Best Coursera Machine Learning Courses

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For simplifying your research, we gathered in one place the best Coursera Machine Learning, Tutorial, Training, and Certification program available online. Among them, you will find diverse kinds of courses suitable for your needs. It might be a free or a paid course. Their main purpose is to provide a sure basis of knowledge in Machine learning, by providing online courses on Coursera. They are really easy to access, available for all categories of students and professionals from any place in the Globe. Here are all about the best coursera machine learning courses.

Machine learning is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) that involves developing algorithms and statistical models that enable computer systems to learn from and make predictions or decisions based on data. In machine learning, the computer is trained using a large set of labeled or unlabeled data, and algorithms are used to identify patterns and relationships in the data. The computer can then use these patterns and relationships to make predictions or decisions about new data it has not seen before.

Best Coursera Machine Learning Course By Andrew Ng

Best Coursera Machine Learning Course By Andrew Ng

The Machine Learning course offered by Stanford University on Coursera is estimated as the best one. It will initiate you to the most adequate techniques of machine learning and the application of those technics face to a new problem. The course goes through a broad definition, introduction to machine learning, data mining and statistical pattern recognition. Andrew NG, himself will train you. Founder and CEO of Landing AI: a tech company based on artificial intelligence and machine learning. With his expertise, you will get to know about every aspect of ML without forgetting the practical assessment. In addition to that, some topics such as; supervised learning, unsupervised learning, and best practices in machine learning will be covered.

Best Coursera Machine Learning Artificial Intelligence Course

You need not miss a career boom in AI and be scared to gain knowledge in it because you do not have advance knowledge of computers or do not belong to the software industry.  Not working in the sector of computer science should not limit you to learn about Artificial Intelligence. This course is for beginners into AI and will help all individuals learn artificial intelligence for their organization. In this course, the basic concepts of artificial intelligence will be introduced to you for a better understanding. The meaning of common AI terminology, with neural networks, deep learning, and machine learning will be taught. The instructor, Andrew Nag, is a professional in the AI field and runs his organization named Landing AI.

Data Engineering On Google Cloud Platform

A specialization offered by google cloud, for those who are interested in learning Data Engineering, Big Data, and Machine Learning on GCP. During five-weeks of course, designing and building data processing systems on the Google Cloud platform will be introduced to you. The thing which makes it different from other online courses; this one is the combination of presentations, hands-on labs, and demo videos. That combination helps individuals to learn about design data processing systems, build end-to-end data pipelines and analyze data, with all the essential data topics, such as structured, unstructured, and streaming data. A certificate from google will be given to you on the completion of the specialization course.

Best Coursera Machine Learning Python Course

Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning are impacting various sectors now. Python is a programming language, which has to be mastered for understanding and developing those new concepts The University of Michigan is offering a Python specialization program. From which you could learn the important basics of python, essential for building a career. The principals of programming, such as data structures, networked application program interfaces, and databases will be delivered to you. A capstone project is included as well, from which they will teach how to use technologies for designing and building your applications; for data retrieval, processing, and visualization. Besides, you will be certified from Coursera after the completion of your course.

Applied Data Science With Python By University Of Michigan

Willing to learn data science as well as Python? The University of Michigan is contributing to a specialization program of applied data science including Python. All along with the program, diverse notions of data science with Python programming will be taught. By using the popular python toolkits like matplotlib, pandas, they will tutor you in learning: The statistical application, machine learning, information visualization, and social network analysis techniques.  By the completion of that specialization, you will be awarded a certificate of completion from Coursera.

Mathematics For Machine Learning By Imperial College London

For clearing your basics in mathematics when getting at a higher level in notions of Machine learning, this program proposed by Imperial College of London will help to achieve that. This program will clear your basics knowledge of mathematics, which will be primordial to go through machine learning and data science. Compose by three different courses, designed to gain knowledge of the different subjects of mathematics for ML. That specialization program had been confectioned by the most efficient teacher, working at Imperial College in London. They are well trained and aware of the various mathematics concept applied in machine learning and data sciences.

Best Coursera Machine Learning Data Science Course By IBM

Enterprise by IBM, that professional certification program in Data Science is designed to help individuals to develop skills and experience, to make a career in data science or Machine Learning. It contains 9 different courses, which are: the latest technologies and techniques of data science with a wide variety of topics, including open source tools, Python, SQL, Data Analysis, Methodologies, Data visualization, and machine learning. The advantage is that you will be awarded a professional certificate from IBM. That notoriety will enhance your possibility of getting a job.

Deep Learning Course By Andrew Ng

Deep Learning Course By Andrew Ng

It is one of the best deep learning specialization programs available online. Initiated by in the field of AI specialized in Data Science. It consists of five different courses that will help you understand the foundation of deep learning, building neural networks, and leading successful machine learning projects. With the collaboration of the top instructors and industry professionals who are teaching at Stanford University. A certificate from will be ceded once the course will be complete. They are ensuring that each student enrolling in that course gets accurate in the knowledge of the deep learning concept.

Here was a brief description of the Best Coursera Machine Learning courses which can turn out to be really effective when learned with the true and required dedication. you can also go for other courses like Best Machine Learning Certification CoursesBest Big Data Certification & Courses, etc. Happy learning.!

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