How to Survive Nursing School

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If you want to become a nurse, then you first have to survive nursing school. This is how to get through nursing school without becoming overwhelmed.

Nursing is one of the most sought-after careers in the world and was named one of 2019’s best jobs based on employment rate, growth, salary, and work-life balance.

But becoming a nurse isn’t easy by any means. Getting through nursing school can be incredibly challenging and has a high attrition rate.

But never fear; we’ll tell you some helpful tips to help you survive through school and become a nurse.

Keep reading to learn more!

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Why Is Nursing School So Stressful?

Although it’s a great profession, getting through nursing school and making it into the medical field is no walk in the park. 1 in 4 students ends up dropping out before completing it.

Nursing school has several components that can make it stressful, including:

  • A demanding workload
  • Complicated subject matters
  • Hands-on clinical work
  • Learning nursing ethics and patient best care practices
  • The need to memorize endless unfamiliar medical vocabulary

That’s just the tip of the iceberg. To get through nursing school, students need to be able to handle intense workloads with little extra time for fun and social events.

With that said, it’s doable if you have a good plan and understand what you need to do.

Tips For Surviving Nursing School To Become a Nurse

The good news about “1 in 4?” The other three students make it through to graduation! Let’s examine a few education tips to help you get through medical school.

Develop a Routine

The first thing to understand is that nursing school should be considered a marathon — not a sprint. With so many different tasks to juggle, you’ll burn out quickly if you don’t organize your tasks and create a plan.

Usually, the most stressed-out nursing students are the ones that try to take on the day without a plan. Plot out chunks of your day to take care of different tasks. This can include:

  • Reviewing flashcards
  • Finishing homework
  • Meeting with study groups

Of course, you also need to plan out time to lead a healthy life, including activities like working out, cooking, and relaxing.

Always Recap After Each Class

Procrastinating until right before an exam to review your notes and materials is a recipe for disaster.

Remember to review the essential material you learn in class every day after it finishes. This will help solidify what you learned and imprint it into your brain.

Once the semester ends and life becomes more hectic, your studying sessions will become much more manageable. Not only can you reinforce what you learned, but you can also identify what you don’t understand early, meaning you can solve problems before it’s too late.

Find a Good Study Group

It’s always better to go together than alone.

Try to find or create a study group you can regularly meet with to review information. They’ll bring a fresh perspective on subjects and study strategies. You can demonstrate skills, compare notes, and practice questions with your peers.

Not only is a study group important for studying, but they are just as crucial for social support. Finding people that mirror your study style and goals can be significantly helpful for your journey to be a nurse.

Don’t Forget To Exercise—Even While Studying

If you feel the stress piling up, make sure to get out and exercise. It’s a fantastic way to relieve stress and anxiety and promote your mental acuity.

You can even find ways to exercise while you’re studying. For example, take a long walk with your classmates or study group to review course material or quiz each other with flashcards.

Of course, you don’t need to study while you’re exercising. Giving yourself a break from your course material is also vital for mental health.

Eat Well and Nourish Your Body

You can only survive on caffeine and fast food for so long when you’re working to near exhaustion every night. These bad habits pile up on your health and spell disaster down the line.

Eating well is an essential part of lowering stress. For example, whole grains like quinoa or oatmeal are excellent for releasing calming chemicals in the brain.

It’s natural to reach for comfort-inducing junk foods when stressed out. That’s why it’s even more important to know what you’re eating. Swap out those potato chips for some carrots and hummus.

In the long run, treat your body as an investment. The better you treat it, the better it will be in the long run — especially when dealing with stress.

Rely On Your Support System and Ask for Help

Don’t forget about the people that are rooting for you to succeed! Make sure you set aside some time to catch up with friends and share your struggles and successes.

People often think they are doing something right when they cut off the outside world to focus on their studies, but this is far from true. Leveraging your friends and family for support is a great way to keep your mind positive.

And don’t ever forget that you can always ask for support. Your friends and family aren’t the only ones there to help you. You can always reach out to your academic support services to help you get through your program.

For example, you can look for activities like peer tutoring or mentoring programs to help refine your study habits. A nursing writer could help you get through the most challenging parts of nursing school.

Just remember that you’re never alone. Use every resource available to you!

Don’t Just Survive Nursing School—Thrive In It

Those tips help you become a nurse but remember that you need to do what feels right. So take a deep breath, prepare for the marathon, and you’ll no doubt be able to get through it.

Nursing isn’t the only great career out there. Check out our other tools and articles if you want some of the most up-to-date information on different jobs!

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