Offline Education v/s Online Education: Boon-Bane War

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The time we are all going through right now tells us the importance of online education and especially the internet. But can we deny the fact that the traditional method of education that we have got till now has taken us a long way of development? We all know that the beginning of online education is the need of time for now because of Covid-19, as we cannot stop our complete education system for a long period just because we cannot move out of our homes, or have to maintain social distancing. So, we came up with an alternative to resolve this issue through online classes and online exam, i.e., the online education system.  Here is an article on Offline Educationv/s Online Education Boon- Bane War.

Every person in this world is different and what suits them best for one may not even work for another. Everyone has their issues and methods to deal with them. So, it differs from person to person that what kind of education system i.e., online or offline suits them. Let’s see the grass from both sides. online education boon or bane

online education boon or bane online education boon or bane online education boon or bane 

Basic Difference:

With the advancement of technology, the scope for those who want to learn more has increased with the option of online learning. The scope of gaining knowledge and skills has got wider but it has disadvantages as well online education boon or bane. Similarly, the traditional method of offline learning is although used since time immemorial it too has few cons. 

The major difference between both that we see is the location. For offline classes, you have to travel to an educational institute, like a university, school, or any other place of learning. But on the other hand, for online studying you just have to switch on your device with a stable internet connection and sit where ever comfortable you feel, like your home, local cafe, or your workplace. What matters the most is where you are comfortable studying. 

From the above point, you may feel that it’s better to have online education, but on another point, you may feel vice versa. For online learning, you ought to have a device that supports your classes as well as a good internet connection with high-speed data all the time, if not, then it’s not possible for you to learn from education boon or bane Then in offline education, you just need to go in person and can attend any class face to face. 

Another difference is the flexibility of time. While in offline learning we generally have office hours, i.e., between 9 to 5. But in online work, you have more flexibility of time as mostly you can study at home at the time that suits you the best. You just have to attend meetings on the fixed time otherwise, while you do self-study like reading online material or watching educational videos, you don’t have to sit in the school chair for hours, you can just sit comfortably on your couch or your favourite study place and can learn on your desired time. 

Pros and Cons:

In the traditionally followed education system, as there is student-teacher interaction, the teacher or the trainer can observe the students better and keep a watch on them. As human nature, most people tend to work better when someone is keeping a strict eye on us, otherwise, most of us get lazy and are not able to pay attention to what’s going on in the class. Also, there is discipline maintained by the teacher as they can check that students are not chit-chatting amongst themselves online education boon or bane. While in online classes it’s not possible for a teacher to restrict students from not getting distracted and there are a lot of options available to get distracted like online games, social media, TV, and sometimes the family to gets distracting. So, in that case, the student needs to have a self-disciple, which is not always possible.

online education boon or bane online education boon or bane online education boon or bane 

Now when it comes to affordability and expenses, online education is cheaper. As in offline education, you need to spend on many things like course fees, travelling, accommodation (if the centre is far away), books, and other activities. While in online education you only need to pay for the course and have to look after the maintenance of the device and pay the internet bills online education boon or bane. 

Social interaction is very important for an individual for his/her interpersonalskills development. Qualities like leadership, team spirit, patience, helping, sharing, debating, etc, come when you interact with different people. Sitting with classmates, having fruitful and healthy discussions or debates increases a person’s ability of reasoning and aptitude. While in online classes students sit behind the screen lacking social interaction. 

In offline classes we generally see students clinging to the teacher for everything, which increases the dependency on the teacher of the students for understanding every concept. Teachers sometimes even spoon-feed the students by providing the answer for every question and children become habitual to this and not apply their brains where needed. 

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