Top Five Mistakes to Avoid While Choosing Your Career

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Given the uncertainty of present times, it is essential that we plan every choice related to our future with great intensity and precise detail. We are living in times when we cannot afford to make impulsive decisions. There are people who have job security because they are working from home and they are doing fine for themselves, kudos!

However, there are people who are unable to earn right and don’t have an idea of how to do it any differently either. This article is for those people who have to look for alternatives because of the lockdown. The main demographic of this article are people between 18 to 40 years of age. This is the time to acknowledge our mistakes and make sure we avoid them in the future. Let’s correct our mistakes and make sure not to repeat them again.

Let’s talk about the FIVE major mistakes people make, not only in Covid Times but also in general:

Having One Source of Income

Mostly, people know only one way of earning money and if that’s lost, they feel lost. This has become more common because of the lockdowns, where people have to take huge dips out of their savings. It is also a possibility that people have had to face deductions in their salaries. Unemployment has spread just as much as the disease itself. So, if you are sitting at home and have time on your hands, please think about a side hustle. Others can only give you their opinion and ideas, but only we can think best for ourselves.

Man With Multiple Sources Of Income New

Under-estimate that Life is Easy

Students these days are living in the misconception that life is easy. They think all they need is a degree and the companies will come to them and that’s all their life’s flowchart has. They forget to factor in that life is also uncertain. Rather than avoiding the problem, it’s best to ask your seniors in the field about their experience. Their experiences will help us know what to do in a situation and what not to do.

Retirement/Future Planning​

This is not solely for educated people but anyone aware. Every country has these options prevailing for them… Insurance policies! Plan for your future and your family. Invest in health and life insurance, but always read the whole document before you sign. Compare and then choose the insurance that fits you best. Think forward, think better.

Reasons You Should Start Early Retirement Planning

Time Wasted on Social Media

The biggest mistake our generation makes is that we have reduced OTT platforms to liking posts and chatting with people.

Leisure time is important but that cannot be the only thing to focus on. In today’s time and with sources that we available for us, we can easily transform the internet into a money inducing zone for us. A number of small businesses have started the same way. Here, at Career Guide, we give you those ideas. Take our psychometric tests, to know more. You just have to know that you don’t want to listen to mere songs on the internet, but here the Cha-ching of money being transferred to your bank accounts.  

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Comparison with Others

Lastly, the gravest mistake that people make is comparing themselves to others. Don’t forget their achievements are a
result of their hard work, and the planning and precision you put into your work, the more successful you will be. The comparison does not help; it only affects your mental well-being. Have patience, karma might seem slow or delayed
but it has its plans laid out for you.

Others should not affect you, focus on your inner peace. Practice positive affirmations every morning. This habit not only manifests into your future but also trains your mind to work towards those goals that you have set for yourself.

My college professor once told us, “These five years as a fresher in the job market, is when you need to work hard the most, make your importance felt. Make yourself indispensable to your seniors. So that when its time for promotions, your name is the first that they think of.” That was the lesson we learnt while he joked about “the higher the position, the higher the pay and the lesser the work.” *Wink Wink*

– Chandni Sethia

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