Need for Healthy Mind and Coaching in GATE

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About GATE exam

The GATE is an entry requirement for Indian colleges which primarily tests the candidates’ comprehensive understanding in various subjects of the UG in Engineering or Architecture or Technology and subjects of the PG in Science. The Indian Institute of Science (IISc) and seven Indian Institutes of Technology (IITs) collectively implement the GATE each year. This is an admission test for postgraduate programs such as M.E, M.Tech, and Ph.D. in the IISc and IIT. The procedures for GATE examinations are controlled by IITs or IISc zonal GATE Office in each of the eight zones. This examination is carried out on the basis of the Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD), Government of India, and the National Coordination Board (NCB)-GATE. Cracking an examination is not an easy task. Here we give you relevant tips on the Need for Healthy Mind and Coaching in the GATE exam.

gate exam

Tips for a healthy body and mind in the GATE exam

Exam preparation is an ongoing process. You won’t be able to even give the exam with an unhealthy body and mind. Here are a few important points for maintaining the right health needed to carry out a GATE exam with a good score:

Calmness is the key

It is essential to remain calm throughout the exam to reduce tension and concerns. Stress and concerns lead to elevated blood pressure which in turn leads to poor physical and mental conditions.

Stay hydrated

Water leads to the enhancement of the brain’s mental efficiency. Water also tends to reduce students’ anxiety levels. Be hydrated before taking the examination and always before son conducting study sessions.

gate exam

Regular exercise will help a lot

Regular exercise helps to alleviate anxiety and stimulates the brain to operate consistently and effectively. By doing any physical exercise such as walking, skipping, running, and cycling the body will stay healthy and your mind will be more active when you study.

Have a proper diet

Healthy nutrition should be on your list of goals while you study for the GATE examination. Right food and beverages will activate your system and enhance thought and learning strength. During the exam, a lot of vegetables, fruit juice, whole grain, and several lean proteins are to be recommended for the student. Do not drink caffeine during the study because it is too panicky for a long time to keep focused.

Take proper sleep

Enough Sleep: Sleep is extremely necessary for nicer outcomes in the exam. Sleep helps reset your mind and prepares you to think objectively and maintain. Take sleep for 6 or 8 hours daily for the proper functioning of the brain.

Tips for attending coaching classes for the GATE exam

Students may also seek coaching for preparation for the GATE exam. Joining a coaching institute is advantageous as you will be subjected to a daily comprehensive study. Joining a team of rivals will also make us more competitive. Make sure you have a competent institute coaching who will provide you with advanced study material as well. There are some tips to be taken into consideration by students in their coaching classes:


Systematically analysis

You can refer to many other books, the internet, etc if you are not happy with the knowledge given by the coaching class. It will help you define details and come to a new conclusion.

Pick a better environment

Prefer to sit in front of the classroom to be attentive and less distracted. When you are sitting in front of the classroom you feel more focused and attentive, and it helps you to learn a lot.

Speak to your teaching staff

You can contact your teachers if you have concerns or questions about the subject or concepts of the GATE exam. You teach us to come up with a solution to this dilemma.

Stop cramming

To ensure that students do not get wrapped up with the concept, make some research on the subject and then study it. You can thus prevent cramping during the examination. When you begin to tangle up your thoughts and evaluate control, try to stop it.


Verify your notes

Make yourself used to review your notes for 20 to 30 minutes just after coaching class to keep the details far more productive. In this way, during the exam, you can rid yourself of tension.

Do not hesitate

Do not hesitate to ask your teacher as many questions as you want. You may also ask relevant exam questions and plan them well.

Don’t let your mind divert attention

Prevent your mind from getting distracted. A friend’s text messages, calls, etc may divert your focus. If you are in a class, switching off your mobile phone to keep the focus on your class may help you.

Active attendance

Even if you don’t know the answer, try to engage in the class by answering all the questions asked by the teacher. You can discover something useful in this way, and build confidence.


Cracking the GATE exam can be a little easy with proper planning and study with a healthy and fresh mind.

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