Top 6 New Age Career Options in Technology

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Technology, the fanciest word you will ever in the 21st century. Technology is itself testimony to the fact that it has become one of our prerequisites and we cannot even think a second without technology. The coronavirus pandemic has taught us better the need and true worth of technology. Every science enthusiast once in a lifetime must have thought of being a tech-savvy and thought of pursuing a career in the field of technology.

One might wonder what are the career options that are present or rather in trend to work in technical field and therefore establish a successful career in technology. As technology is related to computers, knowledge of programming languages becomes very necessary to survive in this technical world. The article will focus on the career options based in the technical field and which are in trend now. Below are the following trendy technical career options that can fetch you a great future and successful tech-savvy:

Data Scientist


The fanciest designation which is growing at the fastest rate in terms of both salary expectation and employment index viz. rate of employment. The main subject that is essential for being a successful data scientist in Statistics with brilliant fluency in computer skills. A data scientist is responsible for reading and analysing data of a particular company and help that company to make most compatible business decisions which will have the potential to fetch high profits. As the qualifications are tough and number of qualified candidates are pretty less when compared to employment opportunities, data scientist is a field that one can target without having a second thought about the future.

Software Developer


As the name suggests, the major responsibility of a software developer is to build applications for devices having different operating systems. Software developers need to fluent is computer programming languages like Python, Java and JavaScript and should also possess good mathematical aptitude in order to satisfy all the need of a perfect application. Software developer is one of those positions which is having the highest number of jobs openings every year and thus guarantees a very positive career five years down the lane. It is one of the career options that went least affected or rather was positively impacted by the coronavirus pandemic as the world inched closer to technology, the responsibility of staying connected to each other increased and hence the need of new applications.

Web Developer


A Web developer’s responsibility is to design websites and to decide how the website will look and its functionality. It is one of the blooming career options in the field of technology. As a well-designed website is an integral part of any multinational company, the value of a web developer is hence aggravated. Web developers has also recorded a more than average salary packages which further make web developer an ideal career choice to join in. HTML5 and Java are few of the common languages used for designing and functioning of a website. If you are good at Java and likes to design websites, web developer could be one of the ideal career options for you.

Sales Engineer


The name may not be as lucrative as other designations in the field of technology but being sales engineer is a difficult job. One need to be fluent in both business management and in the technical field as a sales engineer is responsible to sell the products be it either software or hardware by presenting proposals and explain the products and hence should be well known with all the terminologies of the products and should be able to answer to any queries related to the product.

Information Technology (IT) Manager


An information technology manager is responsible to led a team of IT professionals who usually held responsible to manage the technical need of a company. An IT manager is also known as IT director in some companies or Chief Technology Officer (CTO) and thereafter one can guess the seniority of the position. Apart from a degree in Computer Science or Information Technology, one need to have leadership qualities as handling a team is never easy at such professional levels.

Network and Systems Administrator


This is one of the safest choices if anyone is looking for long term career in the technical field. As every company will require to secure their network and data and need protect their hardware as well, job security as a network and systems administrator is pretty high. A network administration basically needs to safeguard company’s data by having adequate backups and are responsible to ensure data security. They are also held responsible for installing certain hardware, maintaining intranets and other networks. An engineering degree in either computer science, information technology or in electrical is considered as ideal degrees for a network and systems administrator.

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