Six Career Possibilities for Students Who Hate Math’s

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Math’s, the monster subject, haven’t we all thought of it? Growing up, I have been told so many times that without math’s, no job pays. What the elders don’t tell us is that apart from BODMAS and the unitary method, nothing else comes in handy in our day to day lives. Unless you are a theoretical physicist, like our beloved Sheldon Cooper, or an engineer, it really does not. Math’s might be an interesting subject to those who can grasp the concepts and theorems, but for me, it always just flew right over my brain. I know there are others like me, definitely.

I will not lie when I tell you that I have memorized math problems before going to take exams. But don’t you worry, if you didn’t score above 60 in maths. It does not mean that you have a bleak future. It only means we have more exciting career choices to make.

There are plenty of courses that do not need math’s and provide you with decent pay after you graduate. I have curated a list of six such possibilities:

Knowing a Foreign Language

If you are well-versed in any foreign business language, it opens up a whole new arena for you. Even if you don’t already know the language there is no harm in learning. I will tell you why… it’s because we live in a global village with so many languages. However, not everyone knows every language. This is where knowing a different language help. Companies, these days are big on foreign investment and outsourcing jobs. Hence, they look for translators and auditors for these purposes, who have the fluency level of a native or a bilingual.

Interior Designing

If you have always known where what belongs in a room to make it look chic and comfortable. Then rest assured, this is your chance to turn to know more about transforming places from drab to fab. Only consider this option if you have a visual in your mind when you think of it. The biggest challenge in this field is improvising designs based on your clients’ needs. Students from any stream can apply for this course if they have a minimum of 55% marks. 


Fashion Designing

If you love to recreate or create new outfits on your own, I think you already have your answer. This is one of those careers that could never go ‘out of style’… Get it? The more experience you have, the more you know what the people want. You can give every design, print, pattern or material your own spin and still stay relevant. You could work under a label or start your own, but it’s a permanent field because people love to dress up and look pretty. That accounts for 100% job satisfaction.


Mass Communication

This particular degree offers a number of career option once you graduate. There are a number of fields under this one degree. Societies around the world are so dependent on media, the opportunities are bright. To enrol in this programme, you don’t need any prior experience, you can join from any stream and you can work your way up the ladder. It broadens your horizons and gives personal insights into various concepts of the world.

Hotel Management

This field can be challenging as well rewarding. The hospitality industry allows you to develop for yourself- be it professionally or as a person. It gives you a platform to explore, make new acquaintances; to learn from different cultures and experience while at the same time delivering your skills to the world. Truly defines humans as social animal. An added bonus is that you get to travel and it shapes your personality.



It has taken the industry by storm. Every industry or organization uses it in some way or the other, mostly to advertise; as it is eye-catching, it conveys the message swiftly and keeps people engaged. It’s not only big in the entertainment sector but also in the corporate sector. It helps in boosting your creativity and challenges your innovative mind. Mind-blowing, I know right!

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It goes without saying that everything in this article is just ideas and suggestions to help make your conundrum in choosing a career, easier. Everything you achieve is all going to be because of your hard work and efforts. This is exactly why people say to make your career choices very carefully and that’s about the only thing society is not wrong about. Be wise!

-By Chandni Sethia

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