Top 9 FAQ’s About Stream Selector Assessment

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When taking any type of psychometric test or exam, it is important to take your time and carefully read the instructions and questions before starting. Rushing through the questions can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes that can negatively impact your performance. Additionally, it is important to carefully check the tools you are permitted to use during the test. Different tests may have different rules regarding the use of calculators, dictionaries, or other aids, and it is important to know what resources are available to you. Using prohibited tools or resources can result in penalties or disqualification. Here’s are top 9 FAQ’s about stream selector assessment.

A psychometric test is a standardized assessment that measures an individual’s cognitive abilities, personality traits, emotional intelligence, and other personal characteristics. These tests are designed to provide objective and quantifiable information about an individual that can be used for various purposes, such as career development, talent management, and educational planning.

A psychometric profile is a report that provides information about an individual’s cognitive abilities, personality traits, emotional intelligence, and other personal characteristics. This information is usually obtained through a variety of assessments such as aptitude tests, personality tests, and behavioral assessments. Psychometric profiles are used for a range of purposes, including career development, talent management, and educational planning. They can provide insights into an individual’s strengths and weaknesses and help inform decisions about their education, training, and employment.

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Stream Selector Test

STREAM SELECTOR™ Test is the scientific way to know your right stream after 10th class. Discover your potential with interest and aptitude! Your choice of streams post your 10th class would greatly determine how your career pan out. Many of the students realize later in life that they have made a blunder of choice and are stuck with the options available or redo everything from the very start. So this decision becomes the most important decision of your life. At CareerGuide we have come up with a Psychometric test specifically designed and scientifically proven to provide you answers to the question – “What to do after 10th?” This career test assesses your aptitude and personality to determine the most suitable stream for you after your class 10. The test is meticulously designed by a panel of psychologists, academic counsellors and experienced psychiatrists to help you in your first important decisions. 

In this blog, we will discuss about the frequently asked questions by students about Stream Selector Test Assessment. 

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I have already selected a stream. Should I still take the stream selector test?

Some people are naturally gifted with a strong character that helps them know exactly what stream they want after 10th. Some students also choose their stream because of peer pressure or what their friends want to do. They end up opting for the same stream as their friends. This is unhealthy for their future.

However, If you have already chosen what stream you want and is best in your interest, it is highly recommended that you take Stream Selector Assessment to further get an affirmative opinion. The stream selector test allows you to measure your aptitude and interest by carefully examining all the streams. It then analyses the test results according to the answers you give. After which, your results are formed depending upon what you scored best in. These answers determine what stream suits you the best according to your aptitude and interest.

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How many questions are there in the stream selector test? What types of questions are there?

The Psychometric Test Stream Selector consists of 76 objective questions out of which 36 questions measure interest and 40 questions measure aptitude in various streams. The four streams are Commerce, Humanities, Math’s & Biology.

  • 10 questions measuring acuteness, required for commerce and biology
  • 10 questions measuring numerical aptitude, required for math’s and commerce
  • 5 questions measuring critical dissection, required for humanities
  • 5 questions measuring critical dissection, required for biology
  • 5 questions measuring verbal aptitude, required for humanities
  • 5 questions measuring spatial aptitude, required for math’s

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Do I have to finish the stream selector test in one go?

Once you have started giving the test and have to leave it due to an emergency or any other prior work, you can come back and take the test again. Once you have logged in and have started the test, your answers are saved. Even if you log out and decide to come back and take the test, you do not have to start from scratch. The test is saved automatically. You can come back and resume the test. The website automatically reminds you to resume your test as you log back in.

However, it is recommended that you take the test in one go since; you build momentum the moment you start giving the test and you are determined in doing so. After you take a break, that very momentum gets lost. Moreover, you might even try to overthink how and what you want to answer when you resume your test. This usually ends up making the answers not true to who you are.

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Do I have to prepare beforehand to take this test?

No there is no need for you to prepare beforehand to take this test. The test does not include any specific mathematical or scientific questions that require you to have prior knowledge about them. The test is simply a series of questions that have multiple choices. None of the answers is right or wrong. They are simply choices that you make and are the most suitable and appropriate according to your interest and aptitude. They measure your interest and aptitude and then rank the four streams for you, based on what you answered.

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Should parents be present when their children are taking the stream selector test?

It is advised that the parents should not be present with their children when they are about to take the stream selector test. This is so because parents might end up adding additional pressure on the child. This can most likely end up disturbing or altering his or her test results and choices. Every answer the child gives will be doubtful for him or her because of the superior presence that is constantly beside them. What is worst is if the parent is reactive or interruptive to every answer the child tries to give.

This test is designed solely for the child who is taking it. However, if parents do want to sit with their child, which they ideally should not, it is recommended that they sit away from the computer as well as the child. This will make sure that the child is not afraid of the parent looking and judging their answers constantly. Not only will it otherwise, slow him down but it will also alter his answers to something that his or her parents expect rather than what he or she wants. The parents can guide them until the test starts if they want to.

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What scientific norms does the stream selector test follow?

This Stream Selector personality test sorts your inclination and enthusiasm into four fragments. The total numbers of questions were kept at 76 and 40 questions assigned to the Aptitude part keeping in mind that generally available Aptitude tests give a time limit of 1 minute per question and assessing 5 types of Aptitude would take a reasonably fair 40 minutes for the same. The interesting part was assigned 36 questions keeping in mind that the generally available interest tests are completed within 15 to 20 minutes giving approximately 1⁄2 minute for each question. 

Thus the total time taken would be 40 + 18 = 58 Minutes. Within an hour’s time stream Selector test is completed and auto ready for the report. A set of test questions was first administered to a small group of people deemed to be representative of the population for which the final test is intended. The trial run was planned to provide a check on instructions for administering and taking the test and for intended time allowances, and it can also reveal ambiguities in the test content.

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Why is taking this test so important for all 10th standard students?

To have a successful career, it is important to make the right stream choice. Sometimes, it may depend upon what you choose after the 12th, sometimes it may depend upon what stream you pick right after the 10th standard. Most of the students do not know where their interest lie. Some students have said that they have opted for the stream because they thought that this stream was right for them or it was their parent’s decision. But they were clueless on the fact as to how they came up with this idea that the stream they have chosen for themselves is right for them.

The stream and choice of subject lay a foundation for a student’s career. Once the decision has been made, it is difficult to reverse. This is precisely, why it is important to take the stream selector test. Not just some, but by all 10th standard students. Most of the students do not even know what those streams are. For them, commerce is an alien subject that they have suddenly been introduced to. Till class 10th, they used to study the subjects altogether. Now, the scope is being widened so the students need to know what they are getting into. Therefore, they need to be tested and they need to evaluate themselves based on that. There is no “good” or “bad” stream after the 10th. All subjects offer different career options therefore, choosing wisely is very important. The test tries to understand the unique talent pattern that a child has.

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How do I know if the test is accurate and will select the right stream for me?

Various experts were interviewed as the test was being made. They were all asked as to what exactly should the test comprise and what are the important factors that one needs to consider while choosing the right stream for oneself. The two highly important factors that came out of the consultation were aptitude and interest. Everyone agreed to the fact that aptitude and interest are the most essential.

Whereas, interest uses the famous Holland’s code for accurate results. The occupational themes under this stand for Realistic (the doers), Investigative (the thinkers), Artistic (the creators), social (the helpers), enterprising (the persuaders) and conventional (the organizers). This is called the RIASEC theme. Therefore, the test uses accurate measuring parameters that depend on the answers you give. According to the answers that you give after taking this test, your results and stream are selected accordingly.

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Will I be able to select my stream after this test?

Many times, students tend to get confused when it comes to choosing a specialized course after class 10. The stream selector plays a very important role in selecting a person’s stream since it acts as a filter. This is so because at times student’s process of selecting a stream is not purely based on their interests. Either their peers or their family pressurizes them.

This test is a filtering process. However, sometimes a student at this age is not mature enough to make a major life decision hence, the test helps them in doing so. The test gives the student an idea about what they might be good at. Most of the students approach the wrong method of selecting a stream they do not know how to approach and whom to approach. Therefore, the test helps in resolving the conflict between the mind and the others who pressurize a student into taking something they might not be good at.

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Engineering Branch Selector

An Engineering Branch Selector Test is a tool used to help students or individuals determine which branch of engineering they may be best suited for based on their interests, skills, and aptitudes. This type of test typically consists of a series of questions or assessments that assess an individual’s strengths, preferences, and potential for success in various engineering disciplines, such as mechanical, electrical, computer, or civil engineering. The results of the test can then be used to guide the individual in choosing a career path and selecting a relevant course of study. However, it’s important to note that the results of such tests should be used as a general guide and not

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