If tradition is not your thing, and a career option in a cubicle sounds daunting, but you still want to make a handsome living, you are in luck. There have been so many niche industries popping up recently that people who want to work but want it to look a little atypical have more opportunities than ever. Some of these career paths ( SEO expert, Funeral Service Manager, Bike Courier) are not necessarily new, but the innovative aspect of some of the more commonly known jobs is that due to supply and demand and cultural and social changes these jobs are now more prevalent and, in most cases, offer a pay scale that will make you comfortable not settling for the 9-5 life.
SEO Specialist as career

Search engine optimization is a concept that is less than two decades old but in just that short amount of time it has driven a huge surge of jobs for marketers in nearly every industry. Business owners know the importance of intent SEO to multiply revenue and will hire out a professional to guide them on best practices. As a professional in this industry, you will specialize in learning and mastering the algorithms behind search engine results so that you can help your clients outrank their competitors. Once you have mastered the art of optimization strategy and have found success in your career teaching others how to operate on your level, you will have opportunities to grow your career and continue to add value to your offering. Digital marketing, content marketing, and marketing analytics are all professional paths that you can follow with your SEO experience backing you up.
Bike Courier as career

If you are someone who loves to keep your body moving throughout the day and thrives on in-person interactions, this could be a great career option for you. This profession is most common in downtown cities that have core business districts within them. Vehicle deliveries can be expensive, and hard to handle logistically in downtown environments where elements like traffic, construction, and parking are constant hurdles. A great aspect of this profession is that you can operate as an independent contractor and have a ton of fluidity and freedom, or you can secure a position with a company and enjoy the perks of the job without the pressure of having to find the work.
Funeral Service Manager

Don’t be scared off by the industry or implications of this one. Funeral service managers serve a huge and essential role for people as they troubleshoot tough times. Overseeing managing these organizations and being involved in the day-to-day operations is a unique role for an intentional person. In this role you will get the opportunity to utilize your innate empathetic skill set as well as your business-minded traits in tandem. Funeral service managers also get an opportunity to learn about different cultural and religious customs and traditions in a way that a person otherwise likely would not. A career in this industry means that you value the human connection and are comfortable in highly emotional, and fast-paced business environments.