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Who doesn’t want to score 90% marks in their 10th class board exams? Who isn’t concerned about getting good grades in their 10th class? This isn’t as easy as you may think. There is a lot of hard work and dedication required to do that. Nothing is impossible in this world if you are on the right track and in the right direction. Since this is the first time you will be giving a board exam, do not pressurize yourself because of it. To score 90% in class 10th you need to pay more attention to studies than usual. There are study tips that will help you score 90% in class 10th. There are some 8 strategies to score 90% Marks in 10th class board exams. Some of the study tips and strategies that can help you get 90% marks in class 10th are:

Complete your syllabus on time

Make sure that you study and complete your whole syllabus on time and have ample time for revision. Completing your syllabus on time will give you a feeling of relief and you wouldn’t be panicking at the last moment. It is very essential to revise at least two times the whole syllabus before appearing for any exam. This will help you to score 90% marks in class 10th.

Do practice from sample papers

Practice makes you perfect. It is better to solve lots and lots of sample question papers to make you prepare thoroughly for the boards. Also, previous years’ question papers help you to understand the exam pattern and type of questions asked easily. Previous year’s question papers are of great help as sometimes the questions get repeated too. It would be much easier for you to score 90% in class 10th if you solve lots of sample question papers.

Make sure you don’t mess the answer sheet

Always try to keep your answer sheet neat and clean. Do not overwrite again and again. Frame the answers beforehand in your head and then begin writing so that you do not end up striking too much. Make sure your answer sheet isn’t filthy and dirty to see as these things portray a bad impact of you on the teacher. Try to underline important phrases and words. Give proper headings and subheadings in your answer and keep it short and precise following the word limit

Try to stay away from social media

Using the internet for the purpose of studying is best but using and surfing on social media especially during the month of exams can be regretful. Try to maintain a distance from social media during the exam time and 2 months before the beginning of exams and instead of wasting time there try to utilize it in studying. Giving yourself a break and using it for a limited time does no harm but wasting your time on it does.

Attempt all the questions in the exam

Try to complete the paper before the completion of 3 hours so that you have enough time to cross-check the answers and identify your mistakes. Always carry a watch with yourself to track the time. Attempt all the questions so that even if your answers are wrong but you must have written something related to it you can get some marks for that. So there is no harm in attempting plus you need to write all answers correctly and neatly to get 90% in class 10th.

Evaluate your weak points

Make sure you know about your weak points like what are the topics you need to pay more attention to and which subjects are hard for you to understand. Manage your daily schedule properly and pay attention to each subject equally. Pay special attention and focus on your weak topics and subjects so that you do not have to face problems at the end.

Be through with the syllabus

Be fully aware of your syllabus and the books to refer to. Always stick to your syllabus, and do study thoroughly everything mentioned in your syllabus. Make sure you follow the right books and revise the right notes. The board always sticks to the syllabus and no question in the exam is out of the syllabus, so it is a plus point for you because you know beforehand the matter and the questions are going to come from this syllabus itself.

Eat healthily and sleep well

Do not get sick during the preparation as you will not be able to focus on your studies thoroughly. Also, eat healthy so that you do not fall sick often. Get a proper sleep so that when you wake up you have a fresh mind. Do not stress a lot about the exams. Just get proper sleep and give your brain some good rest.


Stream & Career Clarity

Stream and career clarity are related to understanding one’s interests, skills, and strengths to choose a suitable career path. Stream refers to the specific academic discipline or field of study that one selects after completing their secondary education. It lays the foundation for further education and career choices.

Career clarity, on the other hand, refers to having a clear understanding of one’s career aspirations and goals. It involves identifying one’s interests, values, personality traits, and strengths, and aligning them with the career options available. Career clarity helps individuals make informed decisions about their career path, and it can improve their job satisfaction and overall well-being.


The STREAM Selector™ Test is a career assessment tool that aims to help individuals identify their strengths and interests in the areas of science, technology, engineering, arts, and mathematics (STEM+Arts). The test measures an individual’s preferences and tendencies in these areas and provides suggestions for careers that might be a good fit based on the results.

The STREAM SELECTOR™ TEST is designed to help study tips for class 10 students make an informed decision about which stream to choose, taking into account their personal strengths and preferences. The assessment typically involves a series of questions and exercises designed to evaluate the student’s abilities and interests in different subject areas, as well as their career goals and aspirations that’s why you should take counslour tips.

What is the stream selector test by CareerGuide?

The stream selector test by CareerGuide is an online aptitude test designed to helping and useful tips for 10th class study students  and make 10th class study time table for identify the most suitable stream for their higher studies. The test assesses a student’s interests, personality traits, and academic strengths and weaknesses to recommend the most appropriate stream.

Is the stream selector test by CareerGuide reliable?

The stream selector test by CareerGuide is based on a scientifically validated methodology and has been developed by a team of experts with years of experience in career guidance. The test is designed to assess a student’s interests, personality traits, and academic strengths and weaknesses, and has been used by thousands of students to make informed career choices.

How can I interpret the results of the stream selector test by CareerGuide?

The report generated by the stream selector test by CareerGuide provides a detailed 10th class study time table analysis of your interests, personality traits, and academic strengths and weaknesses, along with recommendations for the most suitable stream and make 10th class study time table. It is important to review the report carefully and seek guidance from a career counselor if needed to make an informed decision.

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