8 Career Counselling Tips for negative feedback 

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You’ll also have to deal with another difficult task. You are unable to respond to their communications directly. This will be interpreted as you declaring the reviewer to be your customer. This is a breach of privacy. The legal ramifications could be disastrous for your career. Here are some suggestions for dealing with unfavorable counselling comments received online without jeopardizing your business. Here are the 8 career counselling tips for negative feedback.

For people who want to make a difference in the world, career counselling is an excellent choice. The joy you have when your client achieves his or her full potential is genuinely invaluable. But, as with all professions, this has its own set of challenges. The most crucial is dealing with negative counselling feedback. Counseling takes place in a private setting. Clients rarely come to you directly if they believe your training is insufficient. They simply vent their annoyances on social media and other advertising venues.


Career counseling is a process of assisting individuals in identifying and achieving their career goals. It involves exploring an individual’s skills, interests, personality traits, and values to help them make informed decisions about their career path. Career counseling typically involves a range of activities, including assessments, one-on-one sessions with a career counselor, and the development of a career plan. The ultimate goal is to help individuals find work that is meaningful, satisfying, and aligned with their personal and professional goals. Career counseling is particularly beneficial for individuals who are facing career transitions, such as students trying to decide on a major, mid-career professionals seeking a change, or individuals who have been laid off or are struggling to find work.

Be Aware Of The Potential Hazards

A happy customer may recommend you to up to ten of his or her friends. Clients who are enraged, on the other hand, will talk about you twice as much. This means that a bad reputation as a career advisor spreads two times faster than a positive reputation. As previously stated, career counselling sessions are held in a private setting. And a happy consumer isn’t likely to brag about it. A disgruntled consumer, on the other hand, might not be so courteous. The individual will publish a list of grievances on the internet. The list could go on and on: a filthy office, extended sessions, an excessively expensive cost; the list might go on and on. This, too, might be disastrous. Furthermore, counselling is a multi-faceted process, and a problem in any of these areas could manifest itself as bad therapy criticism on the internet. You’re in for a tough time if you combine it with some exceptionally scathing and rude reviews.

Make A Note Of It In Your Profile

Declare in your profile that client confidentiality is of the utmost importance to you. You’ll never comment on reviews or other social media platforms, either. You can also connect to your own website from your Yelp profile. It should include a lot of information about your delighted customers. You can find out TECHNOLOGY SERVICES FOR COUNSELLORS

Take Command Of The Situation

Use the person’s first name when addressing them. Don’t say anything else; your only chance of survival is to maintain your anonymity. Acknowledge the error and emphasize your desire to improve your service. I’ve sent a private chat invitation to the reviewer. Give your business phone number. You can simply erase that review with this method.

Allow Enough Time For Yourself

Negative feedback is beneficial if it is constructive. However, any attempt to degrade you for no reason would enrage you. Give yourself a chance to cool off in this situation. It could be one or two days. Calm your mind, examine your response, and respond according to your conscience. Keep the main rule in mind at all times. Here is the CAREER COUNSELLOR’S POWER-UP PACKAGE

Be Succinct And To The Point

Don’t respond with a long-winded response. A long-winded response will irritate the reviewer, who is also your client. Briefly describe the circumstance and indicate your intention to resolve the problem; done.

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