How to Find Career Success and Boost Your Performance

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Finding success in your career is at the top of most people’s priority list as soon as they leave college or university. Some people even value career success above many other important aspects of life. However, finding success in your career can only occur if you can work to the best of your ability at all times. This article discusses some of the best ways that you can boost your performance at work to meet your dream career goals.

boost your performance

Practice SelfCare

Although it is easy to get drawn into the world of work and forget to exist outside of it, achieving the perfect work/life balance is paramount if you want to be successful. Many of the top careers in the world can be incredibly stressful and physically and emotionally draining. This can have an impact on the quality of the work that you produce and your ability to get a promotion.

To make sure that you continue to advance your career, you should always take time out to put your own needs first. As an institution that knows graduates best, Marymount University, has compiled a list of the best methods of self care for nurses and how this can help them to avoid burnout and hinder their passion for work.

Set Targets and Goals

One of the major factors behind every successful career is goal-setting. Setting targets for yourself can help you stay motivated and continue working to the best of your ability. Not only this, but having targets can also allow you to check that you are making progress toward your dream career at all times. However, not only should you set these goals and targets, but you should also constantly track your progress toward achieving them.

For instance, you can compare your achievements with the original action plan you created for them or measure your success by promotions, time spent in a job, or completing major projects. You could also consider using goal tracking apps. When you are doing this, you should always record the goals you have achieved as this can allow employers to see your drive and accomplishments.

boost your performance

Continue to Learn

When you are building your career, it is important that you can continue to learn until you retire. This does not have to be by earning a qualification and can be as simple as stepping outside of your comfort zone. For instance, you might want to start new projects, try out different skills, or go on a shadowing scheme to work out how other departments operate. You can then reapply this knowledge to your own role.

Build Positive Relationships

When you are trying to build a successful career, the relationships you cultivate in the workplace and beyond will become increasingly important. Not only can having a positive connection with your colleagues help you to boost your performance and ensure that you enjoy the job that you are working in, but these can also have the impact of allowing you to hear of opportunities for career progression within your industry. You may also be put forward or recommended for roles if you can make a good impression on the people you work with, especially those that are operating at a managerial level. This can also be effective if you are looking to take on a leadership role, as having a good relationship with your colleagues can help your role as a leader to run smoother. From this you can boost your performance.

career success

Never Settle for Anything Less Than the Best

Throughout your career, there are several ways in which you should try never to settle for anything less than the best. The first direction this could be taken in is in terms of the work that you produce and the standards that you hold yourself to. If your work is often produced to a low quality or is carelessly put-together, it is unlikely that you will be able to get the promotion that you have been aiming for or catch the attention of your boss. Additionally, if you are late to hand in your work and fail to meet deadlines, you will be noticed by your manager for all the wrong reasons.

However, you should also never settle for anything less than the best from your workplace. You should make sure that you are constantly working with a company that you value, and that values you in return and that there are always an array of opportunities within your company. If you are dissatisfied, you should never allow your career to grow stagnant but should continue to thrive for a better job role.

Get a Mentor

However, your career success does not always hinge on your own merits, and many people look for others that can help to guide them through the journey. If you are struggling to progress in your career, a mentor can help you to reach career success. They can allow you to gain an insight into your industry and by applying their knowledge to your specific situation. They will be able to help you to get your foot on the next run of the ladder. This will also help you to boost your performance by constantly motivating you to do the best work possible and to realize that your goals are achievable.

To find a mentor, you should start networking within your industry and consider the connections that you have already made. Some workplaces also have mentoring schemes that you may be able to utilize.

career success

Get Feedback

Above all else, though, you should be looking for feedback to find career success. Feedback can help you boost your success in several ways, not least because it shows you the areas you need to improve on if you want to reach the goals you have in mind. If you want to get feedback, you should arrange an appointment with your manager to discuss your work on a one-to-one basis or chat with trusted colleagues who may give you accurate and reliable feedback on the work you produce.

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