Smart study routine tricks for students

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Dear students, leading a routine life is very difficult and boring, right? But have you ever thought of it in another way? In another way I mean to say that have you ever thought that leading a routined life can increase your free time in which you would be able to spend the time without any stress and can do whatever you want? Well yes, you exactly heard it right, leading a routine life can actually help you in time management. Time management in a proper way may help you to live a less stressful life. But today’s article is somewhat different because it’s based on a study routine. The reason I chose to point out study routine is that students mostly suffer from stress-related to their studies and fail to manage the study loads togetherly from school, private tuitions, competitive exams, homework, assignments, practical book maintenance, and a lot more. So today I’ll share some tips to make up a smart study routine that may help you cover up your study loads and stay stress less for the remaining day. So let’s not waste any more time and get started.

smart study

Study only 3 hours on weekdays

You must be thinking that I’m weird, well no. As I’ve already mentioned that you need to do smart study. And remember one thing, the quality study doesn’t depend on time but on the quality itself. So divide those hours with your no of subjects, no matter how little each period becomes.

Let us suppose that you have 6 subjects, so if you divide 3 hours, then you get 30 mins per subject. Now in these 30 mins, all you need to do is to study. Now you need to again divide each of the 30 mins into 3 unequal divisions. In one division you need to keep the studies that were taught in school. In the second division, you need to keep your tuition studies. And the last division should be probably long for self-study. Now you must be thinking that it’s impossible to study everything in so little time. But remember one thing, if you study all subjects every day, especially the ones which are being taught in your respective institutes then it would be much easier for you to cope up with your studies and all complete them accordingly.

routine of study

One hour for homework

So this means that you actually need to study for 4 hours I’m which you will have to give one hour for your homework. Now you need to again divide this group into three. One is for school homework, the second is for tuition homework and the third is for self-tests and other works like solving question papers of the previous year or solving numerical and a lot more practice works.

Now it’s pretty easy to find 5 hours to study, especially when you are at home for the entire day. No matter even if you have online classes to attend.

Weekend studies

No one likes to study on weekends right? But you see, it’s important because you get a lot more time. So if you want to spend 5 hours on studies then at least you can spend 3 hours because you will be free for the rest of 21 hours. So even if you have a party to attend, you still can manage three hours right? So let’s tell the procedure. This time divide the three hours into three divisions and not into subjects. In your first division, include your practical works and assignments, in the second division include numerical, theorems, important diagrams and lot more imp things to study from all subjects which may even come common in the exam (you can also make a note for that) and the next division will be on the revision of the entire week.

routine of study

So you get two days as weekends, so in your revision part, cover up 3 subjects in one day and the rest in the next day.

Now you may think that less time may not help you to memorize or understand subjects clearly. Well, my dear, if you concentrate on your classes and revise them everyday then this is the best way to do smart as well as quality study.

Though it’s true that the same solution doesn’t work for everyone, so if you have some other techniques that may help you lead a stress-free life then please follow that and you definitely don’t need to follow this specific tip. But if you are dealing with a haphazard and stressful life then at least try this way, you may find it helpful at one point in time. And remember one more thing, it may be difficult for the first few days, but in the end, it will give you good results. So I hope this article helps you to make use of your time in a proper manner.

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