Top 7 Scope in the Field of Coding

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Coding, the word that is itself so fascinating in today’s world. Many of us want to pursue a career related to coding or want to work as a coder, but I am pretty sure that out of half of the coding and programming enthusiasts are unaware of the career options that are present in the field of coding. Alongside the existing and lucrative career options in the field of coding, there are new opportunities which are developing with time and are yet to gain popularity.

There are various questions that cross one’s mind including what all languages are having the utmost priority at present time and what all career options are available if chosen a particular coding language. The article will try to answer all of these inquisitive questions and apprehensions regarding the future in coding. The article focuses on top 7 career scopes in the coding field.

Application developer

The most blooming and fruitful career options that is growing at a pace of over 20 percent and is expected to reach a new pinnacle by the end of this decade. The task of a software developer ranges from making or enhancing software applications for mobile devices like cell phones, tablets, etc. Someone who believes to collaborate ideas into reality with knowledge in programming language and with flair in aptitude would be an ideal software developer. The most common and currently trending programming languages used for developing applications are Java, JavaScript and Python.

Coding as Data Administrator


As the name suggest, data administrator refers to the role where one need to play with data. In reality, one need to secure, organise and analyses different databases for big multinational corporates. One might also need to troubleshoot or gather a larger amount of information for your company. The career role as a data administrator is also in the trend in the and is also expected to reach new heights in next five years. Programming languages like Python, Java and SQL are widely used while administrating data.

Computer Systems Coding Analyst


This is one of the most interesting job for a coder as it requires coding skills alongside solid foundation business analysis to outstand from others. They need to merge their company’s initiative of both business and information technology in order to meet the requirements. Therefore, commerce/business management with computer science is an ultimate course for one to become computer systems analyst. The most common programming languages used are Java, JavaScript and Python.

Quality Assurance Engineers (for software)


Software Quality Assurance Engineers are required at the beginning of any software. Their tasks generally lie around checking the defects in the software, designing the tests, planning different situations. A QA engineer also needs to write comprehensive manuals for different software. Alongside these responsibilities, a QA engineer also review and comment on the designs of the software and look for probable problems and check its overall functionality. It is one of the key roles currently in any IT industry and thus is growing at a rate around 10% employment which is quite higher than the average growth rate. The most common programming languages used for Software Quality Assurance Engineers are Java, JavaScript, Python, etc.

Web Developer through Coding


The most common phrase or rather designation heard when it comes to field of coding is Web Developer. Web Development is spontaneously blooming and is expected to grow around 12.5% in the decade. Web development refers to the functionality of a website, which ranges from its design and look to its user-friendly interface. Though other coding career opportunities mostly requires an engineering degree, a web developer can pursue a BCA (Bachelor’s of Computer Applications) and save an extra year and gain some handful experience in that extra year. The main programming languages include HTML5, Java and JavaScript.

Network System Administrator


The key role of a Network System Administrator is to maintain the computing environment of their networks and manage any kind of data disasters by securing their networks. They work majorly on eliminating viruses such that the network security is intact and they also need to review the codes in order to protect both network and hardware of the computers. Python and Java are the few most commonly used programming language for Network Administration.

Computer Engineer


This is the most common yet important career option is to accomplish oneself as a computer engineer. It usually requires a BTech degree in computer science or Information Technology (IT). It is best suited with people who are more interested in business-oriented environment as computer engineer generally needs to give solutions to computer related issues along with data and network concerns. They need to interact with the buyers/clients along with the developers to finally conclude a comprehensive solution. The most common languages used are C++, Java, and Python.

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