Six Steps to Choose Career After 12th

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Six Steps to Choose Career After 12th standard student today has the same worry that their exams have been postponed and they do not know how to make an appropriate career choice with relevant monetary benefits. We may not be able to help the situation due to the pandemic, but we can definitely make our own career paths. Here’s are  six steps to choose career after 12th.

Let’s begin by introducing you all to a six-step DIF PSP approach. To follow this approach, you can be from any stream; be it science, commerce or humanities. This is to help us avoid those common mistakes which seem insignificant at the time. There are so many fields of study at the present, but I urge you to follow through on the one that suits you best.


Primary motto while making such a crucial decision should be:

  1. Not to let others impose their choices on you.
  2. Try to calm yourself down, before you look at prospective options.
  3. Meditate or try yoga to gain focus.

Moving on to steps to choose your career. We have enlisted below 6 main steps:

What are psychometric tests?

These are the tests that measure the skills and talents of a student. Psychometric tests include aptitude questions, ability-based questions, reasoning questions, scenario-based questions, and profile-based questions. So, this is the way to measure the non-measurable. One can also find out that a child has creative skills or not by keen observation and their thinking ability. A psychometric test always gives you an unbiased result. However, its precision and accuracy are dependent on the principle on which the tests are framed. To get an accurate result by psychometric tests, there are three criteria’s- standardization, reliability and clarity.

Don’t follow your siblings

Asking someone’s opinion and getting their perspective is not wrong, but blindly following them may be where we lose. Every person’s capabilities, weaknesses and strengths vary. Don’t let others make your career choice for you. Choose a profession you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.

Interest-based Career

This does not mean we choose our leisure preferences like watching television as our career option. However, it means you note down five career options for yourself, which seem appealing to you and have monetary benefits. Choose only those options that you will enjoy because you will be so passionate about your job, it will be impossible for you not to succeed. Don’t force yourself into something that causes displeasure to you. Your career will be a big part of your life, please don’t choose one because society claims it to be a perfect fit for you. Choose the one that fits you best.

Future perspective

When you choose a particular field, I urge you to do your due diligence, crunch those numbers; surf up the net. There is no template method to choosing a career path without the proper information. Half knowledge is a dangerous thing. Make sure your chosen path is not an obsolete one, like data entry, just because it seems easy; with the development of relevant software such a career does not exist anymore.

Practical check

After choosing a career option, we cannot possibly just jump into the playing field without knowing the scope of winning. Reach out to people who are already in the profession, ask about experience employment opportunities in the chosen career, what is job security like. Raise questions, your future depends on it. If the answers are not to your liking, don’t worry… Remember we made a list of five career paths? We simply move on to the next.


Please remember not to choose your career based on salary alone. However, knowing the industrial standards of the pay scale is always helpful. Salary is directly proportional to your hard work. Your hustle will help you move forward in life, your salary and pay will just follow.

Part-time job

Lastly, after graduating high school, get yourself a part-time job. This not only adds to your experience, but it also helps you learn work ethics in the real world; you become independent and handle your own daily expenses; not to mention, it adds to your CV/ Resumé. With the experience from these jobs, you know your likes and dislikes. This is where you ask your siblings for help and learn about their lifestyles and jobs. You realize the market’s potential through these practices.

Today, there is this misconception that the more degrees you have the more pay you are entitled to. Etch it in your memories that in the future, degrees won’t matter but experiences will. Developing communication and language skills is always an added benefit in any career path. Nothing comes easy, but it becomes easy when you love what you do.

Professional Skill Index Test

The Professional Skill Index (PSI) test is a type of assessment used to measure an individual’s job-related skills and abilities. The test is designed to evaluate specific competencies required for a particular profession, such as communication, problem-solving, leadership, and technical skills. The PSI test is often used by employers to identify the strengths and weaknesses of potential job candidates and to determine how well they fit the requirements of a particular job. It can also be used as a tool for personal and professional development by helping individuals identify areas where they need to improve their skills and knowledge. Overall, the PSI test is an effective way to evaluate an individual’s job-related competencies and ensure that they have the necessary skills to succeed in their chosen career path. Visit the now

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