Top College Majors to Take to Remain Competitive for future

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The employment industry has become very competitive for younger generations. From April 2020, the unemployment rate surged to 14.70%, an all-time high for the U.S. While the current global health crisis may be partly to blame for this, it can also be attributed to the education and skills of some employees. For those who may still be entering college, remaining competitive in the job market starts from having the right college degree. It helps if you can have a diploma to show your potential employers that you have the educational background they are looking for a job post. Here are the top college majors you should consider taking so you can have a competitive edge:


Medical Technology

As more people become interested in healthcare, one of the best courses that can give you an edge in medical technology. Since it is a job with high demand, the position offers one of the most competitive salaries. When you have a degree in medical technology, it can be easy to secure a job at various hospitals and laboratories across the country. You can expect to earn an average of $50,000 in the Medical Technology feild.

You can also explore electrical engineering for college. While it is not an easy degree to finish, the employment opportunities are plenty. Some of the large construction agencies pay their electrical engineers a good sum, mainly if they are graduates of reputable schools like the American International University, which can give you an edge when you seek employment abroad.

medical technology

Construction Management

The construction industry is booming and will continue to grow even more for the decades to come. As more and more companies start building, with a projected growth of 17% this year, there will be a great need for people who can manage their job sites. As such, they will need people with degrees in construction management.


The healthcare industry is still facing a major shortage of nurses. More nurses will be needed to take care of people in the coming years, particularly now that most people have a longer lifespan. To become a nurse, one should have a bachelor’s degree and pass the boards to get their license. Depending on their school, they can obtain a diploma in three to four years. Its projected employment growth in the next ten years is 7%.

Aeronautics and Aviation Technology

One of today’s high paying industries is aviation, and aerospace engineers with an average annual salary of $116,500 per year are among the well-paid among them. As research and advancement in aviation technology continue to prosper, there is an excellent opportunity for those interested in aircraft to explore aeronautics as their career.

medical technology


The pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is growing at an unprecedented rate. With new illnesses sprouting out of nowhere, pharmacists are increasingly needed, particularly those with an interest in drug research and development.

Doctor of Medicine

Due to the threat of COVID-19, many doctors have lost their lives to the battle, and the healthcare industry is facing a shortage of physicians willing to go to the frontlines. However, to become a doctor, you need to pass a bachelor’s degree before you are accepted into the medical program, where you have to spend four years as a student before interning in your fifth year. It takes years of hard work but all worth it if you can save thousands of lives.

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