads tis has good command of writing and speaking.

benefits of reading newspaper for students benefits of reading newspaper for students benefits of reading newspaper for students benefits of reading newspaper for students benefits of reading newspaper for students

Create creative writer

Newspaper reading habits build creativity in us. By reading news or heading crispness we get idea how to right a creative content and as we all know creative writing is very necessary in todays time.

General awareness

There are lot’s of government and private jobs/entrance exams where we require general awareness. As I mentioned before, reading newspaper keeps us updated. General awareness is always needed no matter from which field you belong. So this help us in general awareness too.

Student get college/school update

Newspapers help us to get all news related to our school or colleges. There are so many times where we missed our notification whether it is related to fee or any other update. Newspapers like amarujala, hindu and India express give so much space to the education section.

Effect overall personality

Updated person is the person who carry confidence. Any person who is reading this have good command on all news and plans. It affects their overall personality.

Newspaper make me bored, i don’t read. Try to Change your taste you will definitely like this. Newspapers have so many values which we can get, all we need to do is start reading newspapers. 

The newspaper should be your first love

If we say about the benefits of reading newspaper for students that it is our first need of the morning then it will not be wrong. There are some of us who do not even like to drink morning tea without reading the newspaper. Remember the second day of Deepawali and Holi when our mornings are deserted due to a lack of newspapers. These are only two-three days in a year when we do not get the newspaper in the morning, otherwise, we get the newspaper every morning in a very disciplined manner. Be it a rainy night or a chilly morning, we always get the newspaper with the latest news at our doorstep.


If we try to know the history of newspapers, it is very ancient, it is said that it started in Kolkata. there are many benefits of reading newspaper for students  The earlier newspaper was confined to a particular area, but due to new inventions exchange of information became possible immediately. He also had proficiency in the art of printing. There are many such machines available nowadays, with the help of which thousands of copies are prepared in a few hours. Due to all these inventions, the newspaper is not limited to one area but has reached the country and abroad.

Today we can read the news of every corner of the world in the newspaper sitting at home. Nowadays, keeping in mind the convenience of the reader, newspapers are available in every language, in which much information about sports, business, politics, governance, administration, etc. is made available to the reader. Nowadays many newspapers are also published internationally, from which information about the country and abroad is available. Some pages of newspapers are also of a particular area, in which both problems and information are published there.

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