List Of 7 Tips To Become A Successful Novelist

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The authors who are experienced know that there are so many steps to become a novelist. You have to maintain discipline, keep imagining and you have to plan the skills to write a novel. The below-given tips will help you to know about the most important step to become a novelist.

Finding the most necessary story

The first step is finding the story which makes you feel most necessary and important. Writing is not something that is predicted, but when you start writing something of your own, start writing your thoughts deep inside you into words. You have to always think about the market for your novel. If you want to sell your books you have to find stories that can connect with readers and can meet their interest. This is a very essential part to reach your audience.

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Character building writings for learning experience

To become a novelist it requires learning to become another person to write new characters. You have to get inside the mind of your character and think accordingly so that you can write the exact role for your characters. You need to gain as much experience as you can to become a writer. These experiences will follow you for a lifetime. For younger writers, you can have your experience with your friends and any kids to whom you are exposed to. Those experiences can be really valuable. Keep a record of your experiences and learnings by noting down every experience so that you can use that later on.

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Become a better writer

As a fresh novelist, you should not hope for the best and start expecting nothing, so that you won’t get disappointed in the future. Some people write for awards but you need to write for yourself, not for the awards. People who write to get a reward for any monetary gain, never know what they are doing, they are just counted in the category of those writers who write, they are not writers who write on their terms. All you need to do is practice a lot and besides that, your publications will also grow.

Write your first novel

When you write your first novel, read that novel as a work in progress. Even if your first novel might not be a novel. Don’t worry if you spend your whole day reading whatever you have written down in a novel and it’s okay to feel that whatever you have written is not up to the mark. That will also count as work. Sometimes you have to get out your  ideas that are not up to the mark or you are not satisfied with those ideas, because after you get all those ideas out of your system you will explore the real and up-to-the-mark ideas. Don’t take so much stress on your first novel, you can take time to know the characters more and to find out the specific things you want to convey to the readers. You’re One Step Closer to work on becoming a writer who is focused.

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Finding productive time to write

When you start writing you should start writing at a time where you can think more productive and more creative without any disturbances. Some writers feel more confident, clear-headed, and more intelligent in the morning time. While you grow in the habit of getting up early, you wake up with a fresh mind and you can think more productive. It doesn’t go for every title. Some feel more productive and creative at any other time. Being a morning person or a night person, choose whatever suits you and lets you write without any kind of distraction. Sometimes when you are running out of time and you get some amazing idea so you can make a rough draft, by recording the story orally with the help of a voice recorder and later on writing down.

Finding a place where you feel more imaginative and creative

Some of the writers find a particular place where they can feel more imaginative and creative to write the novel. To become a productive novelist you should think productively. Some writers feel that the change in the surroundings helps them to think more creatively and imaginatively.

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Writing down things you don't want to forget

The process of becoming a successful novelist is very important to become open to new ideas, experiences, and new information. By writing down everything you have experienced you might get some story ideas from that and you can think more creatively.

By: Varsha Yadav

Also Read: How To Become A Good Novelist

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